Residential construction is connected with human life as a building type most closely. In recent decades, with the progress of social and economic development, China's urban housing space has undergone a series of development change. Changes in family size, living patterns of behavior change, the development of residential space has important effects that break the traditional spatial model. The diverse needs of the market has prompted the emergence of residential space model from a single to diversify. Residential space as most closely linked with people living space, study it as social and economic development and continuous improvement of the quality of people's lives, but more depth. The diversity of different groups of people, individual needs of the development of residential space will be the largest potential driving force. The literature research paper from the first through the history of the longitudinal course of development of residential space and make a detailed analysis, the main features from space, Space Environment mind two aspects, and secondly, for what is humane, launched the concept of human space analysis and thinking, the last of today's housing market "loft" design of residential space exploration. Through systematic analysis of the article conclude that the development of urban residential space can be divided into two main features, the first residential housing functions from the initial force developed to meet the residential space includes living, learning, leisure, entertainment, home office such a wide range of functions. Second, residential space model from a collection type, a single style to today's personalized, diversified development. The progressive realization of the design of interior space refinement and humanity. The application of new technologies and new materials to make home more energy-efficient green space.
Residential buildings with human life is most closely connected a building type. In recent decades, with the development of social economy progress, urban residential space also experienced a series of development change. Family population scale changes, living pattern of behavior change of residential space, developed the important effects that broke traditional space model. The emergence of market diversification demand more prompted residential space model from a single tending towards diversification. Residential space, as most closely with people live contact the space, and research to it will with the development of society and economy and the improvement of people's life quality and more deeply. Different groups of diversity, personalized requirements of the development of residential space will be the biggest potential driving force.This paper firstly from historical literature research on the development of residential space longitudinal study of a detailed analysis of course, mainly from space characteristics, space environment in two aspects, secondly, according to what is humanization, humanized space launch concepts such as analysis and the ponder, finally to today's housing markets "loft" residential space design exploration. Through the analysis of the system, the article sums up the development of urban residential space can be divided into two main characteristic, first of all, from the initial barely meet residential living function development to present residence space contains a living, learning, leisure, entertainment, the function of diversified home office.The second point, residential space model JiGeShi, single type from until now individuality, and diversified development. Indoor dimensional design gradually realize refinement, humanization. The application of new technology and new materials that residential space more energy conservation and environmental protection.
论文题目: 浅谈住宅楼人防地下车库施工技术要点
摘要: 近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展和城市化建设进程的不断加快,人民生活水平不断提高的同时,对自己的生活质量也提出了更高的要求,比如车辆的数量在不断的增加,因此迫切需要足够的停车位满足这一客观要求。在当前有限的.生存空间内,人们将视线转向了住宅楼地下车库或人防地下车库的建设上,本文将对地下车库的施工技术要点进行分析,并在此基础上提出一些建设性建议,以供参考。
关键词: 住宅楼; 人防地下车库; 施工技术要点; 研究;
论文题目: 住宅楼建筑屋面防水设计与施工措施
摘要: 屋面漏水一直是建筑工程施工质量的顽疾,在建筑渗漏中最为普遍。屋面漏水与屋面防水工程的复杂性和施工管理都有一定的关系,住宅屋面防水是屋面防水工程的首要任务。住宅屋面防水施工中,防水层起着主导作用。防水层的优劣,将直接影响其他构造层次的有效性和使用寿命。因此,保温、隔热、找平等工程也要纳入住宅屋面防水施工系统之中。
关键词 :住宅楼; 屋面防水; 设计; 施工措施;
论文题目: 北方地域环境下的高层及多层住宅楼设计新理念
摘要: 着重分析北方地域环境下的高层住宅楼及多层住宅楼的设计理念及设计特点。在住宅楼设计上,应从房型,朝向上来适应北方地域环境的特点。东北地区冬天相对较长,气候寒冷,住宅设计应区别于南方的地理特点,不可片面强调景观环境,住宅应首先考虑朝向,应全部为正南向或东南向西南向,应尽可能考虑如何做到一年四季主要房间阳光充足。经多次比较分析,高层住宅能完全满足以上要求。
关键词: 北方地域环境; 以人为本暨生态理念; 高层、多层住宅楼设计; 充分利用太阳能;
Residential construction is connected with human life as a building type most cl
从城市设计对城市整体环境改善而带来 的城市复兴来认识城市设计除空间塑造和规划管 理外的深层作用,并通过对英国城市设计应用实 例的介绍,力求在我国目前快速城市化进