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How to improve your English in full detail (my experience) The Third EditionTo be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important step is the "pronunciation". To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and practise. This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more difficult. If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words and useful expressions. Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, etc.... and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, etc.......... It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so that you remember them well. Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary school.


关于英语语言学的论文,论文题目和主要内容已列出,供参考。链接附后1.题目:语言学英文版论文。主要内容:该论文主要讲词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。英国著名语言学家. Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。.题目:.英语专业毕业论文(语言学)——谈判英语文化差异。主要内容:该论文主要讲国际商务谈判中文化差异的影响,就是汉语习惯思维和西方语言文化之间表达的准确性对商务谈判带来的影响。.题目:外国语言学及应用语言学硕士论文:商务英语信函的词汇特点研究,主要内容:商务英语信函词汇的选择和应用多呈现如下7种特点:1)简单词汇的选择。2)具体词汇多于笼统词汇。3)褒义词多于贬义词。4)缩写词的选择。5)确切词汇多于模糊词汇。6)礼貌、客气的词汇多于不礼貌的词汇。7)商业术语的选择。产生的原因多取决于商务活动的和商业伙伴的合作关系。商务活动的双方均为达至双赢的进行合作。这是本文所分析的词汇特点产生的主要原因。

Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies 二语词汇习得策略 [摘 要] 词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。英国著名语言学家. Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。 关键字: 二语词汇习得 词汇习得策略 元认知策略 认知策略 Abstract Vocabulary is the basic unit of a language. Language acquisition plays an important role in language learning. Famous linguistics D. A. Wilkins said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (Lewis, 1993:16).” It speaks volumes for the importance of vocabulary in language learning. This paper aims to analysis the second language acquisition strategies and applies to different levels of learners. According to the different levels, the learners should choose the proper methods and strategies to promote learning efficiency and acquisition effect. Key words: Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition; Vocabulary Acquisition Strategies; Metacognitive strategy; Cognitive strategy Introduction With economic globalization and multi-polarization of the world, especially the population of the internet, English becomes more and more important, because it is considered as the tool for absorbing and communicating information. As we all known, vocabulary acquisition is one of the most noticed-question of the second language learners. “Vocabulary” appears in the area of linguists’ study. Nowadays, researchers still can not give a complete and reasonable definition of vocabulary. Since 1970s, the second language vocabulary acquisition research has gradually become the hot point and important subject in the second language vocabulary acquisition research area. These researches aim to discuss the efficiency vocabulary memory strategies to promote the memory skills and vocabulary levels. Then how to acquire vocabulary become popular among the researchers. Wenden &Rubin (1987), O’Malley& Chamot (1990) refer to the content of vocabulary acquisition strategies; Rubin (1987) and Oxford (1990) classify the memory strategy to the direct cognitive strategies. Especially, CohenAphek (1981), Porte (1988), O’Malley (1990), Vann (90), Cohen (1990), etc made a basic searching of vocabulary acquisition. In a word, there are various opinions in how to acquire vocabulary. Firstly, it talks about the importance of vocabulary. Secondly, what does it mean to “acquire” a word? This paper mainly aims to the detail analysis of the vocabulary acquisition from three aspects:Meta-cognitive Strategy; Cognitive Strategy and Social or Affective Strategy. Especially, it highlights the effect of the context and rending to vocabulary acquisition. This paper talks about the applications of the vocabulary acquisition strategies. And it puts forward some problems and difficulties of vocabulary acquisition. This paper also discusses the influencing factors to the acquisition. It includes the mother tongue, age, language contact, logical thinking ability, identity degree, and academic motivation . The purpose of this paper is to rise the awareness of English learners that the importance of vocabulary in language learning and the vocabulary acquisition strategies can not be neglected, and each strategies is deeply rooted in its language. Through the analysis of the theory of study, the paper tries to draw the learner’s attention to the strategies of the second language vocabulary acquisition and using the vocabulary in communication. In order to improve the acquisition efficiency, some strategies put into practice are introduced. The first presents the importance of vocabulary, some basic concepts of vocabulary and vocabulary learning, the second part tells what does it mean to know a word, the third part deals with the theory of vocabulary acquisition and presents the factors and differences influencing the vocabulary acquisition. The fourth part is detailed discussion of vocabulary acquisition strategies in different levels of learners. The last part is conclusion. Literature review 1. The importance of vocabulary As the first time, when we go to school and our English teacher will tell us that vocabulary is of great importance in learning English. After several years, we understand words gradually, especially when we study in high school. If we know a little about vocabulary, we may have poor English. That is because the listening, speaking, reading and writing show the necessary of learning vocabulary. Many researchers agree that lexis is at least as important as structure, because it is using wrong words and not wrong grammar that usually breaks down communication. Mistakes in lexis much more often lead to misunderstanding and may be less generously tolerated outside classroom than mistakes in syntax. (Carter, 1987). As Stephen Krashen remarked, “When students travel, they don’t carry grammar books, they carry dictionaries. A significant role of vocabulary in both teaching and learning processes was first stated by Stephen Krashen in The Natural Approach (1985): “Vocabulary is basic for communication. If acquirers do not recognize the meaning of the key words used by those who address them they will be unable to participate in the conversation.” Words are basic tools in human communication; therefore they determine the main part of people’s life-relationships between people and associations with the surrounding world that people live in. The larger one’s vocabulary, the easier it is to express one’s thoughts and feelings. In real communication, correctly and idiomatically used vocabulary can even decrease some structural inaccuracy and grammar errors. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). So learners should enrich and expand their knowledge of words as much as possible in order to communicate effectively in a foreign language. 2. What does it mean to “know” a word? Knowing a word is not a simple phenomenon. In fact, it is quite complex and goes far beyond the word’s meaning and pronunciation. (Zhang Jiying, 2002). Richards (1976) think knowing a word means also knowing the frequency of words and their likely collocates; being aware of the functional and situation limitations that apply; knowledge of the “syntactic behavior”; derivational forms and word class; associative and connotative knowledge; semantic value-breaking down words into minimal units as with componential analysis (see Katz&Fodor1963or Leech1974); knowing the other (possible) meaning associated. Nagy and Scott (2000) identify several dimensions that describe the complexity of what it means to know a word. First, word knowledge is incremental, which means that readers need to have many exposures to a word in different contexts before they “know” it. Second, word knowledge is multidimensional. This is because many words have multiple meanings and serve different functions in different function in different sentences, texts, and even conversations. Third, word knowledge is interrelated in that knowledge of one word connects knowledge of other words. What all of this means is that “knowing” a word is a matter of degree rather than an all-or-nothing proposition (Beck&Mckeown, 1991; Nagy&Scott, 2000). The degree of knowing a word are reflected in the precision with which we use a word, how quickly we understand a word, and how well we understand and use words in different modes and different purpose. The memory strategy, cognitive strategy, social strategy and metacognitve strategy are used more frequently than the affective strategy and compensative strategy. Conclusion This paper has attempted to provide some theories of second language vocabulary acquisition and some strategies. Such as metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, and social strategy. However, this paper also put forward some microcosmic strategy. As a matter of fact, vocabulary acquisition should combine the context. In addition, this paper hasn’t mentioned that culture is also an important factor in vocabulary acquisition. In the study of second language vocabulary acquisition, we should pay attention to the process and the acquiring results. This paper focuses on the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition strategies. Bibliography [1] . Chamot. The Learning Strategies of ESL Students. In A. L. Wenden & J. Rubin, (eds), Learner Strategies in Language Learning, 1987. [2] Cater. R. and M. McCarthy. Vocabulary and Language Teaching. New York: Longman, 1987. [3] Nation, L. S. P. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New Newbury House Publishers, 1990. [4] O’Malley, J. & Chamot, A. U.. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition [J]. Cambridge University Press, 1990:12-15. [5] 陈桦,张益芳.中国儿童英语词汇记忆策略探究[J].外语学刊,2001(4). [11] 戴曼纯. 论第二语言词汇习得研究[J]. 外语教学与研究,2002(2). [12] 徐德凯.大学英语词汇教学理论与实践[M].长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2009. [6] 王文宇.观念、策略与英语词汇记忆[J].外语教学与研究,1998(1). [13] 文秋芳. 英语学习策略论.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1996. 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red(红色).红色往往与庆祝活动或喜庆日子有关。因为日历中,这些日子常用红色字体。 black(黑色)在英语中经常有“不好的”、“坏的”、“邪恶的”这种意味。 blue(蓝色)在英语中通常表示不快乐、忧郁的情绪。 green(绿色)英语中的green常用来表示表示“嫉妒”,还表示“新鲜”或没有经验、缺乏训练”的意思。白色(white)英语文化中,white表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘在婚礼上穿白色礼服,代表爱情的纯洁和婚姻的贞洁。gray 灰色,高中麦琪的礼物上有讲过,党代表抑郁 ,心情低落。深白色绿色green在英语中可以表示“嫉妒、眼红”,如:green with envy,green as jealousy,green-eyed monster都是指“十分嫉妒”的意思。汉语中表示“嫉妒”意义的“眼红”,应该翻译为green-eyed而不能翻译为red-eyed。由于美元纸币是绿颜色的,所以green在美国也指代“钱财、钞票、有经济实力”等意义,如:(11) In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.在美国政治竞选中获胜的候选人通常都是些有财团支持的人物。 在英语中绿色还用来表示没有经验、缺乏训练、知识浅薄等意思,如:(12) The new typist is green at her job. 刚来的打字员是个生手。(13) You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people. She is only eighteen and as green as grass. 你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。黄色黄色在英语和汉语中的引申含义差别比较大。在英语中,yellow可以表示“胆小、卑怯、卑鄙”的意思,例如:a yellow dog 可鄙的人,卑鄙的人a yellow livered 胆小鬼(14) He is too yellow to stand up and fight. 他太软弱,不敢起来斗争。英语中的黄色还用来作为事物的特定颜色,例如,美国有些城市的出租车上标有“yellow”(而不是“taxi”)的字样,代表出租车,因为那里的出租车为黄颜色。如:Yellow Pages 黄页 (电话号码簿,用黄纸印刷)Yellow Book 黄皮书 (法国等国家的政府报告,用黄封面装帧)Yellow boy (俗)金币汉语中x色一词有时象征低级趣味、xx庸俗、x流猥亵的意思,如x色电影、xx书刊、xx光碟等等。这些名称中的“黄”与英语中的“yellow”无关。能够表示汉语中这些意思的词汇应该是:pornographic(x情的)、vulgar(庸俗x流的)、obscene(猥亵的)等。然而,英语中另一个颜色词blue却常用来表示汉语中这类意思,如blue jokes(x流的玩笑), blue films(x色电影)等。蓝色蓝色(blue)在汉语中的引申意义较少,而在英语中blue是一个含义十分丰富的颜色词。在翻译同这一颜色有关的表达时,我们应该注意其中的特别含义。英语的blue常用来喻指人的“情绪低落”、“心情沮丧”、“忧愁苦闷”,如:(15) They felt rather blue after the failure in the football match. 球赛踢输了,他们感到有些沮丧。(16)She looks blue today. What’s the matter with her?She is in holiday blue. 她今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情? 她得了假期忧郁症。例 (15) 中的holiday blue 相当于winter holiday depression,指冬季假期时,人困在家里,感到无聊寂寞时的心情或情绪。另一个同低落的情绪有关的词组是:a blue Monday(倒霉的星期一),指度过快乐的周末后,星期一又要上学或上班,所以情绪不好。blue在英语中有时用来指“黄色的”、“下流的”意思,如:blue talk 下流的言论blue video 黄色录象有时blue又有社会地位高、出身名门的意义,如blue blood(贵族血统)。此外,blue在英语中与其它词汇搭配,还有另外的含义,如:out of blue 意想不到once in a blue 千载难逢drink till all’s blue 一醉方休白色白色(white)在汉语和英语的联想意义中都有纯洁和清白的意思,但也有一些含义上的不同。例如,汉民族文化中,白色与死亡、丧事相联系,如“红白喜事”中的“白”指丧事(funeral),表示哀悼。但在英语文化中,white表示幸福和纯洁,如新娘在婚礼上穿白色礼服,代表爱情的纯洁和婚姻的贞洁。英语中的white有时表达的含义,与汉语中的“白色”没有什么关系,如:a white lie 善意的谎言the white coffee 牛奶咖啡white man 善良的人,有教养的人white-livered 怯懦的white elephant 昂贵又无用之物汉语中有些与“白”字搭配的词组,实际上与英语white所表示的颜色也没有什么联系,而是表达另外的含义,如:白开水 plain boiled water白菜 Chinese cabbage白字 wrongly written or mispronounced character白搭 no use白费事 all in vain黑色黑色(black)在英语和汉语两种语言文化中的联系意义大致相同。例如,黑色是悲哀的颜色,英美人在葬礼上穿黑色服装,中国人在葬礼上戴黑纱。英语中的Black Friday 指耶稣在复活节前受难的星期五,是悲哀的日子。black在英语中还象征气愤和恼怒,如:black in the face 脸色铁青to look black at someone 怒目而视另外,黑色在汉语和英语中都有“阴险”、“邪恶”的含义,不过翻译时不一定用“黑”或“black”的字眼,例如:黑心 evil mind黑手 evil backstage manipulator黑幕 inside story黑线 a sinister lineblack sheep 害群之马black day 凶日black future 暗淡的前途除上面所提到的各种联想意义外,颜色词还与历史、社会、经济等现象有关系,表现出一定的社会属性,例如:历史方面:to raise to the purple升为红衣主教to be born in the purple 生于帝王之家to marry into the purple 与皇室或贵族联姻社会方面:blue-collar workers 蓝领阶层,指普通体力劳动者grey-collar workers 灰领阶层,指服务性行业的职员white-collar workers 白领阶层,指接受过专门技术教育的脑力劳动者pink-collar workers 粉领阶层,指职业妇女群体golden-collar personnel 金领阶层,指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才经济方面:red ink 赤字in the black 盈利white goods 白色货物,指冰箱、洗衣机等外壳为白色的家电产品brown goods 棕色货物,指电视、录音机、音响等外壳为棕色的电子产品。


DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is complex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are required.

来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping project. But there is a little research on the project management. Traditional management method is complex and time-consuming. Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management level. Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning management. The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are excessive. The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme hypsography. All of the conditions increase the project management difficulty. For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the managers. This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in . INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004). Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making processes. To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are apparent. First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant criteria. Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple participants. Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are required.



comparative study on food culture in America and the western diet way has very greatly differently, thiskind of difference is also influential to the national disposition. InChina, any banquet, no matter is any goal, all only can have one kindof form, is everybody sits in a circle all round, shares. The banquetmust use the round table, this formally has created one kind ofunity, politeness, altogether the interest atmosphere. The delicacydelicacies put on table of people's centers, it not only is the objectwhich table of people appreciates, tastes, also is a table of peoplesentiments exchange intermedium. The people mutually propose a toast,mutually offer food to a guest, urge the vegetable, in front of thehappy thing, has manifested the moral excellence which between thepeople mutually respects, gives precedence out of courtesy. Althoughlooked from the hygienic angle, this diet way has the obviousdeficiency, but it conforms to our nationality "the happy ending" theuniversal point of view, had reflected in the Chinese classicalphilosophy "and" this category to the descendant thought influence, isadvantageous for the collective emotion exchange, thus until now withdifficulty reforms. Western-style banquets, food and liquor although count for much, butin fact that takes the set-off. The banquet core lies in thefriendship, through with the adjacent seat visitor's betweenconversation, achieves the friendship the goal. If and the danceresembles the banquet friendship compared to, then may say, theChinese type banquet is just like is a group dance, but thewestern-style banquet is just like is men's and women's socialdancing. Thus it can be seen, the Chinese type banquet and thewestern-style banquet friendship goal very is all obvious, onlyChinese type banquet more terrains now complete meal friendship, butthe western-style banquet manifests much between the neighboringguest's friendship. Is the western popular buffet is more obviouswhich with the Chinese diet way difference. This law is: Will possessfood 11 to exhibit, everybody 各取所需, will not need to fix onthe seat eats, takes a walk the freedom, this way will be advantageousfor between individual emotion exchange, will not will certainly allspeeches to suspend on the tabletop, also has displayed the westernperson to the individuality, to the self- respect. But respectivelyeats each, mutually did not harass, lacks some Chinese to chat thehappy altogether happy affective tone. Therefore, in the final analysis or between perceptual and rationaldifference. But, this kind of difference as if in the fuzziness whichchanges along with the science development. More and more many Chineseby no longer only pay great attention to the vegetable the color, thefragrance, the taste, but paid great attention to its health and thenutrition. In has experienced after in particular the non- , the people because of the more and more busy work, thought theChinese meal starts too troubles, was inferior to Hamburg facilitatesand so on. Then the difference not too was also distinct in the diet.

你好,我回答的是第三个题目,仅供参考,希望对你有帮助哦 What are the most important culture differences and elements of intercultural communication? As we all know, different countries have different cultures. 'Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another.' (Hofstede, 1991)It is inevitable that the cultural difference has impact on business. For example, when a company having meeting, the word "table" in American English that means to put something on the agenda. But in British English it means to put something off the agenda. This example indicated how the culture affects the are four cultural dimensions that were defined in Hofstede's research: Power distance, Uncertainty avoidance, Individualism, Masculinity, and recently Hofstede add one more: long-term-short-term I think the most significant influence in cultural difference is the power distance. (Hoecklin,1995:28)"It would condition the extent to which employees accept that their boss has more power than they have and the extent to which they accept that their boss's opinions and decisions are right because he or she is the boss." I considered it as how much subordinates can consent or dissent with bosses or managers. It is the distance between a manager and subordinate. Among most oriental corporate cultures, there is hierarchism, greater centralization, sometimes called 'power-oriented culture', due to the historical reasons. That is a high power distance culture that mangers make the decision and superiors appeal to be entitled more privileges. Their decision always close supervision positively evaluated by subordinates. In this situation, it is not be regarded if a subordinates have a disagreement with their managers, especially in Malaysia, Japan, China, India. In the oriental, power distance is also associated with 'the family culture' (Trompernaars, 1993:139). In this kind of corporate culture the manager is like the "caring father" who knows better than his subordinates what should be done and what is suitable for them. The subordinates always esteem the managers. Because of the managers age and experience. That is usually how employees get their promotion. There are both positive and negative parts in the family cultures. I feel it is an easy managing system. But sometime it is hard to get young creative employees work well cause of the hierarchy. As Tropmenaars (1993: 142) told us "family culture at their least effective drain the energies and loyalties of subordinates to buoy up the leader." So in family culture, the power distance can be viewed as the subordinates respect the is the corporate culture in orient. Let us take a look at the western way. It is not a whole converse phenomenon. There is 'the Eiffel Tower culture' (Trompernaars, 1997:166) in the international management. About the Eiffel tower Trompenaars (1993: 148) told us " Its hierarchy is very different from that of the family. Each higher level has a clear and demonstrable function of holding together the level beneath it." German, Austrian have the characteristic of the Eiffel Tower Culture, which is a low power distance. In the lower power dis tance, (Hoecklin, 1995:31) 'higher-educated employees hold much less authoritarian values than lower-educated ones.' The obedience showed from the subordinates to the superiors is not as much as the oriental way. The leadership can be called as hierarchy and consensus. Employee can have different opinion with his/her boss. And when he/she got different ideas, he/she can go all the way up to the boss and discuss the problem. This is a good thing usually company may explore all the potentials of its employees, because sometime the subordinates may have the better&nb sp;idea of the think because of the different realization of power distance, people behave completely different in business. So conflict and misunderstanding must be emerged when two or more intercultures meet up. Under this situation, the international managers must pay attention to the clashes and be aware of. How to work the subordinates together efficiently and more cooperatively is important then there is also a large discrepancy on the uncertainty avoidance. (Hoecklin, 1995:31) defined 'Uncertainty avoidance is the lack of tolerance for ambiguity and the need for formal rules.' That means people trying to setup rules to face to the uncertainty. There is high uncertainty avoidance in most oriental countries such as Japan, China. In these countries, people prefer a stable job. They feel safe and prideful when they keep working hard at the one place. Under this circumstance, an excellent manager should keep his employee away from unpredictable ;risk. And the employee would like to be worked within groups rather than independently cause of the less risk-taking. But in most western countries, there is low uncertainty avoidance showed, whereas high job mobility occurs in those countries such as USA, Denmark, Singapore. The western people think that when they change their jobs, they can get more experience cause they like challenge. I believe that the divergence of the uncertainty avoidance is from different basic social ideology. A competent manager should pay attention on the rules setting between different uncer tainty avoidance.



What you make of your life is up to you! Often heard people complain about, why not my face, why so bad weather today, why do I live in such a poor family, why God told me ... ... why should we complain about it complained that it? Life was not all the best, life was not perfect, on the contrary, the ups and downs, is the routine As the saying goes a white head; laugh less decade. Do not complain, everyone's life will not be easy, but precisely because of these twists and turns in folding wave, acquired a colorful life. If we can often look at the issue from another angle, you might easily find themselves still very exciting life. You can not change the face, smile why do not you think about indulgence; you can not change the weather, why do not you change the mood. As the saying goes: after the storm. The same is true of life, after training can often make life wonderful. China, a writer came to the United States, he saw a flower of the old lady is always very happy, very strange. He would pick a flower asked: "Why are you always so happy?" Replied the old lady to make the writer stand in amazement. "Jesus was crucified is the world's darkest day, three days later to Easter. All the trouble to wait for three days as long as the right not to vanish into thin air?" Writer for the old lady answered and moved an old lady could look at this free and easy life, could see so thoroughly to life. King inventors - Edison filament do in order to find the best materials have been done a 1000 experiment many times and failed. Have a laugh at his neighbor: "Do you how to do 1000 experiments have failed many times?" Edison said: "I am not found more than 1000 kinds of inappropriate material filament so it?" Edison failed to look at from another angle, am quite sure that it can be the most suitable materials, is precisely because of this self-confidence, they are able to make unremitting efforts, finally successful. People to love life, love life, to have self-confidence, it is necessary to make unremitting efforts towards the target, like Ai Qing said, "Even if we are a candle, wax should be dry before the torch ashes tears; even though we are a match should be at the crucial moment there is a ray of light ", if so, will the meaning of our lives, our lives will be able to issue a strange glory. Finally, I had to remind you that in the face of setbacks, do not complain about it complained that the old, and to learn how to transform the issue of perspective, so that life is not susceptible to "rain" by knockout.

Talking about Housing Loans房屋贷款Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker ,Tony Flora ,about a housing loan.艾尔和弗吉尼亚·巴克斯特正和他们的银行家托尼·费洛拉洽谈有关房屋贷款之事。Al:We'd like to get some information about mortgage loans,.艾尔:我们希望得到一些有关抵押贷款方面的知识,弗洛拉先生。We found a house that we'd like to buy.我们找到了一所我们想买的房子。Flora:Well, generally lend 80% of the bank's appraised value on 30-,35-or 40-year mortgages if the house is less than 10 years old .弗洛拉:好的,巴克斯特先生。如果房屋从建成至今尚未超过10年,我们一般借给买房者的数额是银行对房屋估价的80%,而贷款期为30、35或40年。Baxter:Oh ,it's almost a brand-new house .I think it was built two years ago .巴克斯特:哦, 这几乎是一所全新的房子,我认为是两年前修建的。A:Yes,it's a real good deal .The price is just right .艾尔:是的,这真是的桩合适的买卖,价钱也很合理。F:Bank appraisals are usually slightly lower than the actual market prices,,弗洛拉,银行的估价总是低于实际市场价格的,巴克斯特先生。so you'll have to figure on at least at a 25%-28% down payment .因此,您必须计划支付至少25%—28%的定金。A:Yes,we planned on that .We've accumulated enough in our savings for a 30% down payment.艾尔:是啊,这点我们已经估计到了,在我们的积蓄中攒的钱已足够支付30%的定金。B:What's the interest rate on mortgage loans?巴克斯特:抵押贷款的利息率是多少?F:It fluctuates a little depending on the various factors in the loan ,but around for longtime clients.弗洛拉:根据各种不同情况的贷款,利息率稍有差别,但是,对于银行的老主顾一般是8。75%左右。A:Well,we've been banking here since we got married 8 years ago , ,so I guess we qualify.艾尔:那么我们从结婚到现在8年来一直与这里的银行往来,弗洛拉先生。因此,我想我们是合乎条件的。F:Yes,you certainly do ,'s fill out this application ,so we can get started on the paperwork .弗洛拉:是的,你们当然是符合条件的,巴克斯特先生。让我们先来填写这张申请表,然后就可以开始着手票据事宜,It takes some time to complete a mortgage loan transaction.要完成抵押贷款的交易是得花点时间。B:We will need title insurance and fire insurance ,too,won't we ?巴克斯特:我们还需要产权保险和火灾保险,对吗?F:Yes,you 's our mortgage loan booklet which explains all the things which will be necessary .弗洛拉:是的,这里有一本有关我们抵押贷款的小册子,这个小册子说明了必须要办的一切手续

as the modern sport can be dated to two separate roots. Between 1859 and 1865, Major Harry Gem and his friend Augurio Perera developed a game that combined elements of rackets and the Basque ball game pelota, which they played on Perera's croquet lawn in Birmingham, England.[2] [3] In 1872, along with two local doctors, they founded the world's first tennis club in Leamington Spa.[4] The Courier of 23 July 1884 recorded one of the first tennis tournaments, held in the grounds of Shrubland Hall.[5]In December 1873, Major Walter Clopton Wingfield designed a similar game — which he called sphairistike (Greek σφάίρίστική, skill at playing at ball), and was soon known simply as "sticky" — for the amusement of his guests at a garden party on his estate of Nantclwyd, in Llanelidan, Wales.[6] He based the game on the older sport of indoor tennis or real tennis. According to most tennis historians, modern tennis terminology also derives from this period, as Wingfield borrowed both the name and much of the French vocabulary of real tennis and applied them to his new first championships at Wimbledon, in London were played in 1877.[7] On May 21, 1881, the United States National Lawn Tennis Association (now the United States Tennis Association) was formed to standardize the rules and organize competitions.[8] The . National Men's Singles Championship, now the . Open, was first held in 1881 at Newport, Rhode Island.[9] The . National Women's Singles Championships were first held in 1887.[10] Tennis was also popular in France, where the French Open dates to 1891.[11] Thus, Wimbledon, the . Open, the French Open, and the Australian Open (dating to 1905) became and have remained the most prestigious events in tennis.[12][13] Together these four events are called the Grand Slam (a term borrowed from bridge).[14] The comprehensive International Lawn Tennis Federation rules promulgated in 1924 have remained remarkably stable in the ensuing eighty years, the one major change being the addition of the tie-breaker system designed by James Van Alen.[15] The Davis Cup, an annual competition between national teams, dates to 1900.[16]In 1926, promoter . Pyle established the first professional tennis tour with a group of American and French tennis players playing exhibition matches to paying audiences.[13] [17] The most notable of these early professionals were the American Vinnie Richards and the Frenchwoman Suzanne Lenglen.[13] [18] Once a player turned pro he or she could not compete in the major (amateur) tournaments.[13]In 1968, commercial pressures and rumors of some amateurs taking money under the table led to the abandonment of this distinction, inaugurating the open era, in which all players could compete in all tournaments, and top players were able to make their living from tennis.[19] With the beginning of the open era, the establishment of an international professional tennis circuit, and revenues from the sale of television rights, tennis has spread all over the world and has lost its upper-class English-speaking 1954, Van Alen founded the International Tennis Hall of Fame, a non-profit museum in Newport, Rhode Island.[20] The building contains a large collection of tennis memorabilia as well as a hall of fame honoring prominent members and tennis players from all over the world. Each year, a grass-court tournament and an induction ceremony honoring new Hall of Fame members are hosted on its grounds.网球的前身是14世纪流行於法国宫廷的一种叫「掌球戏」的游戏。规则是两名玩家隔著一条绳子,使用手掌将被布包著头发制成的球互相对打。其后这种游戏经过发展和改良,用网代替绳子,并将以手击球改为用木制球拍,随后木拍更拉上弦线。由18世纪开始,欧洲民间也开始出现这种游戏,并且於19世纪盛行於欧洲。现代的网球则於1873年12月由华尔特·科洛普顿·温菲尔德少校(Major Walter Clopton Wingfield)在英国发明,当时这个游戏是用来在后院的派对中取悦客人。他是根据老的室内网球或者称为原网球的游戏创造这项运动的。根据大多数网球历史学家,现代网球的规则也大多数从此而来,因为温菲尔德从这两项运动中借鉴了大量元素,还借鉴了法国皇室网球的一些技巧规则。1877年在英国伦敦温布尔顿举行了首场A|zh-hk:温布顿网球锦标赛;zh-hans:温布尔登网球锦标赛,为现代网球史上最早的比赛。随著国际网球联合会於1913年成立,网球运动亦於世界各地得以广泛发展。在1881年5月21日,美国国家草地网球联盟(现在的美国网球联盟)成立以规范规则和竞技制度。美国国家男子单打锦标赛,就是现在的美国公开赛,1881年首次在美国罗得岛的新港举行。美国国家女子单打锦标赛在1887年举行。网球也在法国(法国网球公开赛1891年)流行。世界著名的网球公开赛有:温布尔顿网球公开赛、美国网球公开赛、澳洲网球公开赛和法国网球公开赛。今天,这四项赛事被称为大满贯。关於草地网球的规则80年之内都没有改变,只是在1900年,由詹姆士·凡·阿兰(James Van Alen)做出了一项重要改变:1900年,著名的一年一度戴维斯杯网球公开赛在国家队之间举行。1926年,商人.派尔()建立了首个职业网球巡回赛,队员由美国和法国网球运动员组成。最值得称道的早期职业网球选手有美国的温尼·理察斯(Vinnie Richards)和法国女子苏赞妮·冷莲(Suzanne Lenglen)。当一个队员成为职业选手后,他/她就不能参加业余选手赛。1968年,由於商业的压力导致这项制度的废弃,因此进入了一个新的时代,即所有选手都可以竞争所有赛事,而顶级选手可以靠打网球谋生。藉此,国际职业网球圈建立,借电视转播网球传遍了整个世界,从此不再是英国上流社会的专有运动。1954年,詹姆士·凡·阿兰创建了国际网球声誉礼堂,一个在罗得岛的新港的非营利博物馆。这个博物馆里面搜集了大量的网球纪念品和大量全世界网球成员的奖品和奖章。每年,在此都要举行一次草地网球赛,并且举行接纳新的声誉礼堂成员的典礼。

The conflict between technological development and tranditional culturesNowadays, conflicts between technological developments and tranditional cultures accelerate in a fierce way. More and more cries for saving the traditional cultures can be heard, while others urge a more rapid technological revolution in the new millenium. So, are technology and tradition so incompatible, or is there a balance point`in where we could reserve our ancestors’ legacy as well as keep on the hi-tech development?First, we must admit that conflict between technology and tradition do exist. Urbanization and modernization sweep across the world, changing our way of cultivating corns and wheat, denouning the old way of thinking, leaving those old-day arts and handicrafts only to be seen in museums. Despite the obvious benefits of a modern life, a considerable number people call for a rescue of traditonal culture both mathrially and , looking deeper into the matter, we will see that this conflict is inevitable, but not fatal to either technology or traditon. In one sense, the innovation of technology is actually part of the culture we had and have. Without the four great inventions of china, it is impossible for chinese to own such a splendid and colorful tradtional culture. Also it is the advanced technology that allows us to keep those ancient art crafts and masterpieces in such a good condition. Tradition is not something already dead and weak. It is facing a big challenge, and it will gain energy and renew itself through struggle. Good things in it shall survive and grow with the new power supplied by new technology. Peole should not be so pessimistic about the future of our traditional culture. Mourning too much for things that failed to survive in this challenging world will only hinder our pace to a more refined and developed life.






































汉语言文字,是汉语和文字相结合的一种语言形式,它是由这两者的特点相结合而形成的一种语言 文化 。下面是我为大家整理的汉语言文学 毕业 论文 范文 ,供大家参考。

《 新时代网络语言对汉语言文学影响分析 》







网络语言产生的主要原因是,我国经济社会的蓬勃发展以及对社会生活中的各类事件的播报。网络语言在网络环境中得到了充分的推广,并通过互联网的传播优势得到最大化的普及。网络语言可以在人们的实际生活中发挥一定的现实作用,充分的表达说话人的具体表达含义和心理真实感受,并受到青年人的热爱,青年人并将网络语言实际的应用到自己生活中。有诸多的网络语言逐渐被广大的受众群体应用到语言文学中。这主要展现于语文的 作文 内容中。当前阶段,大部分的教师在进行出题的过程中,都会选用网络语言,以此来充分表达自身对网络语言的实际看法。而且也可以有效的进行传达特定的 教育 意义,进而全面体现出其设定的社会深意,不断教育当前阶段的学生,使他们可以充分理解网络语言的利与弊。并学会正确的使用其网络语言。网络语言虽然受到广大受众的喜爱,但是我们也需要将此内容与汉语言文学进行区别的对待,进而全面的减少网络语言对汉语言文学产生的造成的阻碍作用。


从另一个角度对于汉语言文学的发展的影响进行分析,看似非常流行的网络语言大部分都是来自于我国经济社会中的 热点 人物或者事件,进而从侧面来具体阐述社会生活中存在的问题和未来的发展趋势。为此,人们需要对其社会性质的问题加以关注,某一网络词语在一个时间段频繁的出现,其网络语言就可以充分的说明当时的一个事件。例如,“我爸是李刚”这句话曾经非常的流行,在网络乃至是人们的现实生活中,都引起了广大受众群体对事件自身的高度关注,由此我们可以明显的看出,网络语言之所以会流行,也是因为受众群体对于这一系类词汇的出处的高度关注。当前阶段中,网络已经走进人们的实际生活中各个角落,现实生活中的每一个人都可以在网络上畅所欲言,网络不仅成为了受众群体充分表达自己的实际看法和参与到社会生活最普遍最便捷的方式,同时也已经成为信息传播的最主要的一种方式。也正是因为这一现象,网络语言才可以如此迅速的进行发展。当前阶段,现有的一部分网络语言严重偏离了汉语规范的网络语言,为了可以追求更加新颖的话题和方便,人们在诸多的方面都没有严格的遵循汉语规范。有很大一部分的词语词义被人们所曲解,还有大量的刻意的错别字,这一部分都会在语文教育方面产生不可估量的负面的影响。我国的网民的主要群体就是青少年,他们普遍喜欢新鲜的事物并且非常乐于并善于接受全新的事物,他们的情感是非常丰富的,并没有比较强的辨别是非的能力。青少年时期正处于语言的学习的特殊阶段,青少年大量的使用、接触网络语言,在无形之中接受了其中不规范语言,非常容易养成不规范表达的恶劣的学习习惯,这对学生的汉语言学习,必定会造成不良的学习影响。例如,学生在进行实际考试的过程中,在试卷上答死亡的 反义词 为“扑街”。这比较显著的表明了学生在网络言语的应用过程中形成的错误观念。与此同时我们自身的写作能力、学习能力、对语言的鉴赏能力也会随着不断下降。网络是虚拟的,我们需要及时的进行划分其与现实生活的界限,进而全面的进行营造一个语言交流的和谐文明世界。网络语言因为自身的丰富多样性和巨大的推广力,造就了一种全新的语言模式。此种简单直白的文字和特殊的文字表达形式,迅速的渗透到了传统的语言文化中,进一步的促使我国的传统语言的功能抓紧淡化。为此,我们需要不断加大对于汉语言文化传播力度,尽最大限度的进行扩大汉语言的影响力,进而逐渐实现我国的汉语言的经济化转向国际化汉语言文学要注重树立本身的特点,与此同时提高自身的影响力,扩大影响范围,实现进一步的突破和提升。

综上所述,我国目前的网络语言,基本处于一种无人管制的状态。但是在运用网络语言过程中,我们需要时刻谨记对 传统文化 的保护和传承,不可以只是单纯的为了追求新颖和乐趣就随便的篡改汉语文化,进一步严重的阻碍了汉语言文学发展。

《 汉语言文学师范生就业实践能力培养 》

摘要:随着时代的发展,外语的应用范围也在逐步扩张,这导致近些年出现了“外语狂潮”,国内甚至对于外语的追捧逐渐超过语文。面对这一情况,国家开展了一系列的 措施 ,以提升人民群众对于汉语言的重视,其中以各省市高考改革方案的逐步推进最为明显。而作为一名汉语言专业的师范生,应该采取怎样的行为,响应国家的政策,将自己打造成一个适应时代新形势的高质量应用型人才,实现人生价值。本文就要对这些问题进行简要概述。

















《 汉语言文学教学模式研究 》











汉语文学学习的有效性,主要体现在老师的教学目标能否高效实现,学生能否真正理解吸收老师教授的汉语言文学知识。为了激发学生对汉语言文学的学习热情,老师可以采用多样化的 教学 方法 增强教学内容对学生的吸引力。汉语言文学中的每一句话都是古人智慧的结晶,都蕴含一个历史 典故 ,老师在上课过程中可以多向同学讲述一些相关 历史 故事 ,讲解其中典故、诗词的由来。在讲解 文章 的时候多介绍一些当时的时代背景及写作背景。现如今是信息化时代,老师可以充分利用科技优势,采用影视资料、网络课件、图片配音等方式给同学们创设情境,吸引同学们的注意力,从而提高同学们对汉语言文学课堂的参与度。老师除了要在课堂上创新教学方法之外,还要引导同学们在课堂之外进行自主学习,主要是培养同学们对汉语言文学学习的兴趣。引导学生在上课之前进行预习,在网络上查阅课堂上要学习内容的背景知识,先自己大致了解。这样在课堂上学生可以对所学内容提出有针对性的问题,老师加以及时指导,解决问题。








1. 汉语言文学专业本科毕业论文范文

2. 关于汉语言文学毕业论文范文

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4. 汉语言文学毕业论文精选范文

5. 关于汉语言文学专业毕业论文范文

6. 汉语言文学毕业论文范文

7. 有关汉语言文学专业毕业论文范文

















为了明确和规范公文的写作,在公文写作中,结合每个文种讲解的特殊情况, 要为学生提供一个公文总体形式与内容的撰写策略模式,才能使学生在写作个性中反省共性,在写作共性中思考个性。如:为了解决应用文体中的标题撰拟个性和共性之间的关键问题, 要根据教师的写作教学经验, 为学生提供一个规范的标题模式。公文的标题主要有发文机关、事由、文种等三个部分组成。而这三个部分中是由介词来连线的, 如:“XX 市人民 *** 关于号召全体公务员向 XX 同志学习的通知”中“关于”是介词,而“的”是助词,再加上主谓结构就组成了事由连线文种。 如:“XX 市人民 *** 关于公务员工资待遇调整的统治”中,连线文种是动宾结构和介词“关于”组成的。 这样从连线词、语法等方面,进一步的规范了公文标题的写作。同时,在这三个部分的内容解读中,标题是告诉读者,“XX 市人民 *** ”是发文的机关单位,是高级别的发文单位,同时也是有权利发文的单位,其次告诉了读者这篇公文负责人。


为了实现应用文体的写作目的, 要根据应用文体的各个文种,统治内容的合法性、合理性、合情性的叙述,展开主体,按照主体要求、期望相辅相成,如:公文中的行文背景是行政单位具体行政过程中管理视野的体现,是前提、原因、条件,在行政工作中,要关注全面工作从大局出发,为规范自身的行政行为提供标准与参考。 其次,发文事由中,关注上级相关活动、要求体现了一种行政归属。上级单位工作计划的一部分是对于自身工作的安排,因此,公文写作中,行文的原则就是在安排过程中上级相关活动、精神,也是行文权利的保障。 另外,公文写作中行政事业单位行政行为的连续性决定了内容的选择与设计具体、明确。因此,针对此次工作之前所召开的相关会议,发文要确立相关精神。由此可见,按照国家巨集观层面专业、行业背景、上级工作、活动本级工作、活动、前期工作目前工作、群体个体等顺序来考虑安排写作内容,而行文的核心事项、背景、意义等组织安排、希望、要求,可以为应用文体的写作内容实践提供行文的形式策略路径,可以作为具体的行文方向。



根据课时设定与专业特点, 应用写作课程采用工作过程中系列文种实践模式,设计课程设计环节,如:在年中总结活动中,单位会依次产生 XXX 关于年度先进个人、 集体选拔的实施意见、XXX 关于召开 XX 年度先进个人、集体表彰大会的通知等四个文种。根据课程设计的要求,为学生设定一次活动,选择一个独立虚拟的工作环境,以下级单位的名义回文,以上级单位的名义行文,从而以小组的形式完成课程设计的内容。 并且为了给学生提供专业角度的意见,要选择相关课程教师参与评判这类课程设计,从各个专业角度进行考核。


重点训练很多汉语言文学专业的学生会进入到行政事业单位工作,因此,要按照级别区分熟练掌握常用公文,公文写作内容必须要进入其实践环节,重点训练公文的写作,如:根据设定主题下文,把学生分成小组,第一组为上级,重点训练行文的语气、要求、内容的组织安排等。 根据上级来文选择文种,第二组为下级进行回文,重点训练回文的语气、目的等,接着两组互换位置进行第二次写作时间训练。


大一的学生保留着高中写作思维惯性,因此,要重点掌握理解基础写作知识,设定是叙述性、说明性较强的工作计划、总结、报告等文种的训练。大二、大三的学生具备了基础知识,因此采取各类专业文书的实践训练,结合其他专业知识,与其他课程的学习形成知识的应用和互补。而大四的学生重点是学习就业单位急需实操性文书,因此,要满足学生的实际就业需求,吸引学生更好的进行写作实践训练。 另外,在家庭生活、学习的过程中,要及时了解学生的需要,针对学生实际情况设定写作实践,突出应用写作课程的实用性,推广到整个班级,从而实现写作实践训练的目的,实现课程教学目标。

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