茶叶的外文文献It is universally acknowledged that China is the original tea-growing area, as well as the first country to grow, produce and drink tea. Then when did China find and start to use tea? According to the Holy farmer's Herbal Classic, 2700 years ago, the Holy farmer tasted various herbs he picked, and often got poisoned. Later, he found a plant tea, which could detoxify him, This story shows that people in ancient times treated tea only as a medicinal herb. It took quite a long time for tea to be used as a drink rather than a herb, Wan Bao mentioned in his " A Contract with a Child Servant," which was written in 59 B.C., that the child servant should boil tea for his master and to to Wuyang (east of Pengxian County, Sichuan Province, then a famous tea market ) to buy tea. This evidence reveals that tea, as a drink, started not later than the Western Han Period. In the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), King of the Dongwu State Sun Hao(242-283) ordered his ministers to drink liquor and gained pleasure from their drunkenness each time he entertained them. Minister Wei Yao could not drink, so Sun Han gave him tea secretly and let him drink tea instead of liquor. From then on, treating guests to tea became gradually popular among scholars.
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摘 要:茶马古道是中国历史上最著名的古道之一,它是我国古代因茶马贸易而兴起的商贸通道。 茶马古道有着深厚历史文化内涵,它是汉族和藏族长期友好互助的历史见证。 茶