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你好这是我学校图书馆网站黄忠廉. 变译理论[M] . 中国对外翻译出版公司,2002任津升. 进一步谈谈中国菜的英译[J],中国翻译. 2001 年第6期第56页陈宏微 . 汉英翻译基础[M]:上海外语教育出版社1998年朱虹. 文学翻译:中译英琐谈[J]. 读书,1997年第4期张林 . 旅游资料翻译反映出的文化因素[J],中国翻译. 2000 年第5期饮食文化的翻译我国由于历史和地域的不同,形成众多菜系及佳,代写医学论文在翻译时充分考虑它的中、西文化差异、其原料成份及烹调方法等[7]。(1)、直译:烹饪方法+原料名如:清真桂鱼Steamed Mandarin Fish 、回锅肉Twice-cooked Pork、炖牛肉Stewed Beef 。(2)、音译+释义如:饺子Jiaozi (Chinese-style Ravioli) 、包子Baozi (Stuffed Bun) 、锅贴Guotie (Pot Stickers)。(3)、意译+释义:全家福 Happy Family---A combination of shrimps, pork beef, chicken, lobster and mixed vegetables with brown sauce 、左宗鸡General Tso' Chicken---A mouth watering dish made with large chunks of marinated chicken, sauted with scorched red chili peppers in special, tangy sauce。(4)、音译+意译:稳得福酒楼 Wonderful Restaurant、麻婆豆腐 Bean Curd Sichuan Style、西菀饭店 Xiyuan Hotel。(5)、意译:红烧狮子头Braised Met Ballswith Brawn Sauce、龙虎凤大烩Thick Soup of Snake, Cat and Chicken、红茶Black Tea、棕子Pyramid -shaped Dumpling 、冰糖燕窝 A bird Nest Soup with Rock Sugar。希望对你有帮助 华夏文化与汉英翻译 武汉大学出版社 卢红梅编著2006年5月第一版第六章饮食文化与汉英翻译119页-132页陈小慰.新编实用翻译教程[M] 北京:经济科学出版社2006212页-227页中国烹调方法 刘子孝编著黑龙江科学技术出版社

351 评论


1. Merlinda D.Ingco,John D.Nash.Agriculture and the WTO:Creating a Trading System for Development[M].Washington,D.C.:The World Bank,20042. H.Moran.Exploring New Frontiers[M].Washington,:The World Bank,2011

110 评论


Many of us believe that tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. are vegetables. But, technically speaking, all these are fruits, but the only difference is that they are used as vegetables. Then, what is the difference between fruit and vegetable? The debate of fruit vs vegetable has been going on for a long time, with botanists strongly demanding the status of fruits for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and many more, which are usually classified as vegetables in the culinary sense. In order to understand the difference between fruit and vegetable, we must have some knowledge about both these things, which are very widely used by human beings. If you are interested in the technicalities, a fruit is the mature ovary of a flowering plant. The function of the fruit is to bear the seeds, which help in the growth of more plants. That means your eggplants, cucumbers, corn and peas are all really fruit. Even hard and dry nuts are, technically speaking, fruit.Vegetables refer to the edible portions of a plant. They may include the leaves (as in lettuce), stalks (your favorite celery), the roots (carrots), bulbs (onions) and flowers (as in the broccoli). If you are arguing that the fruit is also an edible part of the plant, you are right. The only difference is that the fruit would be separating from the plant after some time, so that the seeds inside can develop into a new plant.There is a common misconception that the fruit is the only sweet and soft part of a plant. The rest of the plant is conveniently allocated as vegetables. The truth is that even the tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable! This is because a fruit is usually found on the part of the tree that is above the ground. As tomatoes grow on vines and not on trees, there is a perennial argument about this poor fruit. People tend to think of fruits as a sweet and succulent part of the part. Moreover, they don’t even use the tomato as they would normally use a fruit. Even the pumpkin and zucchini you so adore are technically speaking part of the fruit family. This is because they are a part of the squash family.When your dietician asks you to maintain a balance between the fruit and vegetables you are having, make sure you know exactly what you are taking in. A simple thumb rule to follow is to find out whether the confusing thing has seeds or not. If it does, it is in all probability, a fruit.Both fruit and vegetables are required as part of your daily diet. Fruits provide you with your daily dose of antioxidants, vitamin c and all the fiber you need. The nutritive value of vegetables cannot be ignored either. Vegetables provide you with the roughage you need in your diet. Vegetables also provide you with vitamins and proteins. A diet without vegetables will leave you malnourished and lacking in essential proteins and vitamins. In general, vegetables have less sugar content compared to fruits. Vegetables also provide more fiber compared to fruits.So, the next time you pick up a carrot and start wondering whether you are taking in a fruit or a vegetable, don’t. The important thing is to mix it up and eat as varied a diet as you possibly can.

89 评论


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    你好这是我学校图书馆网站黄忠廉. 变译理论[M] . 中国对外翻译出版公司,2002任津升. 进一步谈谈中国菜的英译[J],中国翻译. 2001 年第6期第56

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    农产品的保鲜和加工是农业生产的继续,是农业再生产过程中的"二产经济",下面是由我整理的蔬菜保鲜技术论文,谢谢你的阅读。 蔬菜的贮藏与保鲜技术 [摘 要] 近年来

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