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期刊面面聊 | 声誉,出版速度和影响力俱佳的材料学期刊 JMR&T 2021-7-13 好消息!Giant 期刊被 ESCI 收录 2021-7-13 一图看懂 | 爱思唯尔期刊2020年影响因子表现 2021-7-12 在线研讨会:如何使您的文章被 BBA 期刊接收。
Data in Brief provides a way for researchers to easily share and reuse each other's datasets by publishing data articles that: Thoroughly describe your data, facilitating reproducibility. Make your data, which is often buried in supplementary material, easier to find. Increase traffic towards ….
Mendeley Data is a secure cloud-based repository where you can store your data, ensuring it is easy to share, access and cite, wherever you are. Create a Dataset.
下面,我为大家简单介绍一些实用的数据论文撰写技巧。. Data in Brief期刊的投稿数据库可大可小,一个简单的数据表、一张简洁的数据图都可以投稿,若您的数据已经存储在公共数据库中,那您提交给Data in Brief的论文只需要对数据做简洁的描述。. 1. 数据论文 ...
data in brief. 作者 璀璨魂缘. 来源: 小木虫 150 3 举报帖子. +关注. 投稿或文章接受时问要不要“data in brief”,这个是什么,一定要提交吗?. 返回小木虫查看更多. 分享至: 更多. 今日热帖. SAGE旗下 …
投稿时遇到Data in Br,楼主在向期刊《Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour》投稿时发现有个Data in Brief,这个是要必须写
是期刊,是Elsevier旗下的开放性期刊,可以把它理解为以“理解和共享数据”为导向的期刊,而非传统意义上以“研究问题”为导向的期刊。. 目前的影响力还较弱,CiteScore不到1,但是同样有严格的格式排版等要求,也要经过同行评审。. 鼓励开放数据及基于数据 ...
Guide for Authors. Download Guide for Authors in PDF. Aims and scope. Data in Brief provides a way for researchers to easily share and reuse each other's datasets by publishing data articles that: Thoroughly describe your data, facilitating reproducibility. Make your data, which is often buried in supplementary material, easier to find.
不是,普通期刊DatainBriefprovidesawayforresearcherstoeasilyshareandreuseeachother'sdatasetsbypublishingdataarticlesthat:Thoroughly... .new-pmd.c-abstractbr{display:none;}更多关于datainbrief期刊的问题>>