以下全手译 以评分方式,回答下列问题 (1-7, 1 最低 7 最高)摘要的质量:5主题的关联性(切中主题):5引言和桥段(带入性):5对“艺术形态/城邦”的表述 (译注:缺少上下文,这里state需要你自己把握一下是什么) :6描写的原创性:5结论的表述:4总结和展望:5可读性,即英语质量:4图表/数据的质量:5 格式的质量:4(作为正规论文通过)的总体建议度(1-7, 1坚决驳回,7强烈推荐):5 5分高于中间值4,应该是通过了,Congra.
It the widely using of robots will bring our human beings danger,【这句话不对,是想用it引导主语么?是要做陈述还是提出疑问?有三种表达,(⊙o⊙)哦,根据后面的意思,(我觉得你是想说:机器人的广泛应用会给人类带来危险么?因为使用了will)就是第三种】:1.It is the widely use of robots that bring our human beings danger.(It is 强调) 2.Is it the widely use of robots bring our human beings danger ? 3.Is the widely use of robots will bring our human beings danger? 【用use就行,use有名词的意思】use your own view and thoughts on it【on it 可以删掉】The issue of whether or not widely using of robots has a positive influence to society has been hotly disputed in public【whether的用法不对(建议专门看下语法书讲whether的),应该这样说:whether the widely use of robots has a positive infuence on society(have an influence on 是固定搭配,不用to)】bring plenty of benefit for society【bring...to...(给/为...带来...)】present my own view about this phenomenon. 【view on sth 】The advocates of widely using of robots hold a strange belief 【of widely...robots删掉,支持者就可以了,读者可以看懂】some danger works, 【dangerous 是形容词,danger是名词,work不可数名词:some dangerous work】which strengthen the security rate【strengthen的意思是加强,而这里说的是安全率,应该用提高:increase,raised...或是说ensure the safety of workers...】Hence, it can be concluded that robots provide a lot of advantages for the society. 【这句话表明,The advocates 的观点是正确的,本段开头就不应该用strange来评价他们的观点 ,另外我觉得可以改成:we can get the conclude that... it can be 用的有点频繁了,多变换句式增强文章的可读性。】negative effects for society【effects on sth 固定搭配】The reason is that some manual workers【用because就可以了,这个这个,感觉你的文章。。有点僵硬,模式化了,哎,写出漂亮文章的确很难啊,我也探索ing...与君共勉!】The fact that handcraft is one of the traditional culture, which can represent the history of country, has been underestimated in public.【我的修改是,the fact that handcraft,as one form of expression of the traditional culture,represents the history of a country,has been underestimated by public.】its still make a lot of demerits, which may lead our life become more detrimental【1.it still make... 2.我的修改:which may threat the healthy development of our society.】一些词:widely ,lead,suppose,view,demerit……还有一些句式 xxx is that xxx ,the fact that ……频繁出现,就是那种这句出现了,下句马上又出现了的,这种不好,不是说不能用个第二次。还有就是介词的使用,固定搭配什么的,应该加强一下。有不对的地方,楼主指出来啊~~~
2.Response to reviewer:其实就是在一个文档里,逐条地、认真地回答审稿人提出的每一个问题(important),届时上传修改稿时,也将esponse to reviewer作为独立的文档上传。
SCI文章修回的COVER LETTER模板如下:Dear Dr.XXXX,Thank you very much for your letter and advice. We have revised the paper, and would like to re-submit it for your consideration. We have addressed the comments raised by the reviewers, and the amendments are highlighted in red in the revised manuscript. We hope that the revision is acceptable, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,XXXXXX================================================================(换页)We would like to express our sincere thanks to the reviewers for the constructive and positive comments.Replies to Reviewer 1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXReplies to Reviewer 2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXReplies to Reviewer 3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
1、 对于审稿人的建议一定要礼貌地回答;
问题一:论文选题和论文初稿 指导意见怎么写 这方面有啥不理解的随时问我,帮你写。。标题式提纲 这种提纲对比简略,只写出行文各段的标题。 这是一个标题式的作文提
指导教师意见一: 论文选题符合专业培养目标,能够达到综合训练目标,本课题具有一定的研究价值,对于学生能力提高有利,实验设计合理,能够在规定时间完成,故同意开题。
问题一:工科类文章审稿意见怎么写 英文 工科类文章审稿意见 Review ments on the article of Engineering 工科
开题报告指导老师意见如下: 1、该生对于所开进行了较为详尽的调研,参考了许多文献,最后确定的课题具有一定的实用价值。本课题是学生所学专业知识的延续,符合学生专业