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申请读研究生的奖学金 可以在杂志上发表论文就可以申请!找个老师发表一篇论文 指导老师写上他的名字 ok

204 评论



108 评论


推荐信______同学,系______大学、______学院,______专业,2007级全日制博士研究生,______,_______。通过近两年的理论学习,并结合现场工程实践,积累了较多岩土工程的经验。《预应力______法》 一文,是该同学经过2个月现场观测,结合以前结构设计经验,提出了岩土工程___法。通过工程实践证明,该______设计方法能一定程度的解决自然条件下岩土工程的不确知性、多样性与“一次性设计”之间的矛盾,实用性强,理论可靠,效果良好。建议贵编辑部择优予以发表。推荐导师:职称:教授、博士生导师单位:______大学院系:______学院研究领域:岩石与结构工程力学理论及工程应用方面的研究 日期:______

166 评论


因为不认识你,只能按想象的往好里写你。你可能比我写的还优秀。自己改改吧。祝你成功!To whom it may concern,I strongly support Miss Yu Cheng to apply for place in your school to carry out her PhD study.Yu has been a master student under my supervision since 2009 and undertaken her study on ABC since then. She is one of most talented students in our school. Her academic report based on the examination results of all her subjects has been excellent, which has ranked top 5% among all postgraduate students of her year.She has a very quick mind and a great learning capacity. She has a remarkable ability to carry out her project independently. She always works hard and her work is always productive. During her three years study she has published 2 journal papers, one in Chinese and one in English. She also presented her work at the 30st International conference on ABC in Berlin (2011). Based on what she has achieved with us and her ability, I am confident to recommend her to carry on her study under your supervision. I hope her application will be successful and a place can be offered to her.For any inquiries about Yu's academic backgroud, please don't be hesitated to contact me.Professor Tang

125 评论


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