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无数次想提笔开始,但当认真开始的那天,却不知从何说起。 I just don't know, really confuse               ——始于2021.12.17 晚 HUST 机械大楼F7 【计划永远也赶不上变化快。你有你的计划,世界另有安排】 登录,点开"再见2020,你好2021”这篇未完的文章,就像翻开封尘已久的记忆画册,昨天那么近,但回首才发现发现自己     已经走了    这么远。是的,以前从未这么迫切地想得到什么,这么认真(而不是假装努力)地为一件事情奋斗。在追梦的光明坦途上,逐渐向目标逼近,我能感到它的到来,就要触碰到它了,可就在这时,一切戛然而止。我的人生轨迹就在一夜之间,被永久地改变了。 从光明陷入空白的虚无,留下默然......算了,我不想再拘泥于此。就在开始提笔的这一天突然点开一个学长的朋友圈(当年我们一起去Houston交流访学),看到他去苏黎世留学了,我记得当年他是参加考研的,可能有什么机会联合培养或者留学了吧,这就不得而知了。看到这个消息,我的内心无味杂陈,有一些曾经和我很像的人体验了我曾十分梦想的生活,我终于明白了一个道理:【命里有时终须有,命里无时莫强求,因为你强求也没用,没有就是没有】,即使你尽力去争取了,也难免会有“黑天鹅”闯进来,猝不及防地打乱你的计划,就像材料中的“掺杂”一个“突如其来”的杂质原子被挤在原本长程有序的晶格中,打乱了规则排列的结构。(职业病犯了) 【Actually nobody cares who you are, they just want to get what they want】 这两年一直被生活,或者说被现实  push着向前走,我仿佛站在暗潮涌动的漩涡中央,我的去留、我的方向由不得我......今年7月份,我来到新的环境,一个介于学校和工作企业之间的“神秘组织”,渐渐我明白了一个道理,走入工作岗位后nobody cares who you are, they just want to get what they want. 如果说站在人生岔路口的那一夜 决定是我自己做的,那么来到这里后我的研究方向、我的任务,一切的一切都由不得我,像是一颗被安排的棋子。有时我对自己正在做的工作甚是迷惑,对我的“位置”和定位也搞不清楚。我的“老板”到底是谁?我在干什么,好像和身边的人不太一样,这项真的有意义吗?还是一场自欺欺人的泡沫?......对的,这一切都不是我能左右的,这些“定位”问题一直纠缠困扰着我。如果能够明确做这件事的价值和意义,我可以很“肝”,通宵也没问题, 我需要有一种信念、一种意义指引我,但这种光恍恍惚惚,时强时弱,一不小心就会被吹灭,然后陷入迷惘与黑暗,原地打转 。 间歇性地我害怕早晨的到来,我不知道该怎样去迎接它,又是荒度的一天 。暑假末期和本学期初,学习和个人生活的多重问题纠缠在一起仿佛要把我撕裂,我开始不愿意吃饭 ,快乐和幸福被剥夺......其实很多年轻人的“假躺平”与颓废经常受到一些人,尤其是长辈的抨击,他们中并不是所有人都慵懒无为,相反,那是很多理想主义青年当自己的价值与信念被现实社会“无情”侵蚀后的无奈与落寞,我不知道自己存在的价值,做这件事的意义,那怎么毫无保留地投入?  但是值得庆幸的是, 我在年末的这段时间貌似逐渐找到了“意义”的答案 ,最近读了一本茂木健一郎写的《IKIGAI》(翻译成中文叫做生之意义),里面阐述了很多包括寿司之王-小野二郎在内的顶尖专家生命中的IKIGAI,他们用尽一生在一个领域深耕。专注于自己的工作,在其中体验到琢磨、切磋、投入的快乐,这种快感不凭借外在的刺激产生,是一种从生命本质向外生长的。这种生命之花非常茁壮、顽强,不会轻易随风而逝,是我下一步要追寻的! 是啊,虽然我并不是像他们一样的精英,我的付出和水平可能并不能换来卓越,更谈不上成功,但作为小人物的我依然可以从做事当中获得价值感。 工作即是修行,工作就是生命的一部分 。我曾很努力地试图将工作和生活分开,但是各种各样的因素,比如我的工作性质(以仪器为本,人为辅)、我的时间安排(有时只有休息日有时间做实验)等等决定了我没有那么多时间选择权。但我发现,探索未知的过程就是一场能够带来幸福感的旅程。我每天的工作就是和不确定和未知“共舞”(因为已知的东西在科学领域失去了意义)。未知吸引着我,有时也折磨着我,因为并不是总能得到答案。其实很多事情都不是立即拥有答案,可能要1年, 5年,10年甚至更久答案才会逐渐浮现。我们被困在这个过程中,苦苦寻觅问题的“金钥匙”,但发现找不到,然后绕路而行,有一天“钥匙”在不经意间浮现。在弯腰拾起它那一瞬间,也就到达了终点,探索之旅结束了,其实幸福感也在那一瞬间达到巅峰,随即衰减直至消失。这一年,有一些谜团有了答案。又有很多新的谜题等待我去解答。我想,只要走下去,终有一天会找到的答案的。 【我嬉笑着听着故事,不久的将来将成为讲故事的人,再后来成为故事。Come and Go】 轻轻地我来了,在不远的未来,又会悄悄地走,带走几片云彩,留下一些被保存在云盘里的数据,一些随着时间流逝会渐渐淡忘的实验经验,在学术期刊上留下姓名,虽然没人会记得。我的心血最终会定型在老板工作版图的一部分,就像拼拼图一样,或者直白点说转变为老板做汇报时PPT的几页数据内容,我的故事也许会留在MDNM的后辈中(哈,以前有个会跳舞的ZR师姐研一刚来的时候就通宵干活!......) 现在的我,从师兄口中听着MDNM的故事,明年我也会变成一个storyteller把这些故事再加些新的讲给师弟师妹听,未来我的故事也可能融为MDNM“史册”中的一部分。   这个“神秘组织”有一个传统,就是每次团建、一年一度的年会都会留下合影(仿佛这是最重要的事情,笑)。我曾好奇地去“史册”(云盘)中找组织刚成立不久那几年的照片,只要你仔细一点、有足够的耐心,你甚至可以画出一幅MDNM历史演变图,就像网络上流行的历史王朝演变图一样,他来了,他变样子了,他走了,她来了,他她们相遇了,他她们走了,想想还蛮有意思的。    两年半之后,2023年的初夏,我会是什么样子呢?引起自己无限遐想。这是不可预测的,就像四年前的我完全不会想到今天的自己是这样,在这里生活,遇到这些人,现在有这样丰富的体验和感受。 As time flows by, all will get its answer. 【这个世界确实是不公平的,我该何去何从呢】 这个组织的多元化让我可以同时看到science 和 engineering,不得不说这个世界的资源倾斜确实是不公平的。科学的东西由于不能在短期带来巨大的经济利益因此很可能面临“冷板凳”问题,搞那些常人容易看到利益价值的应用研究确实可以短期带来较为可观的经济收益。然而这是一个良性循环和恶性循环的问题。做上时代快车的人未来会获得越来越多的资源和经济收益(其实他们中的很多人并不是像听上去那样有价值),而深耕于一个领域的人往往会被“执着”绊住脚,即使他们中的很多人做的事情有长远的价值也因为资源受限,一辈子可能都默默无闻。是的,就是这样不公平的。。。每天坐在办公室里,看着老板不停地打电话、拉项目,自己做的方向只不过是老板宏伟版图中的一个“枝头”心中不免有些悲凉。我的前辈们曾经辛勤耕耘于这个领域,为起步阶段的老板们贡献了不少成果,但是由于它的科学性太强了,实在是不好做横向项目,而如今时代变了,老板的需求也在变,于是曾经备受重视的如今有些没落。 也许所谓的科学就真的是冷板凳吧...... 我想做科学,但苦于没有合适的领路人,我觉得师兄和小导也不是很懂,且先不说自己的能量如何,我真的连什么是好的科研都不知道,何谈自己是在做科学呢? 做应用而言,老板的资源又不向自己这边倾斜,我被夹在中间,“左右为难”。 我曾为这个问题深深苦恼,甚至在实验遇到一些阻力的时候,失落低迷失去做事的动力,组会就瘫在那里满眼绝望。 但后来那一阵子仿佛又好了,因为我想通了。 目前自己在做的就是提升自己“解决问题”能力的通途上必经一关,即使我的工作在未来会被否定,实际价值也不大,但从中我真的收获了很多。做成一件事永远比你想得要复杂,遇到的困难绝对比你预想得多得多得多。  这是我开始自己的课题之后慢慢领悟到的。没有人为我铺好路,需要我自己在前期调研文献了解这个领域的发展现状,面临的关键科学问题,然后与老板讨论后确立自己的方向,至于实验的设计也都是自己摸索着向前推进。期间会遇到各种各样意想不到的小困难绊住脚,我需要一项一项去解决,推进我的工作,这何尝不是对我的历练呀! 年末我竟有些感谢老板的push,“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿.....倒是没饿到.... ,所以动心忍性,增益其所不能”我相信,这一切,都终将会找到它的意义。 【那些美好的人和事物,不一定要拥有,送上尊重和祝福才是与自己和解】 今年的另一个突变量,源自一个人。猝不及防地闯入我的生活里,打乱了我的心智。然而我们并没有缘分,这件事也困扰了一段时间,一度不能专心做事和学习。后来,我渐渐平静地接受了这个事实。我还是欣赏Ta, 喜欢Ta,那种怦然心动的美感尚存,但我不会拘泥于自己是否拥有Ta。 我真心希望他过得好,即使那个人不是我。我们未来都遇到属于自己的对的人。有时候反过来想想,那个人为什么一定是我? 是啊,很多时候很多事就是求而不得的。 【期许】 与其说是新年期许,不如说是未来的规划。这种愿景也许不是一年能够完成的。  首先,当时是做好本职工作,完成一系列完整的实验,to be a good storyteller, 讲好自己的故事。 其次,我希望自己每周抽出一些时间去读书,丰富自己的脑子,为自己喜欢的事情花些时间。比如,重启为我注入活力的舞蹈,从小到大的梦想-弹钢琴。It's never too late to learn.这些看似微不足道的细枝末节,都可以把帮助我发展成为一个完整的“人”,是的,我认为现在的自己时常惶恐、迷茫是因为人格的发展尚不完善,而这些源于生命本质的东西(无论我在哪,从事什么职业都可以继续为之倾注热情的事物)永远都可以与我相伴。 最后,希望自己能够在“黎明前的黑暗中”摸到属于自己新的道路。在未来能够更加从容、平和地应对生活中的“变量” 。 当下一只“黑天鹅”闯入之时,我不会像今天一样迷茫、惶恐,一瞬间大厦轰然倒塌的感觉。 就这样。收尾于2021.12.31    16.57 机械大楼F7Write with YouTube music: Dream of you (series),                                           Lama house-Himitsu,                                           Lama house-Eon                                          Interstellar - Ambient Mix- ChilloutDeer                                         Calm Your Soul- Indie/Folk Playlist, 2020

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Nature , 27 May 2021, VOL 593, ISSUE 7860

《自然》 2021年5月27日,第593卷,7860期

天文学 Astronomy

Evidence of hydrogen helium immiscibility at Jupiter-interior conditions


作者:S. Brygoo, P. Loubeyre, M. Millot, J. R. Rygg, P. M. Celliers, J. H. Eggert, et al.



温致密氢 氦(H-He)混合物的相行为影响了人们对木星和土星及其内部结构演化的理解。然而,尽管H-He相具有重要意义,但在相关的行星条件下,它的相行为仍然很难约束,因为通过计算来确定它极具挑战性,且极端温度和压力也难以通过实验达到。

研究组报道了通过激光驱动的冲击压缩已在钻石砧电池中预压缩的H2 He样品,可以达到适当的温度和压力。这使研究组能够探测木星内部条件下H-He混合物的性质,揭示了沿雨贡纽曲线的一个不混溶区域。

样品反射率的明显不连续变化表明,在10200 K时,该区域结束于150吉帕以上;在4700 K时,93吉帕以上的反射率发生了更细微的变化。考虑到木星的压力-温度分布,这些近原太阳混合物的实验不混溶约束表明H-He相分离影响了木星内部的很大一部分,研究组估计该部分大约占木星半径的15%。



The phase behaviour of warm dense hydrogen helium (H He) mixtures affects our understanding of the evolution of Jupiter and Saturn and their interior structures. But despite its importance, H He phase behaviour under relevant planetary conditions remains poorly constrained because it is challenging to determine computationally and because the extremes of temperature and pressure are difficult to reach experimentally. Here we report that appropriate temperatures and pressures can be reached through laser-driven shock compression of H2 He samples that have been pre-compressed in diamond-anvil cells. This allows us to probe the properties of H He mixtures under Jovian interior conditions, revealing a region of immiscibility along the Hugoniot. A clear discontinuous change in sample reflectivity indicates that this region ends above 150 gigapascals at 10,200 kelvin and that a more subtle reflectivity change occurs above 93 gigapascals at 4,700 kelvin. Considering pressure–temperature profiles for Jupiter, these experimental immiscibility constraints for a near-protosolar mixture suggest that H He phase separation affects a large fraction—we estimate about 15 per cent of the radius—of Jupiter’s interior. This finding provides microphysical support for Jupiter models that invoke a layered interior to explain Juno and Galileo spacecraft observations.

材料科学 Materials Science

Long-range nontopological edge currents in charge-neutral graphene


作者:A. Aharon-Steinberg, A. Marguerite, D. J. Perello, K. Bagani, T. Holder, Y. Myasoedov, et al.









Van der Waals heterostructures display numerous unique electronic properties. Monolayer, bilayer and few-layer graphene, transition-metal dichalcogenides and moiré superlattices have been found to display pronounced nonlocal effects. However, the origin of these effects is hotly debated. Graphene, in particular, exhibits giant nonlocality at charge neutrality, a striking behaviour that has attracted competing explanations. Using a superconducting quantum interference device on a tip (SQUID-on-tip) for nanoscale thermal and scanning gate imaging, here we demonstrate that the commonly occurring charge accumulation at graphene edges leads to giant nonlocality, producing narrow conductive channels that support long-range currents. Unexpectedly, although the edge conductance has little effect on the current flow in zero magnetic field, it leads to field-induced decoupling between edge and bulk transport at moderate fields. The resulting giant nonlocality at charge neutrality and away from it produces exotic flow patterns that are sensitive to edge disorder, in which charges can flow against the global electric field. The observed one-dimensional edge transport is generic and nontopological and is expected to support nonlocal transport in many electronic systems, offering insight into the numerous controversies and linking them to long-range guided electronic states at system edges.

Perovskite-type superlattices from lead halide perovskite nanocubes


作者:Ihor Cherniukh, Gabriele Rainò, Thilo Stöferle, Max Burian, Alex Travesset, Denys Naumenko, et al.






研究组的工作为进一步 探索 复杂有序、功能有用的钙钛矿介观结构奠定了基础。


Caesium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals are promising building blocks for long-range-ordered superlattices, owing to the high oscillator strength of bright triplet excitons, slow dephasing (coherence times of up to 80 picoseconds) and minimal inhomogeneous broadening of emission lines. So far, only single-component superlattices with simple cubic packing have been devised from these nanocrystals. Here we present perovskite-type (ABO3) binary and ternary nanocrystal superlattices, created via the shape-directed co-assembly of steric-stabilized, highly luminescent cubic CsPbBr3 nanocrystals (which occupy the B and/or O lattice sites), spherical Fe3O4 or NaGdF4 nanocrystals (A sites) and truncated-cuboid PbS nanocrystals (B sites). These ABO3 superlattices, as well as the binary NaCl and AlB2 superlattice structures that we demonstrate, exhibit a high degree of orientational ordering of the CsPbBr3 nanocubes. They also exhibit superfluorescence—a collective emission that results in a burst of photons with ultrafast radiative decay (22 picoseconds) that could be tailored for use in ultrabright (quantum) light sources. Our work paves the way for further exploration of complex, ordered and functionally useful perovskite mesostructures.

地球科学 Earth Science

A 10 per cent increase in global land evapotranspiration from 2003 to 2019


作者:Madeleine Pascolini-Campbell, John T. Reager, Hrishikesh A. Chandanpurkar & Matthew Rodell





研究组表明,2003至2019年,全球陆地蒸散量增加了10 2%,陆地降水越来越多地被划分为蒸散量,而非径流。





Accurate quantification of global land evapotranspiration is necessary for understanding variability in the global water cycle, which is expected to intensify under climate change. Current global evapotranspiration products are derived from a variety of sources, including models, remote sensing and in situ observations. However, existing approaches contain extensive uncertainties; for example, relating to model structure or the upscaling of observations to a global level. As a result, variability and trends in global evapotranspiration remain unclear. Here we show that global land evapotranspiration increased by 10 2 per cent between 2003 and 2019, and that land precipitation is increasingly partitioned into evapotranspiration rather than runoff. Our results are based on an independent water-balance ensemble time series of global land evapotranspiration and the corresponding uncertainty distribution, using data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE-Follow On (GRACE-FO) satellites. Variability in global land evapotranspiration is positively correlated with El Niño–Southern Oscillation. The main driver of the trend, however, is increasing land temperature. Our findings provide an observational constraint on global land evapotranspiration, and are consistent with the hypothesis that global evapotranspiration should increase in a warming climate.

Overriding water table control on managed peatland greenhouse gas emissions


作者:C. D. Evans, M. Peacock, A. J. Baird, R. R. E. Artz, A. Burden, N. Callaghan, et al.




研究组报道了来自16个地点的 CO2 涡流协方差数据和来自英国和爱尔兰41个地点的 CH4 静态室测量数据,并将这些数据与所有主要泥炭地生物群落公布的数据相结合。

结果表明,年平均有效地下水位( WTDe ;即通气泥炭层的平均深度)超过了所有其他与温室气体排放相关的生态系统和管理控制。

研究组估计, WTDe 每减少10 cm, CO2 和 CH4 排放(100年全球变暖潜势)的净变暖效应每年每公顷至少减少3吨 CO2 ,直到 WTDe 小于30 cm。进一步提高水位将继续产生净冷却效应,直到 WTDe 位于地表10 cm以内。

研究结果表明,农业泥炭地的温室气体排放可以大大减少,而不必停止其生产性使用。例如,将所有排干的农业泥炭地中的 WTDe 减半,可减少的排放量相当于全球人为排放的1%以上。


Global peatlands store more carbon than is naturally present in the atmosphere. However, many peatlands are under pressure from drainage-based agriculture, plantation development and fire, with the equivalent of around 3 per cent of all anthropogenic greenhouse gases emitted from drained peatland. Efforts to curb such emissions are intensifying through the conservation of undrained peatlands and re-wetting of drained systems. Here we report eddy covariance data for carbon dioxide from 16 locations and static chamber measurements for methane from 41 locations in the UK and Ireland. We combine these with published data from sites across all major peatland biomes. We find that the mean annual effective water table depth ( WTDe ; that is, the average depth of the aerated peat layer) overrides all other ecosystem- and management-related controls on greenhouse gas fluxes. We estimate that every 10 centimetres of reduction in WTDe could reduce the net warming impact of CO2 and CH4 emissions (100-year global warming potentials) by the equivalent of at least 3 tonnes of CO2 per hectare per year, until WTDe is less than 30 centimetres. Raising water levels further would continue to have a net cooling effect until WTDe is within 10 centimetres of the surface. Our results suggest that greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands drained for agriculture could be greatly reduced without necessarily halting their productive use. Halving WTDe in all drained agricultural peatlands, for example, could reduce emissions by the equivalent of over 1 per cent of global anthropogenic emissions.

社会 学 Sociology

The universal visitation law of human mobility


作者:Markus Schläpfer, Lei Dong, Kevin O’Keeffe, Paolo Santi, Michael Szell, Hadrien Salat, et al.



人的流动性影响着城市的许多方面,从城市的空间结构到城市对流行病的反应。它最终也是 社会 互动、创新和生产力的关键。


研究组进一步证明流向不同地点的时空流产生了显著的空间集群,其区域分布遵循齐夫定律。最后,研究组建立了一个基于 探索 和优先返回的个体流动模型,为所发现的标度律和新兴的空间结构提供了一个机制解释。



Human mobility impacts many aspects of a city, from its spatial structure to its response to an epidemic. It is also ultimately key to social interactions, innovation and productivity. However, our quantitative understanding of the aggregate movements of inpiduals remains incomplete. Existing models—such as the gravity law or the radiation model—concentrate on the purely spatial dependence of mobility flows and do not capture the varying frequencies of recurrent visits to the same locations. Here we reveal a simple and robust scaling law that captures the temporal and spatial spectrum of population movement on the basis of large-scale mobility data from perse cities around the globe. According to this law, the number of visitors to any location decreases as the inverse square of the product of their visiting frequency and travel distance. We further show that the spatio-temporal flows to different locations give rise to prominent spatial clusters with an area distribution that follows Zipf’s law. Finally, we build an inpidual mobility model based on exploration and preferential return to provide a mechanistic explanation for the discovered scaling law and the emerging spatial structure. Our findings corroborate long-standing conjectures in human geography and allow for predictions of recurrent flows, providing a basis for applications in urban planning, traffic engineering and the mitigation of epidemic diseases.

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