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With the computer network developing quickly, more and more network customers hope that can display his own personality more on the network, and more expediently interact with other people. In the traditional era of WEB1.0, both forum, community and personal website, try to exert in these aspects, along with the arrival of WEB2.0 age, a new concept appeared-Blog, and the Blog has already been an indispensable tool for weblog.The word "Blog"first translate from the English word Blog. Blog is the brief name for Weblog, and Weblog is the combination for Web and Log. Weblog is the record which is released and read on network, its brief name is "blog".It is the fourth new communicating way on network after Email, BBS, and IM.In order to satisfy the needs of network customers, this design is a development and realization for blog system, which is based on ASP.NET. ASP.NET provides simple and efficient path for the development of a strong dynamic website, making the management in blog information more timely and efficiently and exalting work efficiency. Meantime, it has introduced the background needs for the system , system analysis, system design etc, fighting to provide a better interacting platform for network customers.真的很累,翻了半天,字斟句酌啊
要花钱地 偶也无奈帮不了你呀 还是绑架耶稣他妈妈要挟吧电子商务是利用现代信息网络进行商务活动的一种先进手段,作为...论文首先全面而系统地研究构建一个电子商务网
无论如何,得有\如下内容啊.1. 无线数据网络中基于斯塔克尔博格博弈的功率控制 2. 动能定理,机械能守恒定律应用3. 宽带网络中业务模型的仿真分析 4.