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呵呵~我上个礼拜刚做的presentation~我还做了PPT,你要的话,我可以给你的哈Reading Report-----David CopperfieldThe setting1. The story took place in the 18th-19th century(that it is indicated by the historic and cultural background)2. The story originated at Bluderstone, a small village, in Sufffolk and later in Canterbury.The characters1. Besides David Copperfield, there are many main characters concerning the plot. They are Mr. Peggoty, Emily, Betsy, Traddles, Spenlow, , Dora, Agnes and so on.2. Mr Peggoty is tough guy who married David’s Mother and he always punished David. Traddles befriended David and they had a special relationship. David was apprenticed to Spenlow and Jorkins. David fell in love with a very cute girl, Dora, who is the daughter of the Spenlow. Agnes finally became David’s wife.The actionDavid led a miserable life, because he lost his mother in his childhood. He was mentally and physically abused by his step-father. But his mother’s maid, Peggoty, took good care of him. During his study , he befriended Traddles. And later he grew up and was apprenticed to Spenlow. And in the process of apprentice, he acquired many things and experience. He gradually fell in love with Spenlow’s daughter. There are many setbacks between them, but they couldn’t get married because of various reasons. Finally, David found his authentic love and get married with Agnes. They absolutely lived a dynamic and happy life.My impression1. As for me, David Copperfield captures the hearts and imagination of generations of readers. Everyone can find the his similar image in the plot. Maybe you have the same feelings and troubles. I really appreciate its vivid description, moving content, and instructive theory.2. To some extent, it maybe kind of tragedy. What I would like to change is that he could marry Dora. I deem she is a very cute and sympathetic girl. I wish that she could obtain blithe life.My feelings and experiences1. As I have mentioned, everyone may come across such kind of experiences. You can find a counterpart in this story. You have the similar setbacks and troubles like him or her.2. I absolutely admire the elaborate description of every character. It manifests the universal circumstance in that epoch. However, the behaviors of some characters make me feel abominable. They, such as David’s step-father, fully demonstrate the negative part of the society. So I can’t identify with any of the characters.3. If you are aborative, you may find that Charles Dickens chose the main character, David Copperfield, to describe his own life, thoughts and experiences. This is the reason why several readers describe this classic to be an autobiography of the writer. 4. After reading this book, you may find that author might describe the hero as himself.It is just like a autobiography of the writer. There existed the same experience and feelings. Although David led a harsh life, finally he lived very happily in companion with his beloved people. David was a very humble and sacrificed his love for Agnes in favor of a sibling-like relationship with her. I admire this kind of person so much. Because he dared to challenge the unfair destiny that he was faced up with. He did his utmost to overcome his obstacle. This is what we need to learn from. To some degree, David showed his bravery and aggressive behaviors. It is really his spiritual wealth.

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1956年9月16日,大卫·科波菲尔生于美国新泽西州一个俄罗斯移民的家庭。孩提时代,大卫就对魔术产生了浓厚的兴趣,这个腼腆害羞,甚至有点儿孤僻的孩子以表演魔术来克服内心的怯懦。自11岁起在一些街坊邻里举办的派对上成功表演魔术后,大卫便成了当地的小英雄。12岁那年,他正式踏入职业魔术界,成为美国魔术师协会最年轻的会员。1972年,年仅16岁、仍在念中学的大卫荣幸成为了纽约大学的魔术教授。大卫和哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)合作推出的《大卫·科波菲尔的魔术世界》系列特别节目引起了巨大的成功。在这个系列节目的第五集中,大卫制造 “世纪幻象”,在众目睽睽之下变走了自由女神像。这一惊世之作筹备数月,耗资50万美元,征得白宫首肯才得以顺利演出。通过《大卫·科波菲尔的魔术世界》系列节目,大卫将其魔术推广到了世界各地。大卫·科波菲尔堪称古往今来最伟大的魔术大师,30多年来,他一次次超越人们的想象力,将一件件看似“不可能完成的任务”变为现实。凭着卓越的成就,大卫19次获得美国电视艺术艾美奖,其演出票房和收入连《狮子王》、《猫》和《歌剧院的幽灵》等经典节目也望尘莫及,他的大型表演《梦想与梦魇》至今还保持着百老汇的票房纪录。1968年,12岁的大卫·科波菲尔在魔术界崭露头角,成为美国魔术师协会有史以来最年轻的会员。1972年,年仅16岁的大卫在纽约大学教授《魔术艺术》课程。1974年,大卫在音乐剧《魔术人》中出演主角,并开始创造自己的魔术。1977年,大卫展开电视节目生涯,并使“大卫·科波菲尔”这个名字逐渐家喻户晓。1979年,大卫在电影《恐怖列车》中扮演角色,展露了他的表演才能。1980年,大卫成为有史以来被美国魔术艺术学会授予“年度魔术师”称号的最年轻艺术家。1981年,大卫在众目睽睽之下让一架7吨重的喷气式飞机消失。同年,美国艺术家联合协会向他颁发了“年度娱乐明星”大奖。1982年,大卫开创了以魔术治疗疾病、提高身体灵敏度的“魔术计划”。1983年,当着众多现场观众及5000万电视观众,纽约的自由女神像在大卫的魔杖下突然无影无踪。1984年,大卫成为首位与举世闻名的拉斯维加斯CEASAR宫签定长期演艺合约的魔术家。1985年,大卫当选为“全美十大杰出人物”。1986年,大卫穿越“万夫莫开”的万里长城,大卫和组员是第一个在中华人民共和国制作美国电视特别节目的美国制作群。1987年,大卫从防范森严的美国阿尔卡特拉联邦监狱逃脱,成为历史上第一个逃出此监狱的人。1988年,大卫代表美国在汉城奥运会上致辞。1989年,大卫从一座正在爆破的大楼里顺利脱身。1991年,大卫使一辆长85呎、70吨的东方快车瞬间消失。1992年,大卫创造经典魔术“飞翔”,成为第一个不借助绳索和摄像技巧而飞翔的魔术师,同时,该节目还被评论界誉为有史以来最伟大的一项魔术表演。1993年,在电视特别节目《激情之火》中,大卫脱出捆绑在身上正在燃烧的绳索,从几十米的高处逃离。然后,他当着一位著名曲棍球明星的面,撕毁并复原了一张价值100万美元的收藏卡。1995年,大卫成为唯一一位在好莱坞星光大道上获得一颗闪亮之星的当代魔术家。1996年,大卫名为《梦想与梦魇》的大型表演打破了百老汇的票房纪录。2000年,大卫被评为世纪FISM魔术家,并被美国国会图书馆评为“世纪传奇”。2001年,他又神通广大地准确预测了德国国家彩票的中奖号码……2002年,大卫来到中国在广州、上海、北京三地演出,在国内掀起前所未有的魔术热潮参考资料:百度

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前者是一本书里的人物,后者是作者. 根据自身经历写的一本书。

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