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Abstract With the development of market economy, the domestic sports brand market is more competitive. The development of our national brand, Li Ning company stand out from the continuous accumulation of experience and innovation has been playing the leader of the national sports brand in the international market also have good performance. Li Ning in the constant innovation and development process also appeared in many of the problems and shortcomings, although the slogan is innovation, but in fact entered a "innovation", but the lack of core competitiveness of misunderstanding. Li Ning's marketing strategy, analyze the existing problems, and suggestions for improvement strategies, and want to be able to provide some useful lessons for the Li Ning Company better in the future development and growth.

343 评论


摘要:21世纪是网络技术飞速发展的一个世纪,在这样的时代大背景下,我们教育事业势必要做出某些改变,首当其冲的是网络教研的普及,因为相比于普通教学模式,网络教研具有完全不可比的优势,笔者通过对天镇县学校网络教研背景的调查分析,研究了网络教研应用于学校的可行性。愿我的家乡以后的学校会办的更好,多出些好的人才Abstract: The 21st century sees the rapid development of Internet technology, to which the education industry has to change to better adapt itself. The first thing that needs to be done is to greatly promote the Online Teaching and Research becuase of its unmatched advantages over the conventional way. In this paper, the Author investigated and analyzed the background of the online teaching and research conducted in Tianzhen Country, based on which the Author discussed the feasibility to implement the online teaching and research to schools. The Author hopes this paper will help the schools in his (her) hometown develop good future and output more talents.

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    一.关于本专业毕业论文的选题 英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下: 1

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    会。 每个人使用语言的习惯不一样,使用的措辞、语序都会略有些不同,所以即使是一段相同的文字,不同的人在进行翻译后,译文必然会有不同。也可以适当的翻译与选题有关的

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