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The article second part carries on the profound analysis to our country present old population special rights and interests legislation protection present situation. Elaborated our country old population special rights and interests protection law structure system incomplete, the legal content and the potency system non-equalization as well as the laws and regulations distributed the question which sees here and there the natural three aspects to legislate to hit exists. Meanwhile elaborated our country old population legislation barrier from the old population legal awareness stratification plane and the legislative stratification plane two aspects. The third part through introduces and studies other national the old population rights and interests legislation protection policy and the advanced experience, mainly introduced country old population special rights and interests protection legislation's and so on Japan, Germany, Russia, US, Brazil experiences, make up for one's deficiency by learning from others' strong points, provides powerful model for our country senior citizen rights and interests legal protection, thus builds the rationale for the fourth chapter of research. the fourth chapter discussed the old population special rights and interests legislation in the first three chapter of fundamental research's foundation enhancement and consummates, proposed consummated our country old population special rights and interests legislation protection the suggestion. The legislative aspect, revises "Senior citizen

90 评论



250 评论


Tries to discuss the divorce property the division system Student: Instructs teacher: Abstract Abstract The husbands and wives divorce the property division system areofficially relieves when the husbands and wives both sides marriage,occurs the husbands and wives property criticizes with Discharge of a debt onekind of system. The husbands and wives property system mainly dividesinto agrees the husbands and wives property system and the legalhusbands and wives property system, the legal husbands and wivesproperty system divides the husbands and wives property into thehusbands and wives individual private property and the husbands andwives together joint property. Divides the husbands and wives propertyaccording to the husbands and wives property division system to beable fairly to divide the husbands and wives property, defendedcitizen's legal entity right to free from aggression, and harmoniouslyprocessed the husbands and wives to divorce the relations. But thehusbands and wives property book belongs to the private property, inaddition the husbands and wives divorce before the property relationscertainly not to like the general property relations, it often as aresult of involves various aspects the factor and the evidencecollection difficult creates in the property division has the quitegreat difficulty. This article briefly reviewed the divorce propertydivision system legal basis, the husbands and wives property divisionprinciple by and its the division method, and proposed meets about thejudicial practice in presents evidence the difficult situation, and tosolved presents evidence difficultly to propose some ideas. 夫妻共同财产 Husbands and wives joint property法定夫妻财产制度 Legal husbands and wives property system公平原则 Fair principle公证 Notarization

146 评论


The modern state apparatus and the functioning of various enterprises and institutions, we can not do without a regime based on the powers and functions of the various functions of the exercise, making job-related crimes to become the world today a widespread social phenomenon. Moreover, job-related crimes with powers, duties followed by the attributes also make the danger of heavier, which become a serious threat to social and economic development, erode the outcome of the chronic problems of human civilization. Therefore, we should focus on the characteristics of job-related crimes, and the reasons against, from various angles, multi-level measures and effective measures and actively preventing job-related crimes, increase the intensity of the work of crime prevention duties and establish and build a harmonious society to adapt prevention concepts, fully to safeguard social fairness and justice, this is undoubtedly the building of a harmonious society also is of great practical significance.Key words: job-related crimes Reasons Countermeasures Prevention Harmonic society

332 评论
