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图像识别技术是人工智能研究的一个重要分支,也是人们日常生活中使用最广泛的人工智能技术之一。近年来,随着深度学习技术的发展,图像识别准确率显著提高。本论文研究了图像识别的传统技术和深度学习技术,分析了深度学习技术的几点不足,并给出未来可行的解决方案。【关键词】人工智能 图像识别 深度学习1 概述图像识别技术是人工智能研究的一个重要分支,其是以图像为基础,利用计算机对图像进行处理、分析和理解,以识别不同模式的对象的技术。目前图像识别技术的应用十分广泛,在安全领域,有人脸识别,指纹识别等;在军事领域,有地形勘察,飞行物识别等;在交通领域,有交通标志识别、车牌号识别等。图像识别技术的研究是更高级的图像理解、机器人、无人驾驶等技术的重要基础。传统图像识别技术主要由图像处理、特征提取、分类器设计等步骤构成。通过专家设计、提取出图像特征,对图像进行识别、分类。近年来深度学习的发展,大大提高了图像识别的准确率。深度学习从大量数据中学习知识(特征),自动完成特征提取与分类任务。但是目前的深度学习技术过于依赖大数据,只有在拥有大量标记训练样本的情况下才能够取得较好的识别效果。

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公开一种TDI CCD图像传感器及驱动方法,该TDI CCD图像传感器包括:感光像元阵列、隔离像元阵列以及水平移位寄存器;其中,感光像元阵列、隔离像元阵列以及水平位移寄存器在第一方向上依次设置;隔离像元阵列包括n行在第一方向上设置的隔离像元;其中,n为大于1的正整数;第n行隔离像元与第n‑1行隔离像元之间设置有第一传输闸;第n行隔离像元与水平移位寄存器之间设置有第二传输闸;该驱动方法用于驱动该TDI CCD图像传感器。该TDI CCD图像传感器及驱动方法解决了现有技术中因电荷转移造成的固有像移问题。

258 评论


CCD image sensor and its application researchAbstract: with semiconductor and rapid development of photoelectric technology, solid image sensor also arises at the historic moment, the production technology is developing rapidly. Solid image sensor, compared with common image sensor has the advantages of small size, high sensitivity, distortion, resistant to moisture resistance vibration and low cost, so many advantages can be widely applied in industry measurement and control, particularly in areas such as image recognition, and will be widely permeates our industrial and agricultural production departments, for our fine processing, robot technology and the development of industrial automation field play a major role. At the same time, the rapid development of computer software and hardware technology, also can give a solid image sensor applications with broad prospects. Based on the analysis of the principle of solid image sensor, focuses on it in the measurement and image recognition domain analysis and discussion.Keywords: CCD sensor, solid image sensor, engineering measurement, control, image recognition.

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102 评论


标题翻译如下CCD image sensor and their application study。内容翻译如下Promptness accompanying semiconductor and the photoelectricity technology develops , the solid state image sensor also arises at the historic moment , the productive technology technology can't develop swift and violent. The solid state image sensor is compared with average image sensor , have volume lacking fidelity for a short time, for a short time, sensitiveness is high , resist to vibrate , is able to bear moistness , a lot of merit of cost low grade, therefore can broad apply to industry measurement, is that meticulous of our country processes , development of robot technology and industrial automation field gets the significant effect under the control of, especially waiting for a field in pattern recognition, and with the branch who seeps through each that the industry and agriculture in our country produces broadly. At the same time, computer soft hardware technology never-ending changes and improvements, application that can give a solid state image a sensor also brings about vast vistas. The principle the main body of a book is complied with analysing the solid state image sensor starts off , emphasizes analysis and investigation and discussion being in progress to it in test control and the pattern recognition field.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

312 评论


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