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The establishment and development of good relations between teachers and children around the topic of kindergarten mainly expounds the meaning, classification, characteristics of kindergarten teacher child relations and its influence, and measures to establish and develop good relationship between teacher and children. Firstly, the development status of preschool education are summarized, and illustrate the importance of preschool education teacher child relations; the first chapter illustrates the good relationship between teacher and children the meaning, classification of teacher child relationships and good teacher child relations in the modern education research; the second chapter puts forward factors influencing relationships teacher child kindergarten the third chapter explains the role; and the good teacher child relations impact on children and teachers; the fourth chapter the establishment and development of good relations between teachers and children in kindergarten proposed measures. The establishment and development of the central task of good relationship between teacher child kindergarten discussion, proposed that the teacher is learning, life guidance, guidance, but it is the spectator and participant. A good teacher child relationship is based on respect, treat each child is equal, and the children to the soul of life, to guide the children's positive outlook, values. Keywords: kindergarten teacher child relations; influence factors.

275 评论





3、英文字体与行间距:统一使用“西文字体”中的“Times New Roman”,倍行间距。



6、英文关键词:“Key Words”顶格,使用四号字并加粗。每个关键词使用四号字。








256 评论


人工翻译,请审阅。Focusing on the title “The Establishment and Development of a Good Relation between Kindergarten's Teachers and Children", this paper mainly describes the meaning, classification, features and their influence factors, the roles of the kindergarten's teacher-child relation, as well as the measures to establish a good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and children. Firstly, the development status of the pre-school education is overviewed, and the importance of teacher-child relation in pre-school education is explained; in Chapter 1 the meaning of a good teachers-children relation, and the classification of the teacher-child relation and features of a good teacher-child relation in modern education research are explained; in Chapter 2 the influence factors on good relationship between kindergarten's teachers and children are proposed; in Chapter 3 the impact and role of a good kindergarten's teacher-child relation on teachers and childen are described; in Chapter 4 aiming at the establishment and development of kindergarten's teachers and children the construction measures are put forward. This paper carries out discussion focusing on the core topic of establishing and developing good relation between kindergarten's teachers and children, points out that the teachers are the leaders and guiders in the study and life, but also the spectators and participants. A good relationship between teachers and children is established on the basis of respecting and equally treating each child, and achieving spiritual fitting with children, and leading children having a positive outlook on life and values. Key words : Kindergarten; teacher-child relation; influence factors

237 评论


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