融资余额若长期增长时表示投资者心态偏向买方,市场人气旺盛属强势市场,反之则属弱势市场。融资余额指投资者每日融资买进与归还借款间的差额的累积。一方面,余额越大,说明看好的人越多。因为融资融券都是需要成本的,有这么多的人看好才会花成本去买入。融资融券的数据的分析步骤 1、融券专用证券账户——用于记录证券公司持有的拟向客户融出的证券和客户归还的证券,不得用于证券买卖; 2、客户信用交易担保证券账户——用于记录客户委托证券公司持有、担保证券公司因向客户融资融券所生债权的证券 3、信用交易证券交收账户——用于客户融资融券交易的证券结算; 4、信用交易资金交收账户——用于客户融资融券交易的资金结算; 5、客户信用证券账户——证券公司客户信用交易担保证券账户的二级账户,用于记载客户委托证券公司持有的担保证券的明细数据; 6、融资专用资金账户——用于存放证券公司拟向客户融出的资金及客户归还的资金 7、客户信用交易担保资金账户——用于存放客户交存的,担保证券公司因向客户融资融券所生债权的资金; 8、客户信用资金账户——是证券公司客户信用交易担保资金账户的二级账户,用于记载客户交存的担保资金的明细数据盘后累计发生的向券商借钱买股票尚未偿还的资金。 融资买入额是指当日融资买入的部分。 融资偿还额是指当日偿还融资的部分。 三者关系如下: n日的融资余额=n日融资买入额累加-n日融资偿还额累加 融券余额是指每天收盘后累计发生的向券商借股票卖出尚未还券的折算额。 对应的融券余额、融券卖出量、融券偿还量也是一样。只不过是反向操作。
At present the financial situation, securities company financing is a strong practicality and very urgent problems. Many domestic famous scholars made many fruitful research. How to effectively solve the problem of securities companies, and securities financing constraints to expand the company's own financial markets, the smooth running of all the vital significance. In this paper based on the theory of financing, financing by securities companies of China to the analysis of the current situation in China, the securities firm is relatively serious financing constraints this conclusion, then based on the analysis from every Angle of financing constraints of Chinese securities companies. In a further discussion and analysis in details, the securities company financing constraints of reasons - which both legal system, operation environment factors, more securities company own reasons. To solve the problem of securities company financing constraints is a systematic project, but eventually can be summed up in two aspects: one is to broaden the financing channels, 2 it is to establish suitable for China's national conditions of securities companies margin system. Through the foreign mature experiences, this article focuses on the two aspects of the research is to broaden the securities companies in China to establish effective channels of financing, financing system provides the security of mature suggestion. Because the financing risk is currently securities company finance should consider the key, so the papers in the securities firm to prevent the financing risk is discussed. In the overall financial opening situation, how to improve China's securities company, has become the overall strength of guarantee the capital market and the rapid development of health and stable operation of the key. As a capital intensive industry in China, a nearly has just started, the securities company growing largely depends on its success in the required funds. The securities law and the company law, the securities company financing for modification provides more loose external environment, but ultimately to solve this problem, depending on the economic system of further perfecting and securities company own unremitting efforts.
蛮困难的~终于弄到了!In the current financial situation, the securities companies financing is a strong practical and very pressing issues. Numerous well-known scholars have done a lot of fruitful research. How effective solution to the financing constraint securities companies, for securities firms to grow and develop their own, the smooth functioning of financial markets are of great significance. In this paper, the related financing based on the theory, with emphasis on China's securities companies, financial status were analyzed with the existence of China's securities firms are more serious financial constraints this conclusion, and then on this basis, the financing from various point of view of constraints on China's a profound impact on securities firms.And further explored in a detailed analysis of financial constraints caused by the reasons for securities firms - both of which the legal system, operating environmental factors, more security company's own reasons. Securities firms to solve the financing constraint problem is a systematic project, but in the end can be summarized into two aspects: First, to broaden the financing channels, the second is to establish conditions suited to China's securities companies margin trading system. By drawing on the experience of mature foreign countries, the article did focus on these two aspects of a more detailed study of China's securities companies to broaden the financing channels for financing the establishment of an effective security system, to mentionFor a more mature proposal. Because the financing risk is currently securities firms should consider financing the focus, so papers in the final also on how to guard against the risk of corporate finance in the securities discussed. The full liberalization in the financial industry situation, how to fully enhance the security of our country's overall strength has become the capital market to ensure healthy and stable operation, and rapid development. As a capital-intensive industry, a little has just begun in China industry, securities companies to grow and develop to a large extent depends on its ability to smoothly into the required funds. "Securities Law" and "Company Law"Changes to the securities company, provides a more generous financing of the external environment, but the ultimate solution to this problem, but depends on the further improvement of the economic system and the securities company's own tireless efforts.
金融类的核心期刊 1、金融研究 主办单位为中国金融学会,地址:北京西城区成方街33号2号楼,联系电话:。 2、国际金融研究 主办办单位为中国银行国际金融研究所、