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The design of the subject 12 for the University of the South Campus student apartment building # construction organization design, the apartment building is located in Xi'an Yangling District, six-storey brick-concrete structure, construction area of about 5000m2, the architectural design of the total high-21.45m, high levels of 3.3 per m, seismic intensity of 7 degrees, the structure of life for 50 years.Its main work is divided into four parts: the project in terms of the design construction, construction site, floor plan design, preparation of construction schedule. Calculated in accordance with engineering drawings, construction pipeline construction program options, taking into account engineering and construction programs, the combination of the overall construction period and part of each project with the number and the number of days the progress of plans to draw Bar chart integrated Factors to consider the venue, transport factors, manpower and equipment with the case of a more reasonable choice of programs to map out the construction site layout plan.Keywords: construction organization design; construction schedule; construction site layout plan; pipeline constructionAdd:

348 评论


同学,专家提醒,论文一定要自己写哦,有问题可以找专家帮忙施工组织设计(Construction organization plan )是用来指导施工项目全过程各项活动的技术、经济和组织的综合性文件,是施工技术与施工项目管理有机结合的产物,它能保证工程开工后施工活动有序、高效、科学合理地进行。施工组织设计一般包括五项基本内容:(一)工程概况工程的基本情况,工程性质和作用,主要说明工程类型、使用功能、建设目的、建成后的地位和作用;(二)施工部署及施工方案施工安排及施工前的准备工作,各个分部分项工程的施工方法及工艺;(三)施工进度计划编制控制性网络计划。工期采用四级网络计划控制,一级为总进度,二级为三个月滚动计划,三级为月进度计划,四级为周进度计划。(四)施工平面图根据场区情况设计绘制施工平面平置图,大体包括各类起重机械的数量,位置及其开行路线;搅拌站、材料堆放仓库和加工场的位置,运输道路的位置,行政、办公、文化活动等设施的位置,水电管网的位置等内容。(五)主要技术经济指标施工组织设计的主要技术经济指标包括:施工工期、施工质量、施工成本、施工安全、施工环境和施工效率,以及其他技术经济指标。

150 评论


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