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足球机器人毕业论文1--总体设计 2.2.2 机器人移动方式的选择机器人在地面上移动的方式通常有三种:车轮式、履带式和步行式。步行移动方式模仿人类或动物的行走机理,用腿脚走路,对环境适应性好,智能程度也相对较高。正因如此,步行移动方式在机构和控制上是最复杂的,技术上也还不成熟,不适于在要求灵活和可靠性高的比赛中。履带式实际是一种自己为自己铺路的轮式车辆。它是将环状循环轨道履带卷绕在若干滚轮外,使车轮不直接与地面接触。履带式的的优点是着地面积比车轮式大,所以着地压强小;另外与路面黏着力强,能吸收较小的凸凹不平,适于松软不平的地面。因此,履带式广泛用在各类建筑机械及军用车辆上。车轮式移动是最常见的一种地面行进方式。车轮式移动的优点是:能高速稳定的移动,能量利用效率高,机构和控制简单,而且技术比较成熟。它的缺点是对路面要求较高,适于平整硬质路面。在本机器人足球比赛中,场地为室内光滑平整地面,非常适合车轮运动,因此本设计选用车轮式运动方式。2.3.2 机器人电路硬件选择 根据规则所描述,要求机器人尺寸较为小巧,直径为22cm,并且不允许人工干设其操作,需要自动控制。因此选用单片机为核心的控制器件,小型直流电机作为动力驱动,可以达到比赛的基本要求。单片机价格低廉,体积小巧,一般为20引脚或40引脚封装,其中包括了中央处理器,数据存储器、程序存储器输入输出设备。对于需要灵活机动,精度要求不高,有可扩展性及程序可擦写和简单成熟的编程平台等要求,单片机不失为最合适的选择。电机选择方面,考虑到机器人本身自重不大,必且场地尺寸有限,可选用小型直流伺服电机,可用电枢电压作为速度控制信号,但必须加装减速箱以适应低转速和大扭矩的应用环境。2.4.2 传感器元件及转换元件选择通过对比赛规则的解读可以发现,对于球和场地基板的设计是该项比赛中最具特色内容,它对机器人的核心设计――传感器以及比赛的方式产生了决定性的影响。发出红外光的足球意味着机器人必须有红外传感器来对其进行检测。红外线波长介于可见光和无线电波之间,大约0.76nm-1000nm,而光电传感器其所用到的波长选择在近红外区,即0.76-930nm。常用的红外线接收元件为光电二极管和光电三极管。它们可以将接收到的光变化转变的电流变化。比赛的场地图纸为纵向的黑白灰度渐变,这意味着机器人对进攻方向作出正确判断必须要能读出场地的灰度变化信息。要实现这一功能,则要用到红外光电反射式传感器。该元件由红外发光管和接受管组成。发光管材料一般为砷化钾半导体,发光波长范围在0.76-1.5nm,小功率的管压降1.0-1.3v,平均工作电流20-50mA,红外发管有指向角,光轴,波长,辉度等性能指标。红外接收管可用上述光电二极管或三极管。红外元件所接收的信号,根据情况的需要,要进行模拟-数字量的转换,因此需要AD转换芯片,AD转换的选择要根据所选用的的单片机来确定。本文所选用的51系列单片机,由于其端口的限制,需要AD转换器具有串口数据输出功能。2.5.2 机器人运行算法的构想对比赛过程的规则进行分析后发现,比赛的进行与真实的足球比赛的思维过程是一致的,机器人需要完成下述动作循环然而在这一过程中,最关键的一步是把球攻进正确的球门。其难点在于找球的传感器与地面方向的传感器是相互独立的两套系统,怎样才能让机器人判断当前状态是找球过程还是在带球进攻过程。如果单独执行找球程序,让机器人跟随球的方向前进,很有可能把球撞入己方球门;如果单独执行方向判断程序,机器人则无法知道当前球的位置,有可能在没有控球的情况下冲向对方球门而造成无效的进攻。怎样解决找球程序和进攻方向判断程序的衔接,避免乌龙球和无效的进攻,这是算法设计要解决的重要问题。然而笔者查阅过一些相关资料,一直没有找令人满意的算法解决方案。由于机器人套件的外形限制,在外形上做一些改动以适应算法需要的想法无法实现。而本设计这是利用了外形可以自行设计的优势,通过加装了一个“持球探测臂”来解决算法上找球程序和进攻方向判断程序的衔接的问题。如图所示,当机器人寻找到球,并把球控制在控球板内时,持球探测臂上垂直向下的持球传感器将接收到红外信号并转换为电流变化。利用该信号作为是否持球的判断标志,单片机不断查询该标志位。若该标志位无信号反馈,则说明机器人没有控球,执行找球程序;若该标位有信号反馈,则说明已经控球,则执行进攻方向判断及带球进攻程序。

114 评论


以下资料可供参考,详情文章已经发消息给你。共有记录12828条 上页 下页序号 文献标题 文献来源 年期 来源数据库1 足球、基金与信贷——基金投资策略对商业银行信贷流程的启示 安徽农村金融 2007/02 中国期刊全文数据库2 我在大连当“足球宝贝” 八小时以外 2007/08 中国期刊全文数据库3 世界足球先生卡纳瓦罗 初中生学习(英语阅读新概念) 2007/06 中国期刊全文数据库4 少儿足球、轮滑、中国武术、短式网球 探班训练场 父母必读 2007/05 中国期刊全文数据库5 全局视觉足球机器人的动态目标识别方法改进 福建信息技术教育 2007/03 中国期刊全文数据库6 图像处理在足球机器人系统中的应用 工程地质计算机应用 2006/03 中国期刊全文数据库7 基于consensus的人工势能场在足球机器人避障中的应用 高技术通讯 2007/07 中国期刊全文数据库8 江苏省男子足球后备人才培养模式现状调查 贵州体育科技 2006/01 中国期刊全文数据库9 浅谈足球裁判员的基本素质和技能的培养 贵州体育科技 2006/01 中国期刊全文数据库10 我院足球选项课教学的现状和对策 贵州体育科技 2006/02 中国期刊全文数据库共有记录12828条 上页 下页

205 评论


The robot soccer is the product which the high technology and new technology and sports athletics unify, is one kind of football competition project which plays soccer with the robot. It biggest charm is appraises the comprehensive technical level reasonably fairly through the football competition. Has contained the numerous technical difficult problems which in the robot soccer project the 21st century humanity wants to attack and capture, like the computer vision technology, the wireless communication networking, the behavior decision-making technology, the intelligent control technology, the integration of machinery technology, the computer simulation technology, the artificial life technology, the countermeasure concern the social histology and so on multi-disciplinary comprehensive technologies. this article first introduced soccer robot competition (FIRA and Robocup) the background and the domestic and foreign present situations, then in the concrete introduction FIRA project and the main attention's SimuroSot contest rule, operates the main point. Based on this, studies the SimuroSot platform the strategy turn of expression, the division role, and establishes each role the attack and defense strategy, by this establishment complete SimuroSot the 5V5 platform's attack and defense strategy, in the strategy turn of expression, this model uses the C language programming, uses Visual the Studio software write program, and derives the DLL strategy document to load into the platform to carry on the test, revises unceasingly, increases the attack and defense precision and strategy completeness. in the attack and defense strategy aspect, is different according to all soccer robot's position, the formulation all robot's role has custom-made, and formulates in view of the different field on the situation attack and defense strategy, this article has used in the soccer sports role division, for better weighs their path and the quantification value gives a better basis.

141 评论


这个我来 That robot football is a high and new technology and sports looks at and appraises the outcome being tied in wedlock, is one kind of football match project using robot to kick the ball. Its maximal charm is to pass the engineering level appraising synthesis to come the football match impartially rationally. A lot of technology difficult problems having contained 21 centuries human being in football project needing to capture in robot, microanatomy waits for multidisciplinary synthesis technology if the computer vision technology , wireless the network technology communicating by letter , behavior decision-making technic , intelligence control technique , integration of machinery with electronics technology , computer emulation technology , manpower life technology , countermeasure touch upon society. And then football robot competition (FIRA and Robocup) background and home and abroad current situation the main body of a book has been introduced first, introduce project and SimuroSot rules of the game paying close attention to mainly in FIRA , handle an essential concretely. Here, study SimuroSot platform tactics expressing way , divide a role on the basis,build and every role's offence and defence tactics , build entire SimuroSot 5 V5 platform offence and defence tactics on this account,Express way in tactics , be a model's turn to use the C language programming, use the Visual Studio software writer, and derive the DLL tactics document add record into platform do test, revises unceasingly, entire degree improving offence and defence accuracy and tactics. The location according to all football robots is in the field of offence and defence tactics, different , the role who works out all robots is custom-made , work out out and the offence and defence tactics specifically for different field mounts condition, the role to hit the target having adopt football to move divides the main body of a book , is that much better the motion trajectory judging them and quantization numerical value give a much better basis out.这行了吧

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