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从美国汽车看美国文化 英文专业毕业论文American Culture—From the Perspective of AutomobileAbstractSino-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. It connects the world’s most populous country with the only Superpower. The mutual understanding is related to the quality of two countries’ relation. Therefore, it is urgent to increase the understanding of the United States. Understanding the United States includes the understanding of American culture. Automobile is an important traffic tool and an essential element in Americans’ life. It is also an American culture carrier. It is an aspect for Chinese people to understand the United States.This thesis introduces the definition of culture and the significance of studying American culture, and then analyses, in American culture, the individualism, humor, materialism and Americans’ pursuit of change in their life. At last the author draws a conclusion that from the perspective of automobile, Americans are individualistic, humorous, and good at pursuit of materials and change in their life.Key Words American Automobile; the United States; Culture给你个参考吧。论文一定要有个着眼点。美国文化太大了。比如这里就从汽车这个着眼点谈论
计算机网络管理及发展趋势 [摘 要] 讨论了与网络管理未来发展相关的几个关键问题,即层次化、集成化、Web化和智能化及分布式网络管理方案·[关键词] 网络管
美国文学自其殖民地时期初具雏形至今已经历了两百多年的发展历程,变得日趋成熟。下文是我为大家蒐集整理的关于的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 篇1 简述美国自
哥们 你也 XJTU的 不是把 - -```我都搜到N个一样题目的了 你说我还敢抄嘛- -!。。。。。