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我的英语好Based on the investigation and analysis of the base of the residents of demography, housing quality and the actual demand, etc, and based on this site are discussed the characteristics of public space for the construction design. According to present situation of residential buildings with theories, the method of combining with actual construction for residents in the community of activity center, increase the daily life of the residents of public space needed to create a healthy and comfortable, interactive communication space; Thus for residents to improve the living environment and the lifestyle and conduct a positive guidance.Keywords: living space environment; Neighborhood space; Construction design; Activity center

143 评论


Abstract:In the 21st century, as one of the most scare resources - "talent", has been growing attention, core personnel is an important enterprise strategic resource, between enterprise and market competition of enterprise core talents will is fierce competition, so how to cultivate talents is the core and stay current enterprise management personnel should consider important issues. Based on the enterprise, follow the question, the analysis problem, problem-solving basic idea of enterprise core talents and employment status, problems and solutions are analyzed and discussed.Keywords: The core talents, erosion, training, employment, incentive mechanism 再送你个网站翻译的:Abstract: In the 21st century, as one of the most scarce resource - "talent", has began to be growing a wide range of attention, the core of talent is more important strategic resources of the enterprise, between enterprises is bound to the intense competition in the market is enterprise's core talent competition, so how to effectively train and the presence of the core of talent is the contemporary business management personnel to consider important issues. This article is based on enterprise, follow the questions, analyze problems, to solve the problem of the basic ideas, the cultivation of the enterprise's core status and retention problems, causes and solutions for a more in-depth analysis and discussion. Keywords: Core personnel, loss, training, retention, incentive mechanism 自己仔细对比就能发现哪里的不同了~~~

256 评论


The purpose of this study is mainly for the oxygen - acetylene flaming combustion process to produce the effect of the combustion process problems. Its main forms in the combustion process is caused due to high temperature flamer tempered, once this happened is not achieve ideal result, welding is easy to make flame back to burn the dangers. Therefore a control device of the phenomenon is quite necessary.This is mainly due to the relatively high temperature flamer caused by such devices a jacket. Mainly in oxyacetylene cutting installed in the gun fire. This device is concise, outer wall and inner choose copper and iron welding formed by choice, outer wall hollow ferroalloy were used for welding of inlet and outlet water two ZuiZi. It forms a hollow internal cooling device, the coolant water.Through testing the device installed in flames shot after the fire after cutting temperature are obviously different. Install the device is not install the device than lower temperature burning, after. Through testing the device can be found after temperature control by gun fire, burning full, easy cause tempering. This device such as recognized by acetylene flame cutting to oxygen, the production process, the main advantage of low cost, easy to manufacture. But there may be confined to small-scale human production.Keywords: oxyacetylene cutting clamp

170 评论


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