Advanced Energy Materials; First Published: 2 June 2015; Abstract. It is shown that significant degradation effects of CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 already occur at 85 °C, independent of the atmosphere, where humidity is a catalyst but not the origin of the …
Smart Artificial Retina In article number 2100742, Chih-Chien Hung, Wen-Chang Chen and co-workers propose an organic optical sensing inverter (OOSI) based on the N and P-type field-effect transistors, presenting dual-mode functions for …
Article Advance 是爱思唯尔推出的一项新服务,可帮助您轻松便捷地为文章找到适合出版的期刊。. 此服务可帮助您简化从提交到文章发表的整个流程,使您专注于研究,无需在文章发表上花费大量时间与精力。. Article Advance 目前适用于已加入 爱思唯尔肿瘤学期刊 ...
Halogen Acid Modulation In article number 2102838, Zhen-Hua Ge, Xiaohua Yu, Jing Feng, Jiaqing He, and co-workers present a new strategy that can significantly improve the electrical transport properties, as well as reduce the lattice thermal …
Advanced Science 出版年份:暂无数据 年文章数:485 投稿命中率:20.94% 出版周期:Monthly ... 退稿拿这点版面费说事恶不恶心spanclassquote152dCxj5646暂无昵称20181024发表br接收率约75这个期刊被评价为顶级刊物IF凭借综述一路高歌猛进但说句实在 ...
3D Printing In article number 2102153, Khoon S. Lim, Yu Shrike Zhang, and co-workers present a smartphone-enabled Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D printer based on a smartphone-powered projector and a customized touchscreen smartphone app, featuring portability, modularity, and an easy-to-use interface.Through printing with commercial resins and hydrogel-based (bio)inks, it is …
Wireless Wearables The cover associated with article 2100383 by Yonggang Huang, Debra E. Weese-Mayer, John A. Rogers, and co-workers, is a picture of an infant wearing a pair of soft, wireless, and skininterfaced devices that provide continuous, clinical-grade, and noninvasive monitoring of various physiological waveforms. Relevant characteristics of such waveforms can be used to infer …
如何评价期刊《Advanced Materials》?. 自从发现AM不怎么刊发金属类的论文后,就对这刊无感了. 后来零零碎碎的看到一些金属大类的文章,感觉金属方向的刊文越来越水. 蹭时代脉动,撇开金属材料这一支,是要放下包袱轻装简行,自然让做金属的觉得这刊有点内 ...如何评价Wiley旗下期刊Advanced Materials系列? - 知乎2020-12-9如何看待RSC新推出的open access期刊Materials Advance ...2020-12-5Advance In Mathematics 这个杂志怎么样?2018-11-12Science Advances这个期刊水平如何?2017-9-14查看更多结果
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