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楼服务和按时交货( otd )45 ..讨论客户服务计划,包括服务标准和目前公布的筹备时间,你将提供关于产品,以逸夫;包括业绩图表显示,实际交付的表现,产品提供给邵氏。46 。解释装运和结算的文件,包括有什么用,何时以及如何提供?47 。什么服务,做您所提供的加速或紧急出货?48 。描述如何贵公司的建议,支持逸夫服务,客户和技术支持的需要。49 。是否有收费的免费的客户服务号码的报告问题呢?如果是的话,请提供电话号码和操作时间。50 。有多少服务代表贵公司是否聘请来支持您的服务,以及在哪里为您服务办公室位于(城市和国家) ?51 。什么是你的能力在处理突发穗在卷?52 。什么是操作时间,为您的客户服务部?在场外的转变和周末,你怎么满足他们的需要您最好的客户?如何将邵氏的需要得到满足?53 。你提供专门的客户服务队,您最好的客户?逸夫将指派一个专门的客户服务团队?若有的话,将他们的职责包括?54 。做您所提供的服务保证?作为货物移动的载体和模式,什么样的机制你有没有就绪,以确保这些保证是会见?55 。描述您的应变计划如下:字母a.高峰期电力需求的季节乙天气56 。请说明贵国的过程中选择运营商。57 。名单主要海运承运人使用及运送时间一到美国58 。将邵氏能够支配的载体?59 。你有什么损害的发生率方面运送的产品吗?60 。什么是您的三( 3 )重大质量缺陷和索赔的经验,以及如何分别解决呢?61 。你有什么能力,电子数据交换/ XML的交易?你有什么计划,投资于额外的电子数据交换/ XML技术在不久的将来?62 。多少百分比的您的客户正在通过电子转帐( ) ?你会接受付款由Shaw通过电子转帐?63 。你怎么的措施,按时交货?64 。什么目前的财政激励计划你有没有在的地方,您最好的客户,以满足对兼职的履约担保?你会怎样提供逸夫?65 。有什么可以逸夫做些什么来帮助改善或确保对按时交付我们的出货量呢?66 。谁监测和解决的问题,至于交付?67 。什么是您的定义,不可抗力?什么是您的行为的定义是神吗?

283 评论


Six years have gone by in the blink of an eye since I came to the capital from the countryside.我从农村搬到这个城市的六年转瞬即逝。 During these six years I have witnessed and heard about quite a number of big events know as “affairs of state”. 这六年里,我见过或听说了许多所谓的国家大事。(应该是known as)None of them, however, has had any impact on my heart. 但是之中没有任何一件给我内心留下影响。If anything, they have only made me increasingly gloomy. 如果有的话,也都只是让我日渐沮丧。But there was one small event which had deep significance for me and which pulled me out of my gloom. I still remember it clearly today. 但有一件很小的事情对我来说意义重大,它将我带出阴霾,令我记忆犹新。It was a winter day in 1917 and a strong northerly wind was blowing. I set off early in the morning to go to work. There was hardly anybody on the street. 那是1917年冬天的一天,北风呼啸。我一大早就出发去上班。街上几乎没有什么行人。 I love nature, but I love the sea more than the mountain. 我然爱自然,但我热爱大海甚于高山。Ever since I came to Xiamen, I have been in the habit of going for a walk along the seashore almost every day. 自从来到厦门,我就养成了几乎日日在海边散步的习惯。It gives me a pleasant sensation to step on the fine sand. 站在细软的沙子上,我总是心情愉快。When the sea wind flows against the bleach, I can pick up from among the brilliant pretty shells and lovely green seaweed as delicate as human hair.当海风迎岸吹来,(我怎么觉得应该是sea wave呢,海浪卷上海滩)我就可以从(pick up ? from 这句话不完整)晶莹美丽的贝壳和发丝般的海草里捡起? I am even more inclined to lie on the clean and soft sandy beach and listen quietly to the sea itself. 我更喜欢躺在干净柔软的沙滩上,静静聆听着大海。 How comfortable and refreshed I will be to feel the cool gentle sea breeze brushing past me.当清凉温和的海风拂过我,是那么的舒服,让人觉得焕然一新! 1920年9月30日张爱玲出生在上海的一个大家族里。由于父母的争吵,她的童年没有获得足够的关爱,但是文学才华却给了她巨大的帮助。9岁的张爱玲开始写作,文字使她受伤的心灵得到了安慰。她的第一笔稿费是5块钱,她用这笔钱买了一支口红,用来为自己的童年增加一点色彩,但是此举并没有改变她的命运。September 30th, 1920, Zhang Ailing was born in a great family in Shanghai. She didn't get enough love, in her childhood, beacuse of the continual quarrel between her parents, yet her literary talent helped her a lot. Zhang Ailin wrote since she was only nine. Writting consoled her tired and wounded heart. First payment for her article is only 5 yuan, with which she bought a lipstic. She wantted to color her childhood with the lipstic. It, however, could never change her fate, 一次,为了一点小事,张爱玲遭到了父亲的毒打,她一气之下愤然离家出走。从此她的内心变得非常敏感。父母离婚后,张爱玲和姑姑一起搬进了静安寺附近的公寓。新的公寓很舒服,年仅20岁的张爱玲写下了许多著名小说,一时名声大噪。张爱玲曾说过,出名要趁早。果然,她年纪轻轻就成了上海滩走红得女作家之一。Zhang Ailing once was beaten by her father beacuse of the least thing. She ran away from home in angery, Hence, she became very sensitive and sentimental. After her parents divorced, she moved into an apartment near Jingansi with her aunt. So comfortable she lived there that many famous novels were born in her pen. She, a 20 years old girl, got reputation overnight. As Zhang Ailing herself said, be famous before too late. She became one of the most popular women writers in Shanghai at a rather young age. 累死了... 请多多指教。

198 评论


Amber shoe was so exclusive new development of women's shoes. The style of design, process, technology is leading the trend. The series shoes beautiful, natural, blend a variety of topics, so you can mix different occasions to the fashion image, truly random with your clothes. Fashion: amber shoe is based on the trend of fashion design, all the shoes with the type, bottom type, are the latest fashion elements. Novel: Amber PVC material with a shoe is molded boots to show to you as crystal clear as amber, beautiful and elegant without losing. Are you on various occasions to become the focus of the accessories. Comfort: so and so the design team to the human body structure and mechanical systems on the strict application to the shoe mold, tried to be comfortable. Amber shoes have been select the finest materials and processing, touch, texture is excellent. Warm lined winter, summer, cool style and breathable material. Environmental protection: amber shoe uppers using PVC material, lined with a cloth, rubber outsole is the series of shoes can be recycled recycling. Safety and durability: the company produced all the products have passed national quality inspection, quality control materials are used in the report, safe and reliable. Amber shoes not easy to bumps scratching resistance, setbacks and cloth than the cortex longer product life. Care easy: amber shoes do not need special care, you only need washing or wiping with a damp cloth clean, as new test, care and low cost. Neither color, aging, is also not easy to change color, make love boots lasting for years. Features: special waterproof shoes amber a major function, you can wear under any weather and the series of shoes. And can be easily washed off, or wipe the surface of the dirt, so you at all times with dignity.机器翻得,希望能帮到你,要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!

357 评论


我的家庭My family我有一个幸福的家庭,家里有四口人:奶奶,爸爸,妈妈,我。I have a happyfamily , four people have at home: Grandmother, father, mother, my.我从星期一至星期五要上学,每天有七节课;爸爸妈妈从星期一至星期五要上班,星期六星期天我们都放假。但是,我的奶奶每一天都要烧饭给我们吃。奶奶是我们家最忙的。I want to go to school Monday to Friday, has seven classes every day; father from the mother to go to work Monday to Friday, Saturday, Sunday we are closed. However, my Grandmother cooking every day should give us food. Grandmother is our most busy.我们每个人都有不同的爱好。奶奶喜欢种花和散步;爸爸喜欢看报纸和拍照;妈妈喜欢逛街和集邮;我的爱好最多,有购物,听音乐,看书,上网等许多爱好。但是,我们也有共同的爱好——旅游。We all have different hobbies. Grandmother likes gardening and take a walk; father look like newspapers and photographs; mother enjoy shopping and stamp collecting; up to my hobby, there is shopping, listening to music, read books, Internet and so much love. However, we have a common interest - Travel.

118 评论


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