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Benefits of Higher Education

There are many benefits that e with the higher education. Not only do many people enjoy college life and the exposure to a world of new subjects, but a higher education also helps people find better careers, earn higher wages and make many contacts along the way.

One final benefit of a college educationis all of the contacts that students make while in college with people within their field. This is very helpful, because friends within the field can help graduates find good jobs and new opportunities.

Almost always, a higher education means that graduates will earn a higher wage after graduation.

Sometimes a higher education can inspire students to stay within academia and do post-secondary research within their fields.

A higher education helps graduates land better and more interesting jobs, because employers are more likely to hire candidates with a higher education.

Many people enjoy the freedom that college life brings. Higher education students are not only away from home, but they are free to pursue their dreams, interests and to shape their life in the way that they would like to.

Being in higher education exposes people to many different subjects and fields of study that were not available insecondary schools. This exposure helps students figure out exactly what it is that they would like to do for a living.



1、 根据图表,对比新中国成立时与2002年在校大学生的人数。

2、 简单分析上述变化的原因:1) 改革开放,经济发展,需要人才。

2) *** 重视教育,自1999年开始高校扩招。

3) 大多数人开始意识到高等教育的重要性。


2)参考词汇:图表 chart 招生 enrollment 改革开放 reform and opening up范文:As we can see from the chart, China's higher education is developing quickly. There were only about on million college students when New China was born in 1949, while the number reached 4.5 million in 2002.Several factors have contributed to the development of China's higher education. First, China's rapid economic development, especially during the enty years of reform and opening up, has laid a sound foundation. Second, the Chinese government has been trying hard to encourage the development of higher education. One of the measures taken was to increase college enrollment starting from 1999. Third, most people have begun to realize the importance of higher education.中国的高等教育发展迅速,在校大学生人数不断增长,请你根据下面的图表及汉语提示,写一篇短文,描写其变化,并简析其原因。

As we know,sport plays an important role in our daily lives.Whenever you do some exercise,you can get a whole new refresh feeling through your body.It really does good to you.For example,going out to play ball games, which is being more and more popular these days,can get rid of bad moods,and help you be energetic again.In order to keep fit,you can keep a habbit of doing sports regularly.You'll benefit a lot from it.All in all,we'd better pick up our balls,and go out,to have an exciting game.Ready?Go?

List ? second-hand housing transaction risk Directory ? ? ? ? ? ? second-hand housing transaction risk Edit this paragraph risk warning 1, to ensure the availability for sale and authenticity, from the Buy-side protection of the source transactions. Risk Tip: Buy side trading must view the property before the original permit, to avoid "false landlord" fraud. 2, a professional valuation and reasonable Guapai Jia, can shorten the transaction cycle. Risk Tip: Guapai Jia is too high, the information frozen in limbo transaction cycle lengthening. 3, the seller and the intermediary parties (intermediaries) in a written trust agreement, clear the corresponding rights and obligations of this agreement for the sale of intermediate side-line registration availability, and media advertising. Risk Tip: To prevent unscrupulous intermediaries are not for the "exclusive trust\ 4, real estate trading center of a mandatory requirement, to further ensure the availability of for sale and authenticity. risk warning: no registration does not allow transfer, registration and filing within 15 days from the date of the transaction can only transfer. 5, confirm the true identity of customers, from the source to protect the seller's transactions. Risk Tip: alert criminals to examine critically the implementation of the name of home theft and robbery offenses. 6, agents clearly buyers buy side real budget and purchase conditions, targeted to find matching listings. Risk Tip: purchase goal is not clear, broker listings matching hit rate decrease caused by repeated critically waste of time and effort. 7, buy side and intermediate side (medium side) of a written trust agreement, clear the corresponding rights and obligations, the brokerage side in order to seek the necessary agreement for the buy side and to lead the critically availability. risk warning: be intermediate harbor has enabled confirmation of the agreement and critically investigate not honest "jump intermediary" behavior, the amount of pensation agreed on the amount of intermediate agreement or Fang Jiakuan of 1%. 8, according to price, area, room type, floor, lots, and other factors surrounding the sale side and buy-side information to optimize the match. risk warning: The remended ultra-low-cost broker, one-time payment, the landlord discretionary, the court auction "in house" must be especially careful. 9, Buy side anastomosis of the availability of the broker matching field view. Risk Tip: wary of unscrupulous landlords in the name of the implementation process in the critically robbery and other criminal acts. Buy side as a woman, to avoid going alone. 10, buy side are looking at the availability of buyers satisfied with the request made by the earnest money paid, including but not limited to price, payment method and time of the gift or discount furniture, appliances, maintenance funds and other costs The settlement terms have not yet reached a consensus agreement. risk warning: this is the intention if the seller does not agree terms, then the intention money refunded without interest to the buy side; if the seller agreed to sign, then the intent to automatically deposit money, deposit penalties into effect. Buy side at this time if this condition will not go back on purchase, the seller did not receive the delivery deposit. 11, the seller, including but not limited to price, payment method and time, home appliances furniture gift or discount, the cost of maintenance funds and other terms agreed to purchase a buy-side agreement signed requests. Risk Tip: If the seller does not agree to sign this intention, the intention money refunded without interest to the buy side; as agreed sign, then the intent to automatically deposit money, deposit penalties into effect. At this point the seller is no longer in this condition go back on sale, should be double the return of the deposit. 12, buy side and mercial loans to fund the first instance, to avoid the loans approved because of obvious factors that can not plete the signing of "real estate contract of sale" caused by breach of contract. risk warning: signed "real estate contract of sale" before the penalty as "real estate transactions brokered agreement" on the agreement to pay the deposit, signed the "contract for the sale of real estate" after payment for breach of contract, "Real Estate Sale Contract" on agreed liquidated damages, generally Fang Jiakuan of 20%. 13, the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers in the form of a written contract agreement down, both sides equal respect and restraint. Risk Tip: housing ownership, payment, payment time, delivery standards, breach of contract provisions, ...

外文文献及翻译一、英文文献Distance education as a new possibility for librarians in Estonia Distance education in Estonia Distance higher education in Europe is at the beginning of the third phase in its evolution (Bang 1995) and distance learning, flexible learning, resource-based learning, open learning and puter-mediated learning are being monplace in the progressive educator's vocabulary. Still, there is no widespread familiarity with the concept of modern distance education in Estonia. Distance education is associated by most people with the kind of correspondence education that was offered under the old regime and is often also associated with its most evident manifestation, i.e. technology. It is therefore important to convey an understanding of modern distance education to the Estonian educational systems (Distance 1993). At their meeting January 29, in 1993, the Nordic Council of Ministers made a ruling to support the Action Programme for the Baltic countries and neighbouring areas. In this Action Programme provisions were also made for educational projects in distance education. On this basis, the Council accepted an application from the President of the European Distance Education Neork (EDEN) on behalf of the national associations of distance education in Finland, Norway, and Sweden to perform a feasibility study in the Baltic countries. The aims of the feasibility study were to:? assess the state of art of distance education in the three Baltic states, as well as to ? identify the needs that exist for further development of distance education in the region (Distance..., 1993). In March 1993 the Central and Eastern European countries proposed, in the framework of the working group on regional initiatives in human resources, to establish a Regional Distance Education Neork in co-operation with PHARE. As a first step a feasibility study on the development of such a Regional Distance Education Neork in Central and Eastern Europe was missioned and the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) was contracted to carry out this study with the Ministry of Culture and Education of Hungary as co-ordinator. Feasibility studies on the development of modern distance education were carried out in 1993 by groups of experts engaged by the Nordic Council of Ministers and PHARE.In October 1993, at a seminar in Budapest for the official representatives of all eleven PHARE countries, it was agreed unanimously that a Regional Distance Education Neork should be set up with a long-term perspective. Following the feasibility study, a financing proposal was agreed in 1994 for a three million ECU pilot project called PHARE Pilot Project for Multi-Country Co-operation in Distance Education. The pilot project aimed: ? to act as a catalyst for national policy formulation in the field of distance education through measures for awareness raising, staff development, the presentation of existing models and mechani *** s of distance education; ? to establish a neork of National Contact Points in the participating countries and to develop the necessary infrastructure in all countries to allow them to co-operate on an equal basis; ? to develop on an experimental basis o pilot courses (European Studies and Training of Distance Trainers), thereby testing the feasibility of joint development by the participating countries of core course modules which can then be adapted to national requirements and context; ? on the basis of the above items, to define areas of mon interests in which regional co-operation can produce an important added value, in terms of enhanced quality of outputs, speed of development and/or economies of scale (Benders, 1996). The Estonian National Contact Point was established on 7th November,1994 and Regional Centres were set up at the Tallinn Pedagogical University, the Tartu University and the Tallinn Technical University in the framework of PHARE Programme for Multi-Country Co-operation in Distance Education. On August 22nd 1996 the international seminar "Modern Training and University Education" was arranged at the Tallinn Pedagogical University to discuss what has happened in the field of distance education in Estonia. At this Seminar the main obstacles to delivering distance education widely in Estonia were pointed out:? lack of appropriate literature and printed materials; ? lack of modern knowledge; ? old-fashioned academic staff and subject-oriented teaching; ? lack of ideology and/or policy at the strategy level about distance education; ? few active ...







那么,怎样才能让我们对英语学习产生极大的兴趣呢? 1.2、怎样培养学习英语的兴趣 在众多的英语学习者中,可能有一部分(包括我)在课堂中系统学习英语之前就对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,致使他们在初学英语时能够富有 *** ,觉得这是件很开心的事。





1.2.1音乐对促进学习英语的作用 我是从初中开始学习英语的,在此之前,从未以任何形式学习过英语,也没有学习英语的家庭背景。





记得有一句是“能不能叫你一声My Love,亲爱的时候…”,当时知道Love是爱的意思,但My是什么意思就不明白了。





毕竟当时的英语水平是在有限,平时在课堂上还在学习How do you do. Good Morning之类的句子,歌词肯定是弄不明白,我就去买了一本10多万词汇量的很厚很厚的英汉词典。





不仅在课堂上学,课下我还通过广播自学了一套教材,觉得这是我迄今见过的最好的英语启蒙和提高的教材,这里介绍给大家:《初级美国英语(Active American English)》,赖世雄编著。


1.2.2电影对促进学习英语的作用 上高中的那三年,国内VCD盛行,几乎家家都有VCD播放机,租售影碟的店铺也雨后春笋般的出现。










1.2.3电脑和网络对学习英语的影响 在我们看和听的过程中,不仅增长了对英语发音的常识和自信,更是使我们增长了不少文化背景知识。



Higher education will not bring out high quality cultured people given the paper chase environment in this society. Everybody thinks in term of getting the paper and never bother to do the study in the proper way. Students only use baiduyixia and baiduzhidao to do homework and copy from each other. Even after they got the paper qualification, they do not know what the *** they have learned. This is no different from a student who came from a prestigous higher education body. I believe in whacking malpracticing student who copies. Corrective punishment but not vindictive punishment must be meted to get student to the right path.

高等教育的英文:higher education 一、higher 英 [?ha??(r)] adj.高高的;高级的;上级的;高等的;高的( high的比较级 );高尚的;高地的;高级的 二、education 英 [?ed?u?ke??n] 美 [??d???ke??n] n.教育;培养;教育学;训练 1、The present system of funding for higher education is unsatisfactory. 目前高等教育的经费体制并不令人满意。

2、A key issue for higher education in the 1990's is the need for greater diversity of courses 20世纪90年代,高等教育的一个重要议题是要使课程更加多样化。

扩展资料 相关词: 一、university degree 英 [?ju?n??v??(r)s?ti di?ɡri:] 美 [?jun??v?rs?ti d??ɡri] 本科学历 Usually they have a minimum baccalaureate or first university degree in any of the social sciences. 通常他们有一个最低学士学位在社会科学的任何或第一个大学学位。

二、graduate degree 英 [?ɡr?djuit di?ɡri:] 美 [?ɡr?d?u?et d??ɡri] 研究生学位 With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities. 有了研究院学位,你会有更多机会的。


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90 评论


问题一:教育事业的重要性体现在哪些方面论文 浅谈发展教育事业的重要性 摘要:教育是民族振兴、社会进步的基石,是提高国民素质、促进人的全面发展的根本途径,是中华民族最根本的事业。当今世界,人才成为国家竞争力的核心,教育成为国家竞争力的基础。在人类社会的深刻变革中,教育越来越居于龙头地位,发挥着举足轻重的作用。教育兴, *** 族兴;教育强,则国家强。我们国家的现代化、中华民族的伟大复兴,归根结底取决于教育。必须进一步凝聚优先发展教育的共识,坚持把教育放在优先发展的战略地位不动摇。 【关键词】重要性、优先教育、任务 贯彻落实国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要。制定规划纲要任务分解分工方案,提出重点任务、重要政策和重大工程配套实施办法。以薄弱环节和重点领域为重点,抓紧启动重大教育项目和改革试点。全面推进教育改革,对办学体制、教学内容、教育方法、评价制度等进行系统改革。推进教育事业科学发展。优先发展教育事业是我们党科学判断世界形势,准确把握时代发展的本质要求,从不断推进我国社会主义现代化建设进程,实现中华民族伟大复兴的战略全局出发,做出的一项造福当代、泽及千秋的英明决策。全面贯彻落实科学发展观,全面完成“十一五”时期国家经济社会发展任务,特别是建设创新型国家,加快转变经济增长方式,不断增强综合国力,迫切要求更加重视实施科教兴国战略、人才强国战略,进一步落实好教育优先发展的战略地位。多年来,实施科教兴国战略取得了举世瞩目的成就,党的十六大以来,党中央、国务院坚持实施科教兴国战略,大力实施人才强国战略,推动教育事业发展改革取得了新的巨大成就。但也要清醒地看到,实际工作发展不平衡,还存在一些需要进一步解决的问题,特别是有的地方、有的部门、有的同志认识不到位的问题尤其需要尽快加以解决。 一要明确优先发展教育要性 一是要从国家命运的高度认识优先发展教育事业的极端重要性。新中国建立以来,特别是改革开放以来,在 *** 理论指导下,教育被摆上了优先发展的战略地位,推动教育加快改革发展步伐,我国教育事业为社会主义现代化建设服务、为人民服务的能力得到明显提高。我国改革开放事业能够顺利推进,跨国企业纷纷进入中国投资办厂,十分重要的一个原因就是相对于许多发展中国家,我们拥有受过基本教育的较高素质劳动力优势,大批受过高等教育的专门人才优势。时间充分证明,在当代,优先发展教育确确实实是使国家兴盛的根本大计,也是使人民过上幸福生活并向着每个人都能“自由而全面发展”前进的根本大计。 二是要从国际社会强国兴衰的历史认识优先发展教育事业的极端重要性。一个真正强大的国家的教育总是居于同时期的先进水平。工业革命后,英国称霸全球,名为“日不落帝国”,相对落后的德国大刀阔斧改革发展教育事业,迅速赶超英国;美国建国之初,国力远远落后于欧洲诸强,由于大力发展教育,国力也迅速超出欧洲诸强;日本在明治维新后,特别是战后加快发展教育,奠定了这个缺乏自然资源的国家成为世界第二经济大国的坚实基础。“国运兴衰,系于教育”,地球村里强国你方唱罢我登场的兴衰史剧早就雄辩地说明了这一点,在科学技术已经成为第一生产力、人力资源已经成为第一资源的当代,教育的这种战略地位则更加突出。 三是要从我国基本国情与现代化建设全局出发认识优先发展教育事业的极端重要性。当前,我国基本国情之一就是有13亿人口;基本国情之二就是人均资源占有量较低。因此,必须尽快实现依靠自主科技创新和人力资源开发推动经济社会发展。而科技创新人才培养和人力资源开发的最重要的基础就是教育。基本国情决定了我们不可能向国外大规模移民,不可能长期依靠消耗资源支撑发展,更不可能走对外发动战争取得资源和市场的发展......>> 问题二:教育教学论文的撰写意义 看你写的是那方面的文章,每个都是不一样的。 申报中级:要在具有CN刊号、ISSN刊号的专业期刊发表论文1篇或在具有CN刊号,以及解决技术问题而撰写的专项技术分析(论证)报告1篇以上。 现在一般发表的价位在几百到数千不等,具体你可以咨询下有经验的前辈或者是品优刊! 问题三:学校教育有什么作用和意义 议论文 学校教育作用是什么 ■ 刘长铭 2003年高考后,北京四中的徐稚老师将十几个孩子的成长感悟编纂成书,起名为《从北京四中到北大清华――打开高考“黑匣子”》。书的内容是孩子们写的在四中成长的真情实感,因此吸引了不少读者,特别是在校学生,因为他们是作者的同龄人。《百年名校北京四中高考斑斓路》一书可以说是上本书的续作。 每个人都渴望成功与幸福,每个父母都希望自己的孩子得到成功与幸福,但究竟什么是成功与幸福,这个带有哲学色彩的问题几千年来始终吸引并困扰着世人。 高考前后,不少地方的高级酒店挂出招牌,预定庆功宴、状元宴、谢师宴等等,让人眼花缭乱。这似乎给世人一个昭示:只要跨进高等学府,就得到了成功与幸福;考进了名牌大学,就成了“成功男孩”或“成功女孩”。正因为这样,每年的书店或书摊上都摆放着大量总结高考经验或猜题押题的书,如状元宝典、状元秘籍、状元试卷、状元之路等,世人争相抢购、趋之若鹜。家长和教师都希望下一代或者学生能够不走自己曾走过的弯路,不再走自己曾经的坎坷而径奔成功。于是他们不厌其烦苦口婆心地给孩子以这样或那样的忠告,他们觉得孩子只要不犯大人们曾犯的错误,不走大人们曾走过的弯路,就能规避失败,一路顺风,成功唾手可得。 但是,很多人想错了。 不论社会如何进步,每个人的个人生活都不可能事事如意,完美无缺。孩子们可能避免了大人们曾经走过的弯路,但是他们今天面临着更多的是长辈们不曾经过的岔口。那些过来人。包括家长和老师,在回顾往事的时候,常常会吃惊地发现,当年自己所走的弯路、所犯的错误、所遇的坎坷,那些不希望发生和看到的事情,在自己后代或学生的身上几乎一样不少。孩子们似乎在重演着上一辈人带有缺憾的人生。其实,成功与失败、顺境与挫折都是人发育不可缺少的营养素。毕竟生活的哲学不是老师和家长教给的,孩子们乐意自己去体验,去感悟,去品尝成功与失败的滋味,去承受挫折带来的痛苦。这就是成长的规律。 那么,学校教育还有什么作用呢? 首先,学校教育是人类传承文明成果的一种方式和途径。因此,学校的重要任务就是让学生掌握他们应当掌握的知识。对知识掌握的效果如何,要通过考试来检验。尽管今天的考试方式还很不完备,但它不可缺少。然而,学校教育的作用并非仅此而已。学校教育要使青少年学会更好地融入群体与社会当中;要使青少年获得终身学习和终身发展的动力、热情和必备的基础;要使青少年在纷杂的事物中学会选择,具有正确的价值判断能力;要为青少年多样化的发展提供可能和条件,使他们具有独立健全的人格和鲜明健康的个性;要使青少年拥有善良的人性、美好的内心和优雅的举止;要使青少年学会清醒而客观地认识自身的价值和在社会上恰当的位置,并养成时时自我反省的习惯,学会自我调整,使自身不断完善;要使青少年逐渐懂得自己所承担的责任,包括对自己、对家庭、对社会、对人类和对后代的责任。总之,学校教育要有助于不断提高人的生命质量,使今天的青少年在未来生活中更加文明、更加科学、更加幸福、更加美满。学校教育绝不意味着只是让学生将几本教科书烂熟于心。 作为本书作者的几十个孩子,就是在这样的环境中成长起来的。他们高考的结果各有不同,去向各不相同,用社会流行的尺度评判,他们有些是成功的,有些可能不算很成功。但是,他们的共同点是在三年的学习中,充分地体味了生活,认识了自我,这是他们走向未来生活的重要准备。还有一点,就是从他们的叙述中可以看出,他们的内心是充实的,充满着阳光,充满着希望,充满着信心。他们已经有能力、有准备面对未来的生活。 这些孩子从各个方面谈经验,谈体会,......>> 问题四:有教育意义的文章 烧炭人与漂布人 烧炭人在一所房子里经营,看见有一个漂布商搬迁到他的旁边来住时,满怀高兴地走上去劝他与自己同住,并解释说这样彼此更亲密,更方便,还更省钱。漂布商却回答说:“也许你说的是真话,但完全不可能办到,因为凡我所漂白的,都将被你弄黑。” 这故事说明,不同类的人很难相处。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 风与太阳 北风与太阳两方为谁的能量大相互争论不休。他们决定,谁能使得行人脱下衣服,谁就胜利了。北风一开始就猛烈地刮,路上的行人紧紧裹住自己的衣服,风见此,刮得更猛。行人冷得发抖,便添加更多衣服。风刮疲倦了,便让位给太阳。太阳最初把温和的阳光洒向行人,行人脱掉了添加的衣服,太阳接着把强烈阳光射向大地,行人们开始汗流浃背,渐渐地忍受不了了, *** 了衣服,跳到了旁边的河里去洗澡。 这故事说明,劝说往往比强迫更为有效。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 恋爱的狮子与农夫 狮子爱上了农夫的女儿,向她求婚。农夫不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又惧怕狮子,一时无法拒绝,于是他急中生智,心生一计。狮子再次来请求农夫时,他便说,他认为狮子娶自己的女儿很适合,但狮子必须先拔去牙齿,剁掉爪子,否则不能把女儿嫁给他,因为姑娘惧怕这些东西。狮子利令智昏,色迷心窍,很轻易地接受了农夫的要求。从此,那农夫就瞧不起狮子,毫不惧怕他。狮子再来时,农夫就用棍子打它,把它绑起来。 这故事说明,有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己特有的长处,结果,轻而易举地被原来恐惧他们的人击败了。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 瞎子和小野兽 一个瞎子精于用手触摸各种动物,什么动物只要他一摸,便能分辨出来。有个人带来一条小狼,请他摸一摸,说出是什么东西。他摸了摸这个小野兽后说:“这是一条狐狸,还是一条狼,我不大清楚。不过有一点我却十分明白,让这种动物进羊栏总是不安全的。” 这故事是说恶劣的习性在年小时便可得知。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一只眼睛的鹿 有头瞎了一只眼的鹿,来到海边吃草,他用那只好的眼睛注视着陆地,防备猎人的攻击,而用瞎了的那只眼对着大海,他认为海那边不会发生什么危险。不料有人乘船从海上经过这里,看见了这头鹿,一箭就把他射倒了。他将要咽气的时候,自言自语地说:“我真是不幸,我防范着陆地那面,而我所信赖的海这面却给我带来了灾难。” 这故事是说,事实常常与我们的预料相反,以为是危险的事情却倒很安全,相信是安全的却更危险。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 口渴的乌鸦 乌鸦口渴得要命,飞到一只大水罐旁,水罐里没有很多水,他想尽了办法,仍喝不到。 于是,他就使出全身力气去推,想把罐推倒,倒出水来,而大水罐却推也推不动。这时,乌 鸦想起了他曾经使用的办法,用口叼着石子投......>> 问题五:安全教育对大学生成长的意义论文1500字数 目前,大学生安全教育还处于宣传教育阶段,远未达到有计划、有目标、规范化教育的层次,但安全教育决不是可有可无,可做可不做的事情。安全教育是维护大学生安全的一项基础教育,是学生素质教育的一部分,是人才保障的根本教育,它始终是贯穿于人才培养的全过程。交通安全教育 当前,大学生交通安全意识普遍不强,主要体现在学生交通安全知识缺乏和交通安全意识淡薄两个方面。如何有效的防范大学生交通事故的发生,确保交通安全。一是加强交通法规的宣传教育,提高大学生交通法制观念。学校要采取多种形式,大力宣传《中华人民共和国道路交通管理条例》等法律法规,通过交通法规的宣传教育,使广大学生了解在交通活动中,可以做什么,不能做什么,自觉养成遵守交通法规的良好习惯,避免交通事故的发生。二是积极开展交通安全周或交通安全月活动,从而使广大学生牢固树立起“安全第 一、预防为主”的交通方针。通过交通安全教育,使广大学生相应地建立五个意识,即红绿灯意识、停车线意识、斑马线意识、靠右行意识、路权意识。形成人人自觉遵守交通法规的局面。三是加强大学生的心理训练。心理训练的目的是提高大学生对交通情况反应能力和应变能力,训练内容包括注意力、观察力和应变力,通过训练提高学生心理素质,使行车、走路集中精力,注意观察,遇到紧急情况下,可以作出迅速处理,从而遏制交通事故发生。 安全规章制度教育 近几年来,各高校按照国家相关的法律法规,结合学校的具体实际,制定了一系列安全规章制度。如学生宿舍安全管理制度、实验室安全管理制度、网络安全管理制度、消防安全管理制度、校园治安管理制度等等。实践证明,这些安全规章制度在维护学生的合法权益,保障学生的安全方面发挥了积极的作用。但是,由于大学生的道德水准、思想觉悟、价值观念、自律意识千差万别,一些学生在学习、生活、教学实习、社会实践过程中,总会出现一些违反规章制度的行为,造成个人或他人利益受到侵害。出现这些情况的主要原因是:一些学生对学校安全规章制度知之甚少,有的甚至一无所知;也有一些学生无视学校安全规章制度,有章不循,违反操作的结果。因此,在大学生安全教育中,应注重对学生进行安全规章制度的教育,提高学生遵章守纪的自觉性。一是学校要采取多种形式,大力宣传学校各项安全规章制度,使广大学生充分了解安全规章制度的内容和要求,不仅知其然,而且要知其所以然,逐步养成遵守规章制度的习惯。要通过对安全规章制度考试、知识竞赛等形式,加深学生对安全规章制度的认识。要使学生认识到安全规章制度是多少年来实践经验的总结,有些是总结事故教训,用血的代价换来的。如果为了自己省点力、省点事而违反安全规章制度,那就是对国家不负责任,对社会不负责任,对人民的生命财产不负责任,对自己和他人的家庭幸福不负责任。从而使学生懂得学校安全规章制度是同校园安全与个人安全密切相关,增强遵章守纪的自觉性。二是抓好典型事故案例教育。组织学生对本校或兄弟院校的典型事故案例进行讨论和剖析,使广大学生达成“遵章平安,违章出事”的共识,提高学生安全保护意识,自觉 *** 违反安全规章制度行为。三是严格执行安全规章制度,认真查处各类违纪事件。学校对违章违纪的学生要进行公开曝光,严肃处理,决不姑息迁就,使违章人员及周围学生都受到教育,以促进规章制度的落实。 心理安全教育 随着高教体制改革力度的加大,学校对学生的培养全面引入竞争机制,必然对学生的思维方式和思想观念等方面产生巨大的影响,使之感到心理有压力,表现为各种心理上的不适。诸如:焦虑、强迫、恐怖、抑郁、冷漠、固执、消沉、暴躁等等,情绪色彩十分强烈,如不......>>

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