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Clothes Material Clothing Fabrics a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including: *electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles *thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics *cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel *permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membranes *optical fibre sensors, hollow fibre membranes for gas separation *integrating fibre-formed components into textile structures *wearable electronic and photonic technologies *adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) *and biomedical applications including the applications of scaffolds in tissue engineering This book provides a guide to the fundamentals and latest developments in smart technology for textiles and clothing. The contributors represent a distinguished international panel of experts and the book covers many aspects of cutting edge research and development. It gives you insight into technological developments in the field valuable and fascinating.SMART FIBRES, FABRICS AND CLOTHING starts with a review of the background to smart technology and goes on to cover a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including: * electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles * thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics * cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel * permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membranes * optical fibre sensors, hollow fibre membranes for gas separation * integrating fibre-formed components into textile structures * wearable electronic and photonic technologies * adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) * and biomedical applications including the applications of scaffolds in tissue engineering This book provides a guide to the fundamentals and latest developments in smart technology for textiles and clothing. The contributors represent a distinguished international panel of experts and the book covers many aspects of cutting edge research and development. It gives you insight into technological developments in the field valuable and fascinating.Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothingedited by Xiaoming TaoReviews background to smart technology and goes on to cover a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology Provides insight into the latest technological developments such as thermally sensitive fibers and fabrics, wearable electronic and photonic technologies, adaptive and responsive textile structures, biomedical applications, and more Contains contributions from a distinguished international panel of experts Covers many aspects of cutting edge research and developmentSmart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing starts with a review of the background to smart technology and goes on to cover a wide range of the material science and fiber science aspects of the technology including:Electrically active polymeric materials and the applications of nonionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles Thermally sensitive fibres and fabrics Cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates Stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel Permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membranes Optical fibre sensors, hollow fibre membranes for gas separation Integrating fibre-formed components into textile structures Wearable electronic and photonic technologies Adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) And biomedical applications including the applications of scaffolds in tissue engineeringSmart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing provides a guide to the fundamentals and latest developments in smart technology for textiles and clothing. The contributors represent a distinguished international panel of experts and the book covers many aspects of cutting edge research and development. It gives you insight into technological developments in the field valuable and fascinating.ContentsSmart technology for textiles and clothing - An overview and review Introduction Development of smart technology for textiles and clothing Outline of the book Electrically active polymer materials: application of non-ionic polymer gel and elastomers for artificial muscles Introduction Polymer materials as actuators or artificial muscle Peculiarity of polymer gel actuator Triggers for actuating polymer gels Electro-active polymer gels as artificial muscles From electro-active polymer gel to electro-active elastomer with large deformation Heat storage and thermo-regulated textiles and clothing Development introduction Basics of heat-storage materials Manufacture of heat-storage and thermo-regulated textiles and clothing Properties of heat-storage and thermo-regulated textiles and clothing application Development trends Thermally sensitive materials Introduction Thermal storage and thermal insulating fibres Thermal insulation through polymeric coatings Design of fabric assemblies Cross-linked polyol fibrous substrates as multifunctional and multi-use intelligent materials Introduction Fibrous intelligent materials Experimental Results and discussion Stimuli-responsive interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels composed of poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(acrylic acid) Introduction Experimental Results and discussion Permeation control through stimuli-responsive polymer membrane prepared by plasma and radiation grafting techniques Introduction Experimental Results and discussion Mechanical properties of fibre Bragg gratings Introduction Fabric techniques Mechanisms of FBG sensor fabrication Mechanical properties Influence of the UV irradiation on mechanical properties Polymeric fibre Optical responses of FBG sensors under deformations Introduction Optical methodology for FBG sensors Optical responses under tension Optical responses under torsion Optical responses under lateral compression Optical responses under bending Smart textile composites integrated with fibre optic sensors Introduction Optical fibres and fibre optic sensors Principal analysis of embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors Simultaneous measurements of strain and temperature Measurement effectiveness Reliability of FBGs Error of strain measurement due to deviation of position and direction Distributed measurement systems Hollow fibre membranes for gas separation Historical overview of membranes for gas separation Developments of membranes for industrial gas separation Theories of permeation processes Phase inversion and hollow fibre membrane Future hollow fibre membranes and industrial gas separation Embroidery and smart textiles Introduction Basics of embroidery technology Embroidery for technical applications - tailored fibre placement Embroidery technology used for medical textiles Embroidered stamp - gag or innovation? Adaptive and responsive textile structures (ARTS) Introduction Textiles in computing: the symbiotic relationship The Georgia Tech Wearable MotherboardTM GTWM: contributions and potential applications Emergence of a new paradigm: harnessing the opportunity Wearable technology for snow clothing Introduction Key issues and performance requirements The prototype Bio-processing for smart textiles and clothing Introduction Treatment of wool with enzymes Treatment of of cotton with enzymes Enzymatic modification of synthetic fibres Spider silk 'Intelligent fibres' Tailor-made intelligent polymers for biomedical applications Introduction Fundamental aspects of shape memory materials Concept of biodegradable shape memory polymers Degradable thermoplastic elastomers having shape memory properties Degradable polymer networks having shape memory properties Textile scaffolds in tissue engineering Introduction Ideal scaffold system Scaffold materials Textile scaffolds

337 评论


环保型针织服装的面料实验研究与产品开发方案作者:赵虹专业:服装设计与工程导师:杨以雄学位:硕士单位:东华大学分类:ts941.15主题:服装 环保 天丝 莫代尔 开发时间:20031201页数:84浏览:在线阅读全文下载 网上冲浪更快更爽,下载... 工具栏的 firefox全文目录文摘英文文摘东华大学学位论文原创性声明和东华大学学位论文版权使用授权书1引言1.1研究背景1.1.1环保纺织服装产品的开发和应用现状1.1.2纺织服装企业的绿色营销1.2问题的引出1.3论文研究的目的和方法1.3.1研究目的1.3.2论文研究方法2环保纺织服装理念、标准和产品分析2.1环保纺织服装理念2.2环保纺织服装标准系列2.2.1环保纺织标准1002.2.2 is09000系列质量管理与质量保证体系2.2.3 is014000系列环境管理国际标准2.2.4 gb/t 240002.3绿色环保纤维产品分析2.3.1绿色环保纤维的理念2.3.2绿色环保纤维的发展方向2.3.3主要绿色环保纤维产品2.3.4采用环保新原料开发针织新产品3天丝和莫代尔织物服用性能实验3.1实验对象的选择3.1.1试样来源3.1.2试样基本规格3.2天丝和莫代尔织物性能测定3.2.1抗弯刚度测试3.2.2悬垂性测试3.2.3起毛起球性测试3.2.4缩水率测试3.2.5回潮率测试3.2.6透气性测试3.2.7透湿性测试3.2.8耐磨擦色牢度测试3.2.9顶破强力测试3.2.10耐磨性测试3.3织物性能评定和比较3.3.1织物刚柔性3.3.2织物悬垂性3.3.3织物抗起毛起球性3.3.4织物缩水率3.3.5织物回潮率3.3.6织物透气性3.3.7织物透湿性3.3.8织物耐摩擦色牢度3.3.9织物顶破强力3.3.10织物耐磨性3.4本章小结4天丝和莫代尔织物服用性能的聚类分析4.1基本原理4.2天丝和莫代尔织物服用性能的聚类分析4.2.1莫代尔织物服用性能的聚类分析4.2.2天丝织物服用性能的聚类分析4.3本章小结5企业开发针织环保产品的方案研究5.1企业概况5.1.1企业沿革5.1.2产品与生产5.2品牌拓展与产品开发的必要性5.2.1积极应对我国加入wto的挑战5.2.2服装潮流变革,针织服装异军突起5.3产品开发的可行性5.4开发针织休闲 http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/Detail.aspx?dbname=CMFD2007&filename=2007033042.nh&filetitle=%E8%AE%BA%E6%9C%8D%E8%A3%85%E7%B1%BB%E5%9B%BE%E4%B9%A6%E7%9A%84%E9%80%89%E9%A2%98%E7%AD%96%E5%88%92(这个网址是论服装类图书的选题策划),你去看看吧,希望有用啊)

249 评论



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    Clothes Material Clothing Fabrics a wide range of the material science and fiber

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