匍匐翦股颖矮生品系耐阴性评价论文编号:SP027 论文字数:13264,页数:24摘 要 通过室内窗边培养和黑暗培养粤选1号匍匐翦股颖及矮生品系1613-01、1613-02、1613-4、1613-5、1613-6、1614-3、3603、3605-2,测定株高、根长、叶片长、分蘖数、生物量、叶片存活天数、叶片枯黄率、叶片老化指数等指标,以自然光照培养材料为对照,并进行草坪质量、草毯室内应用及草毯草种评分。结果说明,室内窗边培养和黑暗培养,匍匐翦股颖表现出徒长趋势,叶片增长、根短、分蘖少;叶色浅、枯黄,老化;生物量减少等。窗边培养的矮生品系1613-02、1613-4、1613-5、3603与粤选1号匍匐翦股颖相比,其株高、根长、生物量、叶片枯黄率、叶片老化指数变化值较小;黑暗培养的矮生品系1613-02、1613-4、1613-5、3603与粤选1号匍匐翦股颖相比,其株高、生物量、叶片老化指数变化值较小;匍匐翦股颖矮生品系1613-02在室内生长速度慢,植株存活能力强、并且具备较高的草坪和草毯质量,表现出最好的室内草毯应用潜力。关键词:匍匐翦股颖 矮生品系 草毯 耐阴性Evaluation of Shade-tolerance to Agrostis stolonifera Dwarf StrainsAbstract:The plant height, the length of roots and leaf, the number of tiller, biomass, survival time of leaf, rate of yellow leaf, leaf senescence index of Yuexuan No. 1 and new Agrostis stolonifera dwarf stain 1613-01、1613-02、1613-4、1613-5、1613-6、1614-3、3603、3605-2 were determined by cultivated beside windows indoor and in dark indoor. The results indicated that when cultivated beside windows indoor and in dark indoor, Agrostis stolonifera appeared a trend of excessive growth, and the length of leaf increased, the length of roots shortened, the number of tiller reduced, the color of leaf became light and yellow, the leaf became senescence, and the biomass was reduced, etc. Compared with Yuexuan No.1, the change of plant height, the length of roots, biomass, rate of yellow leaf, leaf senescence index of Agrostis stolonifera dwarf strain 1613-02、1613-4、1613-5、3603 cultivated beside windows indoor were less. By cultivated in dark indoor, compared with Yue xuan No. 1, the change of plant height, biomass, rate of yellow leaf, leaf senescence index of Agrostis stolonifera dwarf strain 1613-4、1613-5、3603、3605-2 were less too. When Agrostis stolonifera dwarf strain 1613-02 was cultivated indoor, the growing speed was slow, and the survivability was strong. It was also became an excellent quality grass blanket, and expressed a best potential of grass blanket indoor application. Key words:Agrostis stolonifera; dwarf strain; grass blanket; shade-tolerance目 录1前言 12材料与方法 22.1材料来源 22.2材料培养 22.3试验处理 32.4指标测定 33结果与分析 43.1不同光照培养对匍匐翦股颖矮生品系株高的影响 43.2不同光照培养对匍匐翦股颖矮生品系植株根长的影响 53.3不同光照培养对匍匐翦股颖矮生品系植株叶片长的影响 53.4不同光照培养对匍匐翦股颖矮生品系植株分蘖数的影响 63.5不同光照培养对匍匐翦股颖矮生品系植株生物量的影响 73.6不同光照培养对匍匐翦股颖矮生品系植株叶片存活天数、叶片枯黄率、叶片老化 指数的影响 83.7匍匐翦股颖矮生品系草毯室内应用株高变化 103.8匍匐翦股颖矮生品系草坪质量指标评价 113.9匍匐翦股颖矮生品系草毯质量评价与草种筛选 133.10匍匐翦股颖矮生品系草种评分与各指标的相关性分析 154结论与讨论 15参考文献 17英文摘要 18致谢 19毕业论文成绩评定表 20以上回答来自:
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