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1.期刊论文:Wang L., Wu Y., Zhang W., Kannan K.*, Characteristic profiles of urinary p-hydroxybenzoic acid and its esters (parabens) in children and adults from the United States and China, Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 2069-2076, 2013.2. 期刊论文:Wang L., Sun H., Zhang G., Sun S., Fu X., Application of ionic liquids for the extraction and passive sampling of endocrine disrupting chemicals from sediments, Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13, 450-459, 2013.3. 期刊论文:Wang L., Xin Y., Zhou Z., Xu X., Sun H.*, Impact of organic matter properties on sorption domains of phenanthrene on chemically modified geosorbents and synthesized charcoals, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 244-245: 268-275, 2013.4. 期刊论文:Wang L., Wu Y., Zhang W., Kannan K.*, Widespread occurrence and distribution of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) and its derivatives in human urine from the United States and China. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 12968-12976, 2012.5. 期刊论文:Wang L., Liao C., Liu F., Wu Q., Guo Y., Moon H.B., Nakata H., Kannan K.*, Occurrence and human exposure of p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters (Parabens), bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE), and their hydrolysis products in indoor dust from the United States and three East Asian countries. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 11584-11593, 2012.6.期刊论文: Zhang Q., Wang L., Zhao L., Sun H., Lu Y., Analysis and assessment of heavy metal pollution in sediments of Tianjin Harbor and Dagu Drainage Canal in Bohai Bay, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 21, 1777-1785, 2012.7. 译著:孙红文,汪磊,王翠苹,马小东,张彦峰,环境化学 (第9版), [美] Stanley E. Manahan著,高等教育出版社, 104万字,2013.

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1. Lijun He, Wenzhu Zhang, Liang Zhao, Xia Liu, Shengxiang Jiang. Effect of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids as the eluent on the separation of ephedrines by liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 1007(2003) 39-45. (SCI收录)2. LiJun He, Qingsong Cai, Shijun Shao, Shengxiang Jiang. Effect of calix[4]pyrrole as addition reagent on anions separation in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE).Chin. Chem. Lett.,2001, 12(6): 511-512. (SCI收录)3. Lijun He, Wenzhu Zhang, Bo Wen, Xia Liu, Shengxiang Jiang. Separation of ephedrines using 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium-tetrafluoroborate ionic liquids as eluent in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Chin. Chem. Lett., 2003, 14(6): 603-604. (SCI收录)4. Lijun He, Shijun Shao, Yong Guo, Huajiao Ma, Xia Liu, Shengxiang Jiang. Separation of phenolic compounds and organic anions using ODS column coated withmeso-octamethylcalix[4]pyrrole and water as eluent.Chin. Chem. Lett., 2003, 14(9): 946-947. (SCI收录)5. 何丽君 蔡青松 刘霞 蒋生祥.测定驱油体系中碱度的流动注射分光光度法.分析测试学报2002, 21(5): 27-29. (核心期刊)6. 何丽君 刘霞 蒋生祥 柳春辉. 流动注射分光光度法测定有机溶剂中的微量溶解氧.化学试剂 2002, 24 (2): 86-87. (核心期刊)7. 何丽君,郭勇, 邵士俊,温博, 刘霞, 蒋生祥. 杯吡咯涂敷的HPLC固定相的初步研究.色谱 2003, 21(5): 387-389. (核心期刊)8. Wenzhu Zhang,Lijun He, Yanlong Gu, Xia Liu, Shengxiang Jiang. Effect of ionic liquids as mobile phase additives on retention of catecholamines in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography.Anal. Lett.,2003, 36(4): 827-838. (SCI收录)9. Shijun Shao, Yong Guo,Lijun He, Shengxiang Jiang, Xianda Yu. New non-covalent charge-transfer complex of calix[4]pyrrole-chloranil: as a potential colorimetric anion sensor.Tetra.Lett.,2003, 44: 2175-2178. (SCI收录)10. 郭勇, 邵士俊,何丽君, 师彦平, 蒋生祥.meso-四甲基-meso-四对氨苯基杯[4]吡咯的合成及表征.化学试剂,2002, 24: 344-345. (核心期刊)11. 郭勇, 邵士俊,何丽君, 师彦平, 蒋生祥. 杯吡咯功能化合物的研究与应用.化学进展,2003, 15(4): 319-326. (SCI收录)12. Zhang Wenzhu,He Lijun, Liu Xia, Jiang Shengxiang. Ionic liquids as mobile phase additives for separation of nucleotides in high-performance liquid chromatography.Chin. J. Chem., 2004,22, 549-552. (SCI收录)13. Wu Yan,He Lijun(通讯作者), Zhao Wenjie, Lu Kui. Effect of ionic liquid on detection of carbofuran by plant-lipases inactivation.Chin. Chem. Lett.,2006, 17(11): 1493-1494. (SCI收录)14. 吕芳,何丽君(通讯作者), 伍艳, 谢洪学. 离子液体作薄层色谱添加剂对麻黄碱分离的影响.化学试剂,2006, 28(9): 551- 552; 574. (核心期刊)15. Liu Kai,He Lijun,He XiaoMing, Shao Shijun. Calix[4]pyrrole-TCBQ assembly: a signal magnifier of TCBQ for colorimetric detrmining amino acids and amines.Tetra.Lett.,2007, 48: 4275-4279. (SCI收录)16. 谢洪学,何丽君(通讯作者), 伍艳, 司学芝, 卢奎. 基于离子液体的液相微萃取-高效液相色谱法测定水中有机磷农药.分析化学,2007, 35(2):187- 190.(SCI收录)17.何丽君吕芳, 伍艳, 谢洪学. 室温离子液体在分离分析中的应用.分析测试学报,2007, 26(1): 139-144. (核心期刊)18. 孙银娟, 苏延辉, 刘捷, 何丽君(通讯作者). 新型二十六环液相色谱固定相的合成与表征.有机化学,2007, 27(S): 379. (核心期刊)

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申报了发明专利《三层共挤制备低成本高强度导爆管生产方法》(200910027120.X)、《双(5-溴水杨醛)缩乙二亚胺合铁的合成方法》(201010286958.3)和《一种导爆管生产方法及生产线》(201010622698.2);行业标准《导爆管的不导电性能测定》、《无雷管感度工业炸药最小起爆药量测定方法》等。共参与《药物中间体化学》、《有机中间体制备》、《炸药的绿色制造》三部专著的编写,在国内外核心期刊上发表文章二十多篇,近期论文如下:1.Hua Qian, Dabin Liu. Synthesis of Chalcones via Claisen-Schmidt Reaction Catalyzed by Sulfonic Acid-Functional Ionic Liquids[J]. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2011,50(2): 1146-1149.2.Hua Qian, Dabin Liu, Chunxu Lv. Ultrasonically-promoted synthesis of mandelic acid by phase transfer catalysis in an ionic liquid[J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2011,18(5):1035-1037.3.Hua Qian, Dabin Liu, Chunxu Lv. An efficient synthesis of 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7- tetraazacyclooctane (HMX) by ultrasonic irradiation in ionic liquid[J]. Letters in Organic Chemistry.2011,8,184-187.4.钱华, 刘大斌, 吕春绪. 超声波促进DAPT一步法制备HMX[J]. 火炸药学报. 2010,33(6):16-18.5.钱华, 刘大斌, 叶志文. 负载型杂多酸催化下N2O5对氯苯的选择性硝化研究[J]. 应用化学. 2009,26(6):676-680.6.钱华, 刘大斌, 王亮. 4-甲氧基-7H-呋喃[3,2-g][1]苯并吡喃-7-酮制备的新方法[J]. 应用化学. 2009,26(9):1084-1087.7.Hua Qian, Zhi-Wen Ye, Chun-Xu Lv. Ultrasonically promoted nitrolysis of DAPT to HMX in ionic liquid[ J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2008,15(4):326-329.8.QIAN Hua, LV Chunxu, YE Zhiwen. Synthesis of CL-20 by clean nitrating agent dinitrogen pentoxide. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society. 2008,85(4):434-439.

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