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1. Yang, T., Q.X. Shao, C.Y. Xu, V.P. Singh, 2009.Regionalfrequency analysis and spatio-temporal pattern characterization of rainfallextremes in Pearl River Basin, Southern China, Journal of Hydrology, (Under review, SCI).2. Yang, T., Q.X. Shao, C.Y. Xu, V.P. Singh, 2009. Problemsof regional water security and associated countermeasure in a rapidlydeveloping region of Southern China, Water resources management. (Under review, SCI).3. Yang,T., C.Y. Xu, Xi Chen, V.P. Singh. Q.X. Shao, Z.C. Hao, X. TAO, 2009.Assessing the impact of conservation measures on hydrological and sedimentchanges in nine major catchments of the Loess Plateau, River Research and Applications, 24: 1–19, DOI: 10.1002/rra.1267 (SCI).4. Yang, T., Q.X. Shao, C.Y. Xu, X. Chen, 2009. Regional floodand spatial pattern analysis in Pearl River Delta region, China using L-momentsapproach, Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment: DOI:10.1007/s00477-009-0308-0 (SCI).5. Yang, T., Q. Zhang, Y.D. Chen, X. Tao, C.Y. Xu, 2008. Aspatial assessment of hydrologic alternation caused by dam construction in themiddle and lower Yellow River, China, Hydrological processes , 22, 3829–3843(SCI).6. Yang, T., X. Chen, C.Y.Xu, et al., 2008. Spatio-temporal changes ofhydrological processes and underlying driving forces in Guizhou Karst area,China (1956-2000), Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment : DOI10.1007/s00477-008-0278-7. (SCI).7. Yang,T., Q. Zhang, C.Y. Xu, V.P. Singh. et al., 2008.DEM-based modelling of runoff and sediment yield processes and uncertaintyanalysis in the Hilly-gully Loess region, China, Environmental modelling and assessment, (In press, SCI)8. Chen Y.D., T. Yang (Corresponding author), Q. Zhang,C.Y. Xu, Xi Chen, 2008. Evaluating hydrologic alternation along the Dongjiang(East River) basin, south China:A visually enhanced RVA approach, Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment: DOI 10.1007/s00477-008-0294-7. (SCI).9. Yang,T., C.Y. Xu, Q.X. Shao, Xi Chen, V.P. Singh. et al.2008. Temporal and spatial patterns of low-flow hydrological components in the Yellow River during past 50 years, Stochastic EnvironmentResearch and Risk Assessment : DOI 10.1007/s00477-009-0318-y (SCI).10. Zhang Q., C-Y Xu, V.P. Singh,T.Yang, 2009. Multiscale variability of sedimentload and streamflow of the lower Yangtze River basin: Possible causes andimplications, Journal of Hydrology, 368: 96-104,doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.030. ( SCI)11. Zhang Q., C-Y Xu, Y.D. Chen,T.Yang, 2008. Spatial assessment of hydrologicalteration across the Pearl River Delta, China, and possible underlying causes.Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7268. ( SCI)12. Chen, Y.D., Q. Zhang, C.Y. Xu, T.Yang, et al., 2008. Change-point alterations of extremewater levels and underlying causes in Pearl River Delta, China, River Researchand Application 24:1-17 DOI: 10.1002/rra.1212. (SCI).13. ZhangQ., C.Y. Xu, T. Yang, 2008.Variability and availability of water resource in the Yellow River basinof past 50 years, Water Resources Management DOI 10.1007/s11269-008-9320-2(SCI).14. Zhang Q., C-Y Xu, T. Yang,2008. Scaling properties of the runoff variations in thearid and semi-arid regions of China: a case study of the Yellow River basin,Stochastic Environment Research and Risk Assessment: DOI10.1007/s00477-008-0225-7. (SCI).15. Yang, T., X. Chen. 2009. Using L-momentsapproach to conduct regional flood frequency and associated spatial patternsanalysis in the Pearl River Delta region, Proceedings of the 6 International Conference onFuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'09) by IEEE. (Ei and ISTP).16. Yang, T., ZC. Hao, LM Sun. 2009.Recognition of spatio-temporal patterns of low-flow changes in the Yellow Riverover the last half century, Proceedingsof the 6 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems andKnowledge Discovery (FSKD'09) by IEEE. (Ei and ISTP).17. Yang, T., X. Chen. 2008. A visual mining on RVA results ofhydrologic alternations along the East River, South China(1952-2002), the 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and KnowledgeDiscovery (FSKD'08) by IEEE. 659-664 DOI 10.1109/FSKD.2008.16 (Ei and ISTP).18. Yang, T., X. Chen, J.R. Chen, et al., 2007. Distributed soilloss evaluation and prediction modeling and simulation in an area with high andcoarse sediment yield of Yellow River, China,Methodology in Hydrology IAHS Publ. 311: 118–125. (Ei)19. 杨涛,陈永勤,陈喜等,2008. 复杂环境下华南东江中上游流域筑坝导致的水文变异研究,湖泊科学21(1): 136-143.20. 杨涛,姚文艺,陈界仁等,2008. 黄土沟壑区小流域侵蚀产沙过程的情景模拟分析,中国水土保持科学,6(2):8-14.21. 杨涛,陈喜,许崇育等,2008. 贵州近50年来的径流过程时空演变特征及驱动因素诊断,地质与环境. (在印)22. 杨涛,陈永勤,许崇育等,2008. 基于线性矩法的珠江三角洲区域洪水频率计算及空间特征分析,河海大学学报. (在印)23. 解河海,郝振纯,杨红卫,杨涛等,2008. 岔巴沟流域分布式产流产沙的计算机模拟,计算机系统仿真20(13):3393-3400 (Ei).24. 杨涛,陈界仁,姚文艺等,2007. 基于DEM 的黄土丘壑区动力学流域水沙数过程学模型应用研究—以黄河中游两个典型小流域为例,水动力学研究与进展A辑,2007-22(5):583-591.25. 杨涛,陈永勤,张强等,2007. 华南东江流域水文变异评估:一种增强RVA可视化方法, 2007年全球华人地理学家大会暨2007海峡两岸地理学家大会,台湾高雄139-150.26. 解河海,郝振纯,杨涛,2007.TOPMODEL 在岔巴沟流域的模拟研究,三峡大学学报(自然科学版),29(3): 197-200;27. 吕升奇,李天碧,陈界仁,杨涛等,2007.基于GIS 的航道整治决策支持系统,27(5): 29-32;28. Yang, T., Y. D. Chen, X. Chen, et al., 2007. Assessing spatialhydrologic alternation in the middle and lower Yellow River, Chinausing RVA approach, Proceedings of International Symposium on Food and WaterSustainability in China Macau.29. Yang, T., Y. D. Chen, X. Chen, et al., 2006. An approach forsediment yield modeling in the hilly loess region and parameter uncertaintyanalysis, Proceeding of International Symposium for IAHS-PUB in Tsinghua University,Beijing.30. 杨涛,王钦钊,梁忠民等,2006. 修河流域洪水预报调度系统关键技术讨论,人民长江, 9(37): 98-101.31. 杨涛,任伟,李胜阳等,2006. 几种防洪调度方法在黄河小花间分布式水文预报模型中的应用,2006年中国水论坛第四届学术研讨会会议论文9:283-286.32. 宋玉、李致家、杨涛,2006. 分布式水文模型在淮河洪泽湖以上流域洪水预报中的应用,河海大学学报(自然科学版),34(2): 127-131.33. 杨涛,张鹰,陈界仁等,2005. 基于数字平台的黄河岔巴沟流域分布式水文模型研究,水利学报, 36(4): 456-460 (Ei).34. 陈界仁,刘云,杨涛,2006. 数字航道构建研究-以赣江樟树南昌河段为例,人民长江,37(7):57-59.35. 杨涛,唐洪武,陈界仁等,2005年,地理信息系统(GIS)在赣江航道整治工程规划设计中的应用,第四届亚太可持续发展交通与环境技术大会会议论文,西安,704-708.36. 李致家,董增川,梁忠民,杨涛,2004. 大流域洪水预报与洪水调度管理方法研究, 水力发电, 30(1): 12-15.37. 祝杰,杨涛,2004. 黄河防洪预报调度与管理耦合系统在防洪决策中的应用,中国水利,9:31-32.38. 杨涛,丁贤荣、王文等,2001.基于COM的河道地理信息系统开发,水文2001, 1(6): 38-41.39. 程立刚,丁贤荣,杨涛,2001.水下地形扫描图高程信息自动提取方法研究, 河海大学学报(自然科学版),29(4): 120-122.40. 丁贤荣,王文,杨涛,汤立群,2001. 河道数字地形信息系统与长江镇扬河段GIS 研制,河海大学学报(自然科学版),29(4):116-119.41. 杨涛,刘庆等,2000. 水库自动化管理信息系统,水电能源科学 8(1): 55-57.

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