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正如高尔基在读了茨威格的这篇小说后激动不已地说:“该小说以惊人的诚挚语调、对女人超人的温存、主题的独创性,以及只有真正的艺术家才具有的奇异表现力,使我深为感动。读着这个短篇小说,我高兴得笑了起来——您写得真好!由于对您的女主人公的同情,由于她的形象以及她悲痛的心曲使我激动得难以自制,我竟丝毫不感到羞耻地哭了起来。”As gorky reading stefan zweig's this novel after excited ground to say: "this novel with amazing sincere intonation, to the woman superman warmth, theme originality, and only true artists CaiJu some strange expression, I feel deeply moved by this short story. Reading, I am glad to laugh - you write very well! Because of your heroine of sympathy, because her image as well as her grief XinQu makes me excited hard homemade, I unexpectedly hasn't ashamed wept." 2:茨威格曾说:“这种对危险人物的特殊爱好或者说好奇曾伴随过我的一生……他们从不吝惜和近乎蔑视自己的生命、时间、金钱、健康和名誉。他们是豪侠,他们是只知为了生存而毫无目标的偏执狂。也许人们会在我的长篇和短篇小说中觉察到我对他们这种豪迈本性的偏爱。”2: stefan zweig's once said: "this kind of dangerous special interests or curiosity was accompanied by my life... they never spares and nearly disdain his own life, time, money, health and reputation. They are sagas, they are know only in order to survive without a goal of paranoia. Perhaps people in my novels and short stories aware of them I this heroic nature preference." 3:的确是这样的,不仅对陌生女人和R作家如此,他在《一个女人一生中的二十四个小时》中对赌徒在赌博时那双激情贯注的手的描写也可看出作家对这一激情人物的激赏。“这双超群出众得简直可以说是世间唯一的手,的确令我痴痴发怔了——尤其使我惊骇不已的是手上所表现的激情,是那种狂热的感情,这双手那样抽搐痉挛互相扭结。我一见就意识到,这儿有一个情感充沛的人,正把自己的全部激情一齐驱上手指,免得留存体内涨裂了心胸……”3: it is so, not only to the strange women and R writer so, he in "a woman life of twenty-four hours" gamblers when gambling that pair of passion filled hand depictions of also can see writers of this passion characters admire greatly. "This double someone more distinguished there can be said to be the world's only hand, indeed to stupid amazed - especially makes me collective horror is hand display that passion, is that fanatic sentiment, this hands so convulsive spasms snarling each other. I see realized, here is a man full of emotion, they are making their passion toghter flooding on the finger, lest retained body rise cracked mind..." 4:茨威格在这篇小说里借助“我”的口吻表达了这样的观点:“按我个人的看法,一个女人与其像一般常见的那样,偎在丈夫怀里闭着眼睛撒谎,不如光明磊落地顺从自己的本能,那倒诚实的多。”4: stefan zweig's in this novel in with "I" tone expressed such views: "according to my personal view, a woman like that with the usual after her husband, to have and to hold arms with his eyes closed lie, as aboveboard obedience to their instinct, that pour honest." 5:茨威格也观察到很多不自由的方面,他早年生活的维也纳“受到古老传统的束缚,把过去的一切偶像化”,“对年轻人以及他们的大胆尝试总是采取谨慎和观望的态度”。[4](p121)“学校、家庭、社会道德,在性这个问题上表现是极不诚实,甚至可以说,他们要求我们在这件事情上也要鬼鬼祟祟,偷偷摸摸。”5: stefan zweig's also observed many not freedom, his early life of Vienna "by the ancient tradition of bondage, in the past all idolization", "to the young and their bold attempt to always take the cautious and wait-and-see attitude". [4] (p121) "school, family and social morality, on this issue in sexual performance is very honest, yea, they asked us in this matter will stealthy, secretive."

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