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首页 > 期刊论文 > 英美法概况论文题目

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哈哈 写这方面的论文要以小见大,不可把题目写得太大,写就像题目 :论中国文化 ,我们要写的东西太多了,那样就不可能写好,总是泛泛而谈! 所以你要以小见大,从英美社会的一个角度来洞悉他们社会的文化氛围和生活思想!其实一个社会的文化从一些小的事件或是现象就可见一斑,关键在于你的分析和联系,我们要从它的历史,发展,还有社会变革等各个方面来分析联系,那样你要做的的准备就会很多了,看好多资料,分析记录。。。。 所要阐述的观点也会深刻,写起来就是文思泉涌!所以在题目的确定上你要从你的论文表达的思想观点来提炼,反映你所要最终表达的思想! 别人是不好随意给你下题目的,当然如果你要写的是交任务的东西那就逃简单了!哈哈! 英美同属西方有许多共同点,其实不同的地方还是很多的,英国是是一个有由几个主要民族组成的有历史的白人岛国,看看《勇敢的心》就会有感想的,思想比较保守,各民族归属感比较强,他们的足球队都是分各地区参加世界比赛的,如英格兰 苏格兰 威尔斯等,而美国是多人种多 民族国家,所以更加的开放,思想追求自由 个人,以自我为中心,所以他们不同的地方还是很多的!一时半刻难说完啊,打得累了!自己去研究吧! 就我自己而言,比较喜欢英国生活方式一点! 自己定吧 ,有疑问再问 哈哈!

219 评论



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26. A General Election is held every _____ years and there are _____ members of Parliaments are elected.A. five, 600 B. five, 650C. five, 651 D. four, 65127. The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____.A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of CommonsB. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of LordsC. the Queen, the House of CommonsD. the Queen, the House of Lords28. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in _____.A. the Queen B. the CabinetC. the House of Lords D. the House of Commons29. The sources of British law include _____.A. statutes, common law, equity law and European Community lawB. statutes, common law and equity lawC. statutes, common law and European Community lawD. a complete code and statutes30. In criminal trials by jury, _____ passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt or innocence.A. the judge, the jury B. the judge, the judgeC. the jury, the jury D. the Lord Chancellor, the jury31. ____ tries the most serious offences such as murder and robbery.A. Magistrates’ courts B. Youth courtsC. district courts D. The Crown Court32. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is under the control of _____.A. the England secretaries B. the Scottish SecretariesC. Northern Ireland Secretaries D. the Home Secretary33. The National Health Service was established in the UK in _____ and based at first on _____.A. 1948, Acts of Parliament B. 1958, Acts of ParliamentC. 1948, the Bill of Rights D. 1958, the Bill of Rights34. The non-contributory social security benefits include the following except _____.A. war pension B. child benefitC. family credit D. unemployment benefit35. Except that _____ may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of all churchs or of none.A. the lord Chancellor B. the Prime MinisterC. the Speaker D. the ministers of all departments36. About 90 per cent of the state secondary school population in the UK attend _____.A. independent schools B. junior schoolsC. independent schools D. primary schools26..C 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. A 31. D 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D 不知道有没有用~

276 评论


America: It's Culture----Focus on How American Diet Culture Differs from Chinese

258 评论


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