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Accession number: 20110313595307Title: Analysis of the structure style selection for ocean engineering floating structureAuthors: Liu, Wenbai1 ; Xi, Shilei1, 2 ; Cheng, Hesen1, 3 ; Gu, Yuxi1, 4Author affiliation: 1 College of Ocean Environment and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China2 CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai, 200122, China3 CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., Dalian, 116001, China4 Hebei Port Group Co. Ltd., Shijiazhuang, 050019, ChinaCorresponding author: Liu, W. ()Source title: Advanced Materials ResearchAbbreviated source title: Adv. Mater. : 163-167Monograph title: Advances in StructuresIssue date: 2011Publication year: 2011Pages: 501-506Language: EnglishISSN: 10226680ISBN-13: 9780878492060Document type: Conference article (CA)Conference name: 2011 International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, ICSBM 2011Conference date: January 7, 2011 - January 9, 2011Conference location: Guangzhou, ChinaConference code: 83464Publisher: Trans Tech Publications, . Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

Ei 和SCI是两个不同的数据库,检索收录号肯定不一样。前者主要收录工程技术领域的期刊论文和会议论文,后者则注重收录理科和生物、医学类的期刊论文。

EI能够检索到Accession number: 203Title: Action recognition based on motion representing and reconstructed phase spaces matching of 3D joint positions Authors: Zhao, Yan Tao1 ; Zhang, Bo1 ; Zhang, Xu Guang1; Li, Xiao Li1; Fu, Mei Ling1; Feng, Si Yuan1 Author affiliation: 1 Institute of Electrical Engineering of YanShan University, Qinhuangdao, 066004, China Source title: Applied Mechanics and Materials Abbreviated source title: Appl. Mech. Mater. Volume: 333-335 Monograph title: Measurement Technology and Engineering Researches in Industry Issue date: 2013 Publication year: 2013 Pages: 675-679 Language: English ISSN: 16609336 E-ISSN: 16627482 ISBN-13: 9783037857502 Document type: Conference article (CA) Conference name: 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation, ICMIA 2013 Conference date: April 23, 2013 - April 24, 2013 Conference location: Guilin, China Conference code: 99005 Sponsor: Korea Maritime University; Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre; Inha University Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Kreuzstrasse 10, Zurich-Durnten, CH-8635, Switzerland Abstract: This paper presents an efficient and novel framework for human action recognition based on representing the motion of human body-joints and the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems. Our work is motivated by the pictorial structures model and advances in human pose estimation. Intuitively, a collective understanding of human joints movements can lead to a better representation and understanding of any human action through quantization in the polar space. We use time-delay embedding on the time series resulting of the evolution of human body-joints variables along time to reconstruct phase portraits. Moreover, we train SVM models for action recognition by comparing the distances between trajectories of human body-joints variables within the reconstructed phase portraits. The proposed framework is evaluated on MSR-Action3D dataset and results compared against several state-of-the-art methods. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Number of references: 14 Main heading: Motion estimation Controlled terms: Gesture recognition - Image recognition - Nonlinear dynamical systems - Phase space methods - Time delay Uncontrolled terms: Human pose estimations - Human-action recognition - Motion representation - Pictorial structures - Reconstructed phase space - State-of-the-art methods - SVM model - Time delay embedding Classification code: 713 Electronic Circuits - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - Information Theory and Signal Processing - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 921 Mathematics DOI: Database: Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, © 2013 Elsevier Inc.



Accession number: 20110313595307Title: Analysis of the structure style selection for ocean engineering floating structureAuthors: Liu, Wenbai1 ; Xi, Shilei1, 2 ; Cheng, Hesen1, 3 ; Gu, Yuxi1, 4Author affiliation: 1 College of Ocean Environment and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China2 CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai, 200122, China3 CCCC First Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd., Dalian, 116001, China4 Hebei Port Group Co. Ltd., Shijiazhuang, 050019, ChinaCorresponding author: Liu, W. ()Source title: Advanced Materials ResearchAbbreviated source title: Adv. Mater. : 163-167Monograph title: Advances in StructuresIssue date: 2011Publication year: 2011Pages: 501-506Language: EnglishISSN: 10226680ISBN-13: 9780878492060Document type: Conference article (CA)Conference name: 2011 International Conference on Structures and Building Materials, ICSBM 2011Conference date: January 7, 2011 - January 9, 2011Conference location: Guangzhou, ChinaConference code: 83464Publisher: Trans Tech Publications, . Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany

EI能够检索到Accession number: 203Title: Action recognition based on motion representing and reconstructed phase spaces matching of 3D joint positions Authors: Zhao, Yan Tao1 ; Zhang, Bo1 ; Zhang, Xu Guang1; Li, Xiao Li1; Fu, Mei Ling1; Feng, Si Yuan1 Author affiliation: 1 Institute of Electrical Engineering of YanShan University, Qinhuangdao, 066004, China Source title: Applied Mechanics and Materials Abbreviated source title: Appl. Mech. Mater. Volume: 333-335 Monograph title: Measurement Technology and Engineering Researches in Industry Issue date: 2013 Publication year: 2013 Pages: 675-679 Language: English ISSN: 16609336 E-ISSN: 16627482 ISBN-13: 9783037857502 Document type: Conference article (CA) Conference name: 2013 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation, ICMIA 2013 Conference date: April 23, 2013 - April 24, 2013 Conference location: Guilin, China Conference code: 99005 Sponsor: Korea Maritime University; Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre; Inha University Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Kreuzstrasse 10, Zurich-Durnten, CH-8635, Switzerland Abstract: This paper presents an efficient and novel framework for human action recognition based on representing the motion of human body-joints and the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems. Our work is motivated by the pictorial structures model and advances in human pose estimation. Intuitively, a collective understanding of human joints movements can lead to a better representation and understanding of any human action through quantization in the polar space. We use time-delay embedding on the time series resulting of the evolution of human body-joints variables along time to reconstruct phase portraits. Moreover, we train SVM models for action recognition by comparing the distances between trajectories of human body-joints variables within the reconstructed phase portraits. The proposed framework is evaluated on MSR-Action3D dataset and results compared against several state-of-the-art methods. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. Number of references: 14 Main heading: Motion estimation Controlled terms: Gesture recognition - Image recognition - Nonlinear dynamical systems - Phase space methods - Time delay Uncontrolled terms: Human pose estimations - Human-action recognition - Motion representation - Pictorial structures - Reconstructed phase space - State-of-the-art methods - SVM model - Time delay embedding Classification code: 713 Electronic Circuits - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television - Information Theory and Signal Processing - 731 Automatic Control Principles and Applications - 921 Mathematics DOI: Database: Compendex Compilation and indexing terms, © 2013 Elsevier Inc.



Accession number: 20143218025322

Research of silicon-based micro direct methanol fuel cell

Cao, Shan Shan (Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China) Source: Advanced Materials Research, v 981, p 842-845, 2014, Electronic Engineering and Information Science

Database: Compendex















要看是IEEE的还是IEEE旗下的CS CPS,这两者是不同的,一般来说不管事哪种,基本上进EI是有保障的,检索时间一般是开会后3-5个月检索,当然有时运气好可以做到开会后1个月就检索,现在从2015EI检索目录来看,TTP旗下的AMM和AMR已经被T出EI了,所以现在与会议合作的权威出版社,基本上就只有IEEE、WIT、CRC和ATLANTIS四个了。




期刊论文和会议论文是不同的文献类型. 正式出版的期刊都有国际标准期刊号. 会议论文,要看会议主办单位,有一些学术会议,在会前出论文集,会后不再出版论文集;有一些学术会议,在会后正式出版论文集,具有出版社和ISBN号.会议论文不是期刊,肯定没有期刊号.






EI《工程索引》是由美国工程师学会联合会于1884 年创办的历史上最悠久的一部大型综合性检索工具。EI在全球的学术界、工程界、信息界中享有盛誉 ,是科技界共同认可的重要检索工具。

《工程索引》 The Engineering Index 是供查阅工程技术领域文献的综合性情报检索刊物。由美国工程信息公司编辑出版。每年摘录世界工程技术期刊约3000种,还有会议文献、图书、技术报告和学位论文等,报道文摘约15万条,内容包括全部工程学科和工程活动领域的研究成果。



·EI会议检索CA(Conference article)

·EI期刊检索JA(Journal article)

EI期刊是公开发行的,有正规的国际期刊编号,即ISSN号,而EI会议主要就是会议论文,收录在会议论文集里以书的形式呈现,会有出版社和ISBN号。(ISSN号即标准国际刊号,是标准国际连续出版物号(International Standard Serial Number)的简称。ISBN编号是国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number)的简称,是专门为识别图书等文献而设计的国际编号。)












要看是IEEE的还是IEEE旗下的CS CPS,这两者是不同的,一般来说不管事哪种,基本上进EI是有保障的,检索时间一般是开会后3-5个月检索,当然有时运气好可以做到开会后1个月就检索,现在从2015EI检索目录来看,





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