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Shallow view college students(浅析大学生消费观) In the current consumption market, as a special group is receiving more and more attention. Cell phones, Internet, sports, tourism, av equipment are students of consumption. Their younger age, different from other social consumer groups of consumer psychology and behavior. On one hand has strong consumption demand, on the other hand, has obtained the financial independence. Consumer spending power of advanced concepts, the lag and has great influence on them. With this curious, we investigated the students listened, currently the teachers.Results showed that the following reasons for college students have a profound influence on the view.First, family environment for students of consumption "congenital". Family is the basic factors restricting their consumption. Most students from rural areas currently. Rural students would not spend a lot of money to buy a bar of chocolate, biscuit, candy and snacks. A classmate of institute of grammar, told reporters he every month in the consumption of food and supplies, and a small part of life. However, the students from the developed city, in the free allowance is master circumstance, even the remaining money to spend on hair, clothing, accessories, and other items. MP3Second, the consumption of college campus environment. According to the understanding of the ", just past 11 golden weeks, "some travel agency" lovers swims "travel group, a lot of students. Some boys to girls, the pursuit of cosmetics, snacks, flowers as "sociology". In the investigation and discussion, we found that the students love more than 100 - month about spending at least 200 yuan, also has 50 yuan, the highest reach 500 yuan. One of the students of agronomy humorously tells a reporter, dating from the average expenses for the situation had been broken and three kinds, namely, man should take all NanNvFang share and the initiative of all, girls love spending even more than the situation.Internet addiction among is one where money. Some students spend all day in the net cafe, wasting their time and energy, and parents hard-earned money.Third, social environment influence on college students' view. In the interview process, a eppo school students told reporters: "some students fashion and famous, too." compare existing In the seminar, some students, in order to have a phone or a paragraph on the most popular, some classmates to economize, even sacrifice other necessary expenses. Some male classmate to buy a pair of shoes, the female classmate brand in order to buy a set of famous cosmetic or a brand-name clothes at hand to his family, money or borrow money from their classmates, these reflects some students don't know into, and driven them form the vanity of endless themselves. In addition, the male classmate hair, earrings, female students, also make positive modelling teachers and parents worried.College students are the pillars of the construction of the future society, its consumption ideas and directly affected the life character and the influence of the motherland, indirect jiangshan justice. Good training and strengthening consumer habits will get to the school, good shape, and formed the role of school student wind virtuous circle. Therefore, the schools should set students' good consumption psychology and behavior of the cultivation of campus culture construction as an important component. Facing the current as of inviting advertising the snowflake fly to the university campus, teachers and parents have necessary guidance from the side with the correct method, students correct view firmly. College students from his actual consumption of the economic situation, develop simple life style, develop good consumption habits and consumption mentality.

113 评论


想到以后工作了,年假只有30天,内心是崩溃的,所以趁人生最后一个暑假领略我祖国的大好河山,以实际行动迎接党的十九大。        此次旅行,攻略基本都是聪聪花了好几个白天、黑夜做的(包括详细行程、住宿、租车比选等),这份超级完整实用的攻略在闲鱼上卖0.5元真的不是问题,在此向聪聪表示一下感谢,聪聪真的很好用啊!         此次行程小分队由7人组成(3对情侣+廖勇),有老司机、有军人、有狼人杀高手、有博学的博士、有即将脱离单身的单身狗,品种丰富,大家处在一起灰常和谐。 2017.8.12-2017.8.14 上海→兰州→西宁→海晏 8.13下午到达兰州,牛肉面随处可见。 去了黄河第一铁桥:中山桥。中山桥是沟通黄河南北的桥梁,抗日战争时期,是我国军民抗击日寇的重要战线,而如今它已成为兰州人民不屈精神的象征。 原来在兰州,拉面里的牛肉是块状的。 8.14前往西宁,气压变低,膨化食品爆炸,觉得人也变得胖了起来~~~到达西宁站,前往神州租车取车,去大润发采购必备物资,青海甘肃大环线旅行即将开始。 8.14达到青海省海北藏族自治州海晏县 在西宁去海晏的路上,所看到的自然风光与城市截然不同,我们停留在了倒淌河,“下车拍照”模式就此开始,之后的几天旅行基本都是这个模式,哈哈哈。 科学意义上,“倒淌河”原也是一条东流的河,它和布哈河、罗汉河一起注入黄河,后由于地壳的变动,日月山隆起,它才折头向西注入青海湖,成为一条倒淌河。 但古往今来,人们总把山山水水赋予神话故事(像之后路过的青海湖、苏干河、当金山、祁连山,都一段传说与之相关),这便让山水有了灵魂。人们总喜欢把美好的爱情、难舍的亲情、历史的纪念、对自然神(山神、水神、月神、日神)的崇敬融于大自然中。当看到眼前的景色,虽是无声,却总觉得它们在向往来的游客诉说着什么。。。

197 评论



217 评论


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