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你好,Proceedings of SPIE大致如下: SPIE 一个学术组织~他们有一系列的 期刊及会议~~出版在 Proceedings of SPIE 的都是会议论文SPIE的会议论文集一般都是EI检索,不过你还是要自己确认一下。 简介如下:ProceedingsThe latest innovations in research and technology are captured in Proceedings of SPIE. These original research papers presented at SPIE conferences are among the most cited references in patent literature and are available two to four weeks after each event.JournalsSPIE Journals publish peer-reviewed articles on applied research in optics and photonics. Covering topics such as optical engineering, electronic imaging, biomedical optics, microlithography, remote sensing, and nanophotonics, SPIE Journals are available by subscription. SPIE also publishes open-access articles on important emerging technology areas in SPIE Letters and SPIE Reviews.BooksSPIE eBooks bring valuable SPIE Press titles - monographs and reference works, field guides, and tutorial texts - to researchers' desktops. At least 15 new titles and editions are added to the collection each year.SubscribeThe SPIE Digital Library is available by annual subscription. Personal subscriptions are a significant savings over single-paper purchases and SPIE Members save even more. Libraries can license the complete SPIE Digital Library and eBook collection.

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可以检索了Accession number: 12469848 Title: Comprehensive multi-wavelength laser simulated-testing techniques and application Authors: Zhibin Chen1; Mingxi Xue1; Yuxiang Liu1; Baohua Liu1 Author affiliation: 1 Inst. of Ordnance Technol., Shijiazhuang, China Source title: Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Abbreviated source title: Proc. SPIE - Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA) Volume: 8201 Publication date: 2011 Pages: 82010F (9 pp.) Language: English ISSN: 0277-786X CODEN: PSISDG Document type: Conference article (CA) Conference name: 2011 International Conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optoelectronic Measurement Technology and Systems Conference date: 6-9 Nov. 2011 Conference location: Beijing, China Publisher: SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Country of publication: USA Material Identity Number: AY54-2011-338 Abstract: Receiving system for the laser equipment performance testing, although the use of laser simulation testing equipment can overcome the high cost of traditional methods equipment, strict environmental requirements on the venue and other issues. But in the practical application of various laser devices under test, wavelength and frequency are varies. So that laser simulation testing equipment requires a higher degree of comprehensive and intelligence. Therefore, we propose a new comprehensive multi-wavelength laser simulated-testing technology, and study the design and application of comprehensive laser simulated-testing instrument in the test of receiving system of laser equipment. Our design process in these devices there are two technical bottlenecks for us and we propose efficient solutions:(1)Complex structure of the optical system, the volume mass is too large; (2)Different wavelength laser firing unit with low degree of integration and the high cost of processing. The instrument has the advantage, the ability to easily and real-time test different wavelengths and frequency of laser devices to receiving system with a high degree of device comprehensive and low cost. Number of references: 2 Inspec controlled terms: integrated optics - laser beam applications - optical design techniques - optical elements - optical testing Uncontrolled terms: multiwavelength laser simulated-testing technology - laser equipment performance testing - laser devices - laser equipment design - optical system - volume mass - laser firing unit - real-time testing Inspec classification codes: A4262 Laser applications - A4285F Optical testing techniques - A4215E Optical system design - A4282 Integrated optics - A4280 Optical elements, devices and systems - B4360 Laser applications - B4140 Integrated optics Treatment: Theoretical or Mathematical (THR); Experimental (EXP) Discipline: Physics (A) DOI: 10.1117/12.904895 Database: Inspec Copyright 2012, The Institution of Engineering and Technology

89 评论


Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy using a streak camera MULTIPHOTON MICROSCOPY IN THE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES XIV丛书: Proceedings of SPIE卷: 8948文献号: 89482LDOI: 10.1117/12.2039056出版年: 2014 EI暂时为检索到,谢谢。

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