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首页 > 期刊论文 > 证券投资基金的绩效评价研究论文

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Chinese SummaryWith the split share structure reform, the smooth start in China's stock market after many years of silence started the wave of unprecedented bull market prices, investment enthusiasm of residents to continue to grow, stock markets have been expanding, with the pattern of the bull market continued to develop in depth, all types of investment The market to compete, and to institutional investors as the representative of the Chinese fund industry has made great development in leaps and bounds, both in size and number of funds on both a qualitative leap in late 2007 to securities investment fund market in China has The establishment of 364 different types of securities investment funds, the net value of the Fund reached 3.275 trillion yuan, 3.82 times the end of 2006.In a short period of time in two and a half years, from China's stock market rose 998 points to 6124 at the height, or more than five-fold in the external investment environment to keep good background, securities investment funds rely on advanced investment concepts, professional Management team, a sound risk control measures, to bring investors a handsome profit and achieved satisfactory results return, at the same time, the Securities Investment Fund Performance of the parties become the focus of attention, securities investment funds, the performance difference , And the interdependence of the securities market, the volatility of performance characteristics are of concern to investors, the paper will mainly focus on investment funds and rating performance analysis and research.Part I: the Securities Investment Fund. Overview: What is the main on securities investment funds, securities investment funds which have the characteristics of investment funds and the classification of different types of investment funds comparison.Part Two: China's Investment Fund Market Review and Prospects: The 2007 China's investment fund market were reviewed, and in 2008 China's investment fund market prospects outlook.Part III: Securities Investment Fund Performance Evaluation: Any fund rating is based on the classification of domestic and foreign fund rating agencies and rating methods, focus on Morningstar fund rating company Morningstar cited as China's securities investment funds on the ratings data to be Note.Part IV: The statistical data on the performance of securities investment funds empirical analysis and, ultimately, come to three conclusions: first, the fund performance does not have long-term stability characteristics, in a certain time, the outstanding performance of the Fund, may not be in another An equally good time. Secondly, the performance of securities investment funds by the investment market fluctuations and there is a high degree of correlation. Thirdly, the rise in prices in addition to a small number of funds, the vast majority of index funds to outperform the same period was over-income, but in dropped prices of index funds can be made over the proceeds.

257 评论


我是13年毕业的金融学专业学生,如果你没有思路,只想写一篇随便过了的话,我建议你不要写实证分析,写一些现状问题描述,做一些数据的统计和简单分析,最后得出结论和改进办法就可以了。题目给你一些参考:一、中国金融改革与金融深化1.我国中小企业融资难问题2.中国金融体制改革现状、困境、对策3.上市公司的独立董事制与中国的现行企业制度改革4.利率市场化问题探讨5.我国金融机构的组织结构再造6.中国金融体系的改革方向7.我国商业银行改革与发展问题8.中国信用制度的缺失与建设9.个人理财业务发展的问题和对策10.中国政策性金融的理论与实践11.论建立我国金融机构市场退出机制问题12.中国金融电子化的发展趋势与问题13.中国农村信用社发展的方向与模式探讨14.非银行金融机构问题研究二、国际金融与汇率问题1.人民币自由兑换问题研究2.当前人民币汇率问题研究3.中国资本市场开放问题研究4.中国资本外逃问题研究5.银行股外资并购问题研究;6.中国国际收支的调节政策与调节机制7.中国国际储备的规模管理与营运管理8.全球化经济发展趋势与香港联系汇率制问题9.人民币汇率机制与香港的联系汇率制10.中国金融业的发展趋势11.论内部经济均衡和外部经济均衡的政策搭配12.人民币有效汇率与贸易收支数量关系研究13. 中国利用外资发展战略与策略三、金融风险与监管问题1.次贷危机下中国金融安全所面临的挑战及对策2.论银行不良资产的化解问题3.金融创新与金融监管问题研究4.电子银行的监管问题研究5.论金融机构自律或金融机构的内部控制6.实施信贷风险分类方法的若干思考7.商业银行信贷风险管理与防范8.实施资产负债管理中的问题与对策9. 我国银行信用卡信用风险管理现状及存在问题分析10.开放背景下我国金融监管体制改革研究11.我国商业银行信用风险内部评级体系的构建12.商业银行操作风险的防范13.我国网络银行的风险管理研究14.银行信用风险评估中的非财务分析15.住房抵押贷款的风险分析及管理方法的研究.16,金融监管的成本与效益分析四、投资制度与资本市场1.中国证券市场问题研究2.开发金融创新产品与完善金融市场3.中国资本市场的发展4.QFII与QDII制度研究5.中国票据市场发展与完善6.各类金融衍生品在我国的发展研究7.我国资本市场的有效性实证分析8.CAPM的实用性分析9.认股权证( 或可转债)定价理论的实证研究10.投资银行在资本市场中的功能11.投资银行组织模式比较与选择12.中国衍生证券市场建立与发展13.银行上市后股权结构与绩效的相关关系研究五、信托、资产证券化与投资基金1.我国信托投资业的改革与发展2.我国信贷资产证券化的动因分析3.我国信托公司业务模式的探讨4.风险投资基金的发展问题研究5.我国理财市场的现状、问题及对策6.证券投资基金的绩效评价研究7.中国投资基金运行中的问题及解决措施;8.投资基金发展趋势研究;9.主权基金运作的国际经验及对我国的启示10.开放式基金融资研究11.社会保障基金的投资问题探讨六、货币理论与货币政策1.当前货币当局金融宏观调控的目标和政策选择2.虚拟货币对货币流通秩序的影响分析3.通货膨胀对当前投资领域的影响4.利率调整与央行的宏观金融政策5.当前我国货币流通状况研究6.公开市场业务与我国国债市场的完善7.论利率在宏观调控政策的作用8.我国货币政策工具的调整与选择9.通货膨胀的表现与对策10.我国货币政策最终目标与财政政策目标的协调11.我国货币政策中间目标的选取12.利率结构的调整与经济结构的调整13.我国的利率弹性问题研究14.我国利率传导机制的优化15.提高商业银行在利率传导中的效果16.久期模型在利率风险管理中的运用17.通缩问题的原因及对策研究18.利率工具和汇率工具在当前我国宏观经济调控中的应用七、国际货币与汇率制度1.欧元在今后国际储备中的地位分析2.21世纪国际货币体系改革探讨3.欧元;美元;日元的汇率走势及对世界经济和中国经济的影响4.加强IMF在国际金融危机中的作用5.全球货币体系与亚洲货币合作前景6.日本金融自由化及启示7.发展中国家金融自由化评析八、国际金融市场1.国际金融市场的发展与监管问题研究2.跨国并购的发展及经济全球化的影响3.美元汇率波动对全球金融市场的影响4.国际商业银行发展的新思路5.国际金融危机的预警与防范机制6. 当前世界金融发展的形势与动态研究

268 评论



127 评论


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    摘 要 研究了沪深300指数日收益率时间序列,经检验其具有马氏性,并建立了马尔可夫链模型。取交易日分时数据,根据分时数据确定状态初始概率分布,通过一步转移概率矩

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    参考文献: [1]中国证券业协会.证券投资分析.中国财政经济出版社. [2]吴晓求.证券投资学.中国人民大学出版社. [3]中国证券业协会.证券投资基金.中国财

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