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首页 > 期刊论文 > 船用可燃气体检测论文

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: with the development of social economy, buildings, structures the diversity of applied materials, all kinds of industry and the development of science and technology, flammable material increased, together with people living environment and lifestyle changes, increasing the risk of fire, fire, the fire caused the number of casualties and economic loss increase gradually. Fire is harmful to human survival as the enemy of, more and more attention by people. With the increasing of the high-rise building, fire hidden trouble increase. Once the fire, and will be of the lives and property of the people do great harm, so people begin to seek a kind of early detection method of fire, in order to control and extinguish fire, reduce loss, and safeguarding the safety of life.With the introduction of the development of science and technology, electronic technology to become effective means of the safety aspects of, many, many of the safety aspects of electronic products, is the life of people's right-hand man. This design using single chip computer technology with A/D conversion chip constructed A flammable gas detection alarm. When environment flammable or poisonous gas leak, when gas alarm detect combustible gas concentration reach the point of alarm Settings, flammable gas alarm will be issued a warning signal to remind workers to take security measures. This paper firstly introduces the design flammable gas detection alarm the main way and the advantage of single-chip microcomputer system; And then introduced the flammable gas detection alarm design process, and the hardware and software design of the system, and gives the software program design detailed steps, including each module of the program design and the whole system commissioning and simulation steps, the results.This design USES MQ-2 gas sensor as flammable gas the signal acquisition tools, the collected simulation voltage quantity after ADC0809 into digital signals. Single chip ADC0809 collection to the digital signal after calculation, if combustible gas concentration reach the point of single chip set alarm when will drive LED and a buzzer issued a warning signal. In no RanQiTi, some unknown risk, alarm can human control key change fire alarm initial value.

203 评论


With the diversity of social and economic development, buildings, structures, Applied Materials, the development of various industrial and science and technology, increase in combustible materials, coupled with people's living environment and lifestyle changes, the risk of fire is increasing, the number of firescasualties and economic losses caused by fire is gradually increasing. Fire as the enemy of endangering the survival of mankind, more attention has been paid. With the growing number of high-rise buildings, fire hazards increase. Event of fire, will people's lives and property caused great harm, so people began to seek a method of early detection of fire, in order to control and extinguish fires and to minimize losses, protect life safety.With the development of electronic science and technology, electronics technology has become a powerful means of security, many security aspects of electronic products, the right-hand man of the people's lives. This design uses a microcontroller technology with A / D conversion chip to build a combustible gas detector alarm. When the leak of flammable or toxic gases in the environment to the critical point of the combustible gas concentration reaches the alarm set, when the gas alarm detection, combustible gas alarm will send alarm signal to remind staff to take safety measures. This paper briefly describes the design combustible gas detection alarm as well as the advantages of the SCM system; then details the design flow of the combustible gas detection alarm, as well as hardware and software systems design and software programming detailed steps, including the various modules of the program design and system debugging and simulation steps, results.The design uses the MQ-2 gas sensor signal acquisition tool as a combustible gas, the collected analog voltage after the ADC0809 converted into digital signals. Single-chip digital signal acquisition to the ADC0809 has been calculated, if the combustible gas concentration reaches the critical point when the alarm is set microcontroller will drive the LED and buzzer alarm signal. In the case of non-combustible gases, the occurrence of unknown danger, the alarm can artificially control buttons to change the fire alarm initial value. 希望能帮到你

161 评论


摘要:如何进行有效的船舶火灾通风控制,是对防止火灾扩散,提高灭火能力和保护船员的生命安全具有重要的作用,对船舶火灾各过程的通风控制技术进行探讨。关键词:船舶火灾 阶段 通风控制 人员防护前言我国是世界航运大国。随着世界经济的发展以及科学技术的进步,船舶运输获得迅速发展,船舶的数量急剧增加,船舶安全成为人们关注的焦点,大大小小的碰撞、搁浅、火灾、爆炸、油污等事故时有发生,造成众多人员伤亡、大量财产损失以及严重的环境污染。尤其是火灾、爆炸事故呈上升势趋。特别是船舶在运输易燃易爆物品、自燃性物品等危险品时,大大增加了船舶的火灾和爆炸的危险性。并且船舶在航行中是一个独立的实体,船体空间小、货物密集、人员集中,一旦发生火灾爆炸事故往往损失惨重,甚至造成船沉人亡的特大事故。船舶火灾所带来的严重危害后果,不仅直接危及着船舶、船员和旅客生命财产安全,影响航运企业效益,也会影响社会稳定,造成不良的政治影响。船舶为了防止货物变质或自燃,以及改善旅客和船员的生活、工作重要条件,设置有通风系统。对货舱、机舱和船员住室等进行通风,排除废气,补充新鲜空气。在发生火灾时,为了控制火势,必须采取有效措施进行控制通风。但是在进行灭火过程中,则需根据实际情况的需要,进行合理的通风,以保障灭火人员的生命安全。本文就船舶发生火灾时,如何进行有效的通风控制进行阐述。1 船舶通风类型通风是将阻挡在船舶内的燃烧产物释放出来,并将它们排出到船舶外的大气中去的一种行动。在大多数火灾中,死亡事故并不是被烧死,而是由于易燃气体或缺氧窒息而死。致命的一氧化碳和其他有害气体,在烟或热被发现以前就渗漏入舱室了。熟睡的人很难察觉这些气体的存在。但是,如果对火区进行迅速而恰当地通风,就能够将烟和气体从可能的牺牲者和尚未进入的可燃物处引走。只有对火进行直接扑救时才能进行通风。在进行间接扑救的过程中,火区必须尽可能地封闭成气密,使氧气保持在外边而灭火剂保持在里边。常见的通风类型有:1.1 垂直通风对于因着火而产生的烟和灼热的气体,应尽可能排到外面的空气中去。随着火势加剧,可燃气体会变得过热,如果它们被引燃,就将使火灾迅速扩散。在理想的情况下,随着灭火剂对准火焰的施放,气体就在火的垂直上方的某一点释放山来。在船上要获得这样理想垂进通风几乎是不可能的。因为在船上从失火点到外界很少有直接的向上通道。在多数情况下,至少需要进行一些横向通风。1.2 横向通风打开上风和下风的门,使燃烧产物聚集的空间形成气流,即可获得横向通风。新鲜空气从上风的门洞中进来,使燃烧生成物从下风的门洞中出去。应首先打开风门,舷窗也应打开,但是小舷窗对排除烟和热并没有很大效果。1.3 垂直和横向复合通风当火发生在甲板下面,欲将烟和热从船上排走可能是比较困难的。在有些情况下,需进行垂直和横向复合通风。有时在甲板舱口处会形成横向气流。这种气流能够产生“文杜里”管作用,将甲板下的烟卤和热抽向上方。在适当的位置放上一个可移式风扇,将有助于空气更迅速地流动。通向未入区域的门应关闭,使污染了的空气不致进入。在通风结束以前这些门应一直保持封闭。1.4 机械通风通过正确放置的可移式风扇,能够使被烟污染了的空气沿着过道,通过甲板开口从舱室中排出。用风扇来推动和抽送空气,可使从污染区域到外界形成一股气流。在有些情况下,船舶的机械进内系统可以和移动风扇一道使用。如果没有动力风扇,可采用帆布通风筒。通风筒应安装成在船舶航行时能迫使新鲜空气进入污染区域。这时,烟就通过天然开口排放出去。2 灭火各阶段的通风控制2.1 初期火通风控制船舶90%以上的火灾是由于初期火控制不当造成更大的危害。船舶火灾发生之初,能够赶到的人员少且对火情不明,在这种情况下最重要的是控制火势蔓延,防止火灾扩大。如果不进行控制,而是盲目采取灭火行动,则往往灭火不得要领,致使火灾扩大开来,导致无法扑救的严重后果。因此在发生火灾初期,为了控制火势,预防火灾扩大,达到快速灭火目的,采取关闭所有门窗和通风系统是一种最佳选择方案。当船员发现船舶着火后,首先向驾驶台报警外,应及时采取关闭火场四周的通风,并切断火区的油、电、气等。驾驶台发出消防警报后,及时关闭驾驶台能控制的通风装置。现场指挥在指挥灭火时,为了防止火灾的扩大,以“先内后外,先下后上”的原则,立即命令隔离队先关闭火区相连的全部通风装置,如货舱发生火灾,应迅速关闭舱盖,如果是机舱、上甲板或船尾发生火灾,隔离队应关闭机舱、上甲板或船尾的全部通风装置,然后关闭其它舱室的通风。“先内后外”的原则就是隔离队或其它船员先控制火区的通风,防止火灾扩散到其它区域,然后在外围的其它区域进行关闭通风。初期火通风控制时只须关紧即可,切勿关死门道,否则有可能影响灭火队员进入速度。这样不仅抓住火灾扩散的有效途径,同时能防止有害的燃烧气体对灭火人员危害。“先下后上”就是隔离队为了防止火区发生“烟囱效应”,在采取通风控制时,应先关闭火区下方的通风,然后关闭上方的通风装置。切勿先关闭顶部通风,否则火灾产生的烟和热从船上排走可能是比较困难的,防止发生船舶整个舱室“闷罐”现象,严重危害到船员生命安全和灭火行动。为了防止火灾向其它区域扩散,除上述控制外,还应调整航向,使火处于下风。2.2 灭火过程中的通风控制2.2.1 带状通风控制在实施直接扑灭时,为了防止火势扩散以及人员伤亡,同时实施带状通风措施。带状通风是灭火过程保护灭火队员的一种辅助方法。如图中船舶C点舱室发生火灾,应先在火区下风A点进行有选择开启某一通道,使烟、热、火改变方向,使烟和气体从可能危及重点区域、消防队员设定的通道引走。消防队员然后从上风处B点开门,以水雾掩护进入,在水雾驱动下,灭火的船员能得到较新鲜的空气,从而最大地保障灭火船员的生命安全。2.2.2 断绝通风机舱或其他舱室火灾迅猛,根本无法接近时,最好的方法是断绝通风,断绝通风的方法就是关闭火区的所有通风设施,断绝火区的氧气供给。船上装有特殊货物时,如棉花、煤炭、黄麻等,开舱直接扑灭会使火灾扩大,应采取断绝通风这一基本措施。一旦决定采取断绝通风的措施,则要求务必彻底封闭所有与该舱室相连的通风孔,尤其船龄较大的船舶舱室密闭性差,必须仔细巡视,将可能通风之处用封舱胶布进行封闭,否则非但不能扑灭火灾,反而使火灾蓄势待发,隐藏着更大的危险。断绝通风的过程中为了增强灭火效果,往往与其他措施综合运用,这时需要特别注意的是要充分调查研究,判断可行性和有无其他危险。2.3 灭火后的通风控制在得到有效的灭火后,并不表示船员可以进入舱室进行清理火场。舱内还存在大量的有害气体,因此,在灭火结束时,应对火场进行有效的通风。通风时,应对火场上方先开一门进行有效观察火区的情况,或先进行横向通风,如发现有危险情况可立即进行再封舱,如没有危险情况,再进行扩大通风区域,使舱内有害气体排出,通风方式以垂直通风为主快速排除舱内有害气体。主要参考文献[1]中华人民共和国港务监督局.《船舶高级消防》[M].1998[2]邵建章.船舶火灾的扑救及救援[J].武警学院消防工程系学报,2002(8):44-48

360 评论


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