Public health problem is a significant social problems, in relation to the crowd overall health and quality of life of the party and government, is an important part of the job functions. Public health emergencies directly related to public health, economic development and social stability, and increasingly become the hot issues of social universal attention. Therefore, further investigation public health emergencies cause and control countermeasures has important realistic paper mainly discusses the emergent public health event in order to deal with the basic situation, from now on policy decisions, financial analysis, and combines the present existing problems and to foreign emergency system, it summarizes and analyzes the reference in order to deal with the system defect, the article puts forward Suggestions to solve the problem, along with the social development of the industrialization of negative effect, make public health emergencies rise ceaselessly, the frequency also changed its category by modern civilization but also in facing the challenges of health hazard factors, the state department needs to be more closely to the public health emergency response system for the construction of people's livelihood, health, economic development and social stability and make further efforts.
Public health problem is a significant social problems, in relation to the crowd overall health and quality of life of the party and government, is an important part of the job functions. Public health emergencies directly related to public health, economic development and social stability, and increasingly become the hot issues of social universal attention. Therefore, further investigation public health emergencies cause and control countermeasures has important realistic significance. This paper mainly discusses the emergent public health event in order to deal with the basic situation, from now on policy decisions, financial analysis, and combines the present existing problems and to foreign emergency system, it summarizes and analyzes the reference in order to deal with the system defect, the article puts forward Suggestions to solve the problem, along with the social development of the industrialization of negative effect, make public health emergencies rise ceaselessly, the frequency also changed its category by modern civilization but also in facing the challenges of health hazard factors, the state department needs to be more closely to the public health emergency response system for the construction of people's livelihood, health, economic development and social stability and make further efforts. Public health emergencies Emergency system Social problems
Shaanxi Province is located in China's western region, but in recent years the country's western development aid policy support and its own resources, environmental advantages, through increasing economic structural adjustment efforts to promote producer services has been some development. However, compared with the developed areas in Shaanxi development of producer services is still relatively backward state, the equipment manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of Shaanxi Province in the west and the country occupies a very important position, research shows that producer services in Shaanxi Province and without the simultaneous development and manufacturing, producer services behind the level of development has been seriously hampered the development of manufacturing and upgrades. Inefficient manufacturing sector in Shaanxi Province is the reason for the development of producer services and manufacturing industry is not able to match the development of the manufacturing sector is not able to provide adequate services. Shaanxi Province in recent years, using panel data, combined with the impact of manufacturing efficiencies and other economic variables, the use of econometric models of producer services on manufacturing test efficiency. The results show that: the development of producer services not directly stimulate the manufacturing efficiency to enhance the level, but the effect achieved by adjusting the improved efficiency in manufacturing, scientific research and comprehensive technical services, transportation, storage and communications sector two sectors were on the level of economic development and technological innovation capability and manufacturing efficiency has a significant relationship between the regulation effect due to Shaanxi Province or traditional producer services, so the relationship between human capital and manufacturing efficiency and finance and insurance is right manufacturing efficiency regulation effect was not significant. Finally, to further enhance the productive service industry in Shaanxi Province to enhance manufacturing productivity positive role in promoting policy recommendations. Keywords: producer services; manufacturing productivity; equipment manufacturing
2、总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法分为揭示课题的实质式:“经济中心论”; 提问式:“商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?”。
3、交代内容范围式:“战后西方贸易自由化剖析”;判断句式:科技进步与农业经济。形象化语句式:“科技史上的曙光” 等标题。
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