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9年前,她出版的自传式育儿作品《虎妈战歌》里,记录下这位普通中国式母亲对自己两个女儿近乎严苛的管教,为两个女儿制定十大戒律,用她自己的话,“采用咒骂、威胁、贿赂、利诱等种种高压手段, 要求孩子沿着父母为其选择的道路努力”。
虎妈战歌英文的读后感. 虎妈战歌英文的读后感. I have recently read Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother published by The Penguin Press in 2011. This autobiography was written by the Chinese American woman Amy Chua, a tenured professor in Yale Law School. She causes a sensation because her strict but unique parenting which brings ...
从《虎妈战歌》看中西方儿童的家庭教育的差异. 摘要 鉴于《虎妈的战歌》一书及其华裔作者蔡美儿的教育方法在海外网络和媒体上引起热议,对于中西方儿童家庭教育的讨论论也是层出不穷。. 该文主要是从教育目的、教教育方式、教育结果等方面探讨这些问题 ...
虎妈战歌英文读后感 I have recently read Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother published by The Penguin Press in 2011. This autobiography was written by the Chinese American woman Amy Chua, a tenured professor in Yale Law School.
虎妈战歌的英文读后感 I have recently read Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother published by The Penguin Press in 2011. This autobiography was written by the Chinese American woman Amy Chua, a tenured professor in Yale Law School.
美儿。. Her nickname is very populartiger mother. She is a professor of Yale University and a mother of two daughters. She came out a book called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother recently, which introduces how she teaches her two daughters strictly with Chinese way. After the book was published, a kind of education style has caused a ...
虎妈,维基百科的解释是:一种严格的或苛刻的育儿方式,指虎妈为了推娃取得高水平的学术成绩或如音乐之类的课外活动成就而使用的独裁育儿方法。. 这个术语就撰自《虎妈战歌》。. 要成为虎妈得有什么要求呢?. (作者 Amy Chua). 1、自身要懂得推娃的方向 ...