非法证据排除规则,被称为“Exclusionary Rule”,通常指的是执法机构及其工作人员,使用非法行为取得的证据不得在刑事审判中采纳的规则。这个规则于20世纪初产生于美国,后来逐渐为其他国家和联合国机构采纳。Illegal evidence is removed regulation , "Exclusionary Rule " is called, referring to generally is organization and their staff member enforce the law , use the regulation that the evidence that the illegal act gets adopts not to in criminal trial. This regulation comes into being in the beginning of 20 centuries in USA , organization adopts gradually afterwards for the country composes in reply other United Nations.在现代社会,保障人权已经成为世界各国和地区宪法以及刑事诉讼立法的共识。正是基于这样的共识,各国大多承认并确立了非法证据排除规则。In modern society, ensure human rights already becoming all the countries in the world and area constitution and civil suit legislation common view. Have exactly been owing to such common view , mostly, have admitted and established illegal evidence in every country to remove regulation.确立并实施非法证据排除规则,是保护我国公民宪法权利的需要,是阻止违法取证,促进侦查文明化,维护司法尊严的需要,更是防止、减少冤案、错案的需要。确立并实施非法证据排除规则对于我国的现实意义还是很重要的。Establish and put illegal evidence into practice removing regulation , be the need protecting our country citizen constitution right , be to obtain evidence , to promote investigating deter from breaking the law civilized-rization , defend judiciary dignity need , also be the need guarding against , cutting down unjust or misjudged cases. Establish joining the practical or immediate significance putting illegal evidence into practice to our country removing regulation being still very important.本文由序言、正文和结语构成,其中正文共分四部分。The main body of a book is composed from the preface , text and concluding remarks, text among them divides into four parts together.第一部分:首先是关于非法证据排除规则的概述,包括非法证据排除规则的含义、非法证据排除规则的理念基础。Part I: Be the summary about that illegal evidence removes regulation first, idea including that evidence removing the regulation import , illegal evidence removing regulation illegally basis.第二部分:回顾了非法证据排除规则的起源、确立及发展及各国概况。由于非法证据排除规则起源于美国,对其的确立和发展的关注也主要是美国的非法证据排除规则产生背景、确立和发展。各国的非法证据排除规则概况,笔者选择了三个国家,分别是英国,英美法系的另一个典型国家;德国,大陆法系国家的典范;日本,同样受封建文化影响比较深而改革法制走在我国之前我国近邻。对这几个国家对于非法证据排除规则的确立及实施情况进行了学习和分析。Part II: Have recollected illegal evidence removing the regulation origin , have established and have developed to reach every country general situation. Come from USA since illegal evidence removes regulation, establishing to the person and the attention developing are that American illegal evidence removes regulation producing background , establishes and develops also mainly. Illegal evidence of every country removes the regulation general situation , that the author has chosen three countries , have parted for is United Kingdom, another representative UK-US genealogy of law country; Germany , the civil law countries example; Japan, same our country close neighbour who is affected parallel depths but is reformed legal institutions walking before our country by feudalism culture. The establishing and implementation removing regulation's to illegal evidence have carried out study about and analysis on this several countries.第三部分:非法证据排除规则的例外。非法证据排除规则的例外包括善意地例外、反驳被告人的例外、“毒树之果”原则的例外。Part III: Illegal evidence removes the regulation exception. Illegal evidence removes the regulation exception "fruit principle exception of including the goodwill field exception , confuting defendant's exception , the poisonous tree".第四部分:我国非法证据排除规则的构建设想。Part IV: The structure removing regulation's builds illegal evidence of our country thinking of.首先对我国非法证据排除规则的现状进行分析,然后结合我国实际分析确立和实施非法证据排除规则的困难性,强调非法证据排除规则在我国确立并实施的现实意义。The current situation removing regulation's carries out analysis on illegal evidence of our country first , analysing the difficulty establishing with putting illegal evidence into practice removing regulation with a view of and then our country reality , emphasizes that illegal evidence removes regulation practical or immediate significance establishing and being put into effect in our country.基于以上分析及面临的困难,提出能够使非法证据排除规则在我国能够真正的确立起来并在司法实践中真正的实施下去。笔者对于构建我国非法证据排除规则提出一些可行性的、具有操作性的建议,相信经过一段时间的努力,我国的非法证据排除规则能够真正确立和实施,达到预想的结合我国实际的非法证据排除规则的完整形式。Be able to continue to establish really and to be put into effect really in actual judicial practice owing to that all above difficulty analysing and being confronted with , put forward are able to make illegal evidence remove regulation in our country. The regulation the author is removed to structuring illegal evidence of our country brings forward a little feasibility's , has the operatability suggestion, believe in by efforts made for a period of time, the regulation illegal evidence of our country is removed is able to establish the form removing the regulation entireness with being put into effect , being reaching illegal actual union our country evidence anticipating really.这样就可以了。
1. 论转化犯2. 论“携带凶器抢夺”3. 论“限制加重”的数罪并罚原则4. 论危险犯的终止5. 论结果加重犯6. 论共同过失犯罪的存在可能性7. 论原因自由行为8. 论我国刑法中的定量因素9. 论巨额财产来源不明罪之存废10. 论社会危害性标准诉讼法1. 检察机关在刑事诉讼中的职能定位2. 论“以事实为根据”与证据裁判原则3. 暴力取证罪的立法完善4. 程序性制裁与刑讯逼供的遏制5. 论上诉不加刑原则6. 关于我国设立沉默权制度的思考7. 辩诉交易制度在中国发展前景8. 论我国取保候审制度的完善——兼与保释制度之比较9. 论非法证据排除规则在我国的适用10. 刑事诉讼中被害人法律保护存在的问题与对策经济法、环境法、劳动法1 论环境侵权行为的构成2 对环境权性质的思考3 论环境侵权中的精神损害赔偿4 论环境刑法的特点5. 环境侵权民事救济制度研究6. 我国的环境公益诉讼制度探析7. 水污染防治法执行问题研究8. 《环境保护法》修改若干问题的一点思考9. 我国战略环境影响评价立法研究10. 环境与国际贸易若干法律问题探析民商法1. 遗失物拾得制度若干问题研究——从利益平衡与制度设计角度2. 试论表达自由与隐私权保护的冲突与平衡3. 论网络空间隐私权及其法律保护4. 确立我国有限合伙制度的法律思考5. 试论继承中债权人利益保护的法律完善6. 农村合作经济组织法律问题研究7. 论我国监护制度的完善8. 论居住权9. 公司破产制度研究10. 论集体土地使用权制度宪法与行政法1. 宪政与司法审查2. 公民权与人权3. 行政诉讼制度的完善4. 资格罚研究5. 听证制度研究6. 论村民自治7. 选举制度的完善8. 市场经济条件下公民劳动权及其实现9. 论人大对司法机关的个案监督10. 当代中国的变迁与宪法发展
论文题目建议要切入点小以下都是优秀的经济法和商法的论文题 1、国家干预和市场调节的法律互动与平衡 2、“政府失灵”的经济法调整 3、“市场失灵”的经济法调整 4. 社会公共利益与经济法的关系 5、城乡协调发展的经济法思考 6、论企业的社会责任 7、论我国的银行监管体制 8、论我国的证券监管体制 9、关于政府采购的经济法思考 10、税制改革与经济法的创新 11、论国有资产监管体制的完善 12、论我国反垄断法的立法思考 13、论产品质量责任的确定 14、关于我国新公司法的若干思考 15、论不正当竞争行为的认定及处理 16、反垄断法中的知识产权保护 17、论劳动债权的优先权 18、我国社会保障制度的缺陷及完善 19、民营经济发展中的经济法思考 20、论集体谈判制度
如下: 1、找到喜欢的课题 研究方向会贯穿整个研究生阶段,选择喜欢的、感兴趣的课题就非常重要。 法律硕士的研究方向有理论法学、法律史、宪法与行政法学、刑法学、民
毕业论文常用的研究方法:调查法、观察法、实验法、定量分析法、定性分析法、实证研究等。 (1)调查法: 调查法是科学研究中最常用的方法之一。它是有目的、有计划、有