这是关于旅游的好处的。。。Many people ponder what they should do for a vacation and I realized a lot of people don’t seem to share my views about traveling. I believe it’s very important to see the world and different cultures. It lets us open our minds to new things and we get to experience life in exiting different ways. Traveling gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life. You get to forget your problems/issues for a few weeks, it can also help you figure things out that you would not have understood without the distance traveling can give you. We all have crazy schedules, work and a family to take care of, going away alone or with some friends can give you distance and perhaps even make you realize how important these people are for you. Like the saying says: we never know what we have until we lose it. Another great benefit is the relaxation you get to do. It’s nice to live life to its fullest and enjoy a stress free time with yourself. Going on vacation lets us recharge our “batteries” by disconnecting us from our regular life. When we come back we feel invigorated and we are happy to be back in our day to day routine. It’s a very good stress remover that has a lot more to give than most people are willing to accept.Traveling increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new perspective about life and especially our life, it can help us change some of our habits or even create new ones. When I travel I usually make it a point to try new food, some cultures don’t have fries in their diet and they are all skinny, others use spices to give taste and not oils or fats. Discovering different values and ways to get by in life is really interesting. You also need to visit exotic new places and discover what this wonderful world has to offer.New experiences increase our resourcefulness by living situations you would never encounter at home, this is great experience for you when you come back to your routine. I have noticed that people who traveled a lot in life were ready to embrace change and have a natural ability of overcoming problems that others would frown upon. When traveling with friends or family it creates memories for a lifetime. These memories will create a bond that nothing can erase no matter what happens with the friendship/relationship. It can also give a new perspective on the relationship and cement the bond forever. It also gives nice stories to tell people afterwards, you can create photo albums about your trips and when you feel nostalgic you can take an hour of your life and experience the trips again by looking at your pictures. It’s never been this cheap to travel. With soaring oil prices the cheap travel era might be coming to an end. However there are still many budget airlines fighting for your dollar right now. With the internet and all the new technology, you can plan your trip exactly the way you want it. You can choose your budget, the duration of the trip and what you want to do. I suggest to read travel blogs and see what others are experiencing, you can save yourself a few hurdles by reading about their trip.If you have some time off I suggest to take that trip and experience what life has to offer. Don’t wait or tell yourself there will be a better time to go. Take the risk, the opportunity and buy your plane ticket right now and leave. When you come back you won’t be sorry that you left, on the contrary you will be thinking of your next trip the second you come back from the airport.
活动名称:探寻瑶族发源地—灌阳千家峒(级别2:美景+艰难+技巧)活动时间:五月二日到五月五日(四天)活动目的地:千家峒原始森林活动内容:观赏自然美景、摄影、野外露营、登山、挑战自我千家峒的传说:传说瑶族的始祖盘瓠是一只龙犬,帮助皇帝打败了对手,娶了三公主为妻,来到这里过起了世外桃源的生活。他们生下6男6女,皇上赐姓为:盘沈郑黄李邓周冯赵胡雷蒲。数百年后,这里发展到几千户人家、数万亩良田,生活富足。元朝年代,有人偶然路过这里,当作美事传说,不料竟招来灭顶之灾――官府进山收税。热情好客的瑶民家家轮流做东,款待官员,三年过去了,收税的还没走遍千家峒。官府以为他们被抗税瑶民杀了,进军围剿,血流成河……幸存者不得不逃离家园。临走时,千家峒的族人拿出一只牛角,锯成12节,每姓一节,发誓500年后,要让12节牛角重新接拢,返回千家峒团聚。然而,岁月流逝,历史变迁,千家峒的具体位置已被人淡忘。700年过去了,无数瑶民仍在寻找千家峒……1998年,据武汉大学宫哲兵教授及国家有关部门考证,这块位于都庞山脉广西灌阳县东部、湖南道县西部、江永县西北部的神秘土地就是瑶族同胞的发源地――千家峒。海拔2009米,从地形图上看,掩隐在茫茫原始森林中的千家峒是一个高山环抱的小小盆地;通往千家峒的山路,像高空摄影中的万里长城,绵延曲折,绕了半个灌阳县境。千家峒是一个神秘而又神圣的地方,古迹斑斑,田园犹在。放眼望去,夹在原始森林中的上万亩只长青草不长树木的土地,犹如正在耕种的田园,阡陌纵横,芳草青青,踏进这里,顿时有一种到家的感觉。第一天早上九点在桂林汽车站集中,乘车去灌阳,午餐,采购上山油盐柴米酱醋茶--4天晚餐需要的食品。到达千家峒自然保护区,开始徒步登山,傍晚到达原始森林边缘的最后一户人家,扎营,埋锅造饭,饮山泉吃野餐,艰难行程前的最后Fb。第二天早餐后,赏“牛鼻子出水”瀑布,黄泥江瀑布,开始艰难行程。傍晚扎营黑山漕,晚餐,品尝山村野味--腊肉土鸡野菜第三天早餐,整理装备,全力登顶,穿原始森林,渡道江河,攀古怪冲,抵达千家峒。赏高山草甸,观石山猴群,吃原汁原味都庞岭顶峰韭菜岭的野生韭菜!做一回真正与世隔绝的原始人:)第四天早餐,开始下撤,傍晚回到灌阳县城,腐败一顿以弥补多日的艰苦生活,乘车返回桂林。全程预计AA费用:200元左右/人(四天,多退少补)包含如下:交通费、向导费、森林保护费、山中四天野外晚餐及烧烤食品(如队员需要另请山民挑行装,费用由队员自负,约45元/天)俱乐部收取费用:公共器材费:5元/人/天活动组织费:非会员30元/人/天 会员10元/人/天领队工资: 非会员15元/人/天 会员5元/人/天说明:公共器材费及活动组织费、领队工资为俱乐部收取的经营成本费用。领队的AA费用由全体队员共同分担,原则上8个队员配一个领队个人自带物品:45升以上背包、野外食品8餐、登山鞋及备用鞋、睡袋、保暖衣物、防潮垫、帐篷,防雨服装、手电(建议使用头灯)、水壶(1升以上)、哨子、小刀、替换内外衣袜、个人常用药品、防晒用品、个人卫生用具、娱乐用品、防水袋、蛇药、个人餐具个人如需防潮垫及帐篷、睡袋,可向俱乐部租用,具体价格见装备出租价格单。俱乐部提供:防水天盖、营灯、备用炉具、垃圾袋、医药用品、烧烤用具考虑到山中实际情况,若全部吃自带干粮太过艰苦,准备每日晚餐时埋锅做饭,佐以腊肉土鸡野菜为食,充分补充体能,以便第二天能挑战新的艰苦环境,所以请大家携带好个人餐具。四天时间每日以坡度较大的狭窄山路为主,所以大家可以根据自己体力情况尽量携带轻便实用的物品。众所周知户外探险活动潜藏有不可预见的意外情况发生,请准备参加活动的人员充分了解这一危险性,在决定参加活动前参照自身情况综合考虑清楚。本俱乐部组织的户外活动只是一种自愿性质的AA制活动,并不能保证参加人员不会因突发情况意外受伤,建议个人向保险公司购买相应保险,当发生意外时,保险公司将按不同情况的理赔标准给予赔付,本俱乐部不另外承担赔付责任,但本俱乐部将尽一切努力进行救护与援助。每位队员必须与俱乐部签订自愿参加协议书,才能参加活动。
陈刚:跨文化意识导游词译者之必备(中国翻译,2002)陈刚:旅游翻译与涉外导游(中国对外翻译出版公司,2004)李文革:西方翻译理论流派研究(中国社会科学出版社,2004)廖七一:当代英国翻译理论(湖北教育出版社,2001)Newmark.P.A Textbook of Translation(Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001)《跨文化交际英语教程》,上海外语教育出版社Bast, Susan 《翻译研究》Translation Studies 上海外语教育出版社2004Gentzler, Edwin 《今世翻译定见(第二版修订本)》Contemporary Translation Theories (Revised Second Edition) 上海外语教育出版社2004Newmark, Peter《翻译教程》A Textbook of Translation 上海外语教育出版社2001《实用英汉翻译教程》申雨平、戴宁编 外语教学与研究出版社 2002《实用汉英翻译教程》曾诚编 外语教学与研究出版社 2002《西方翻译定见精选》申雨平编,外研社,2002年《翻译入门》陈德彰编,外研社向萍,旅游英语,高等教育出版社, 1998 年段开成 旅游英语,高等院校旅游专业系列教材, 1998 年 周毅,旅游英语教程,四川大学出版社, 2001王苏平,旅游英语,中国林业出版社, 2000潘惠霞,旅游英语( 1-4 册),旅游教育出版社, 2001《旅游英语》教材编写组,旅游英语,高等教育出版社, 2002《英美文化基础教程》,朱永涛编著,外语教学与研究出版社,1991年11月版;《英语国家概况》,余志远主编,外语教学与研究出版社,1996年12月版;《英语国家背景》世界图书出版公司,1995年2月版。《旅游学概论》,田里编著,南开大学出版社,1998年11月第一版;《旅游学概论》,谢彦君等编著,东北财经大学出版社,1999年6月第一版;《现代旅游学》,孙文昌、郭伟著,青岛出版社,1997年10月第一版。《中国旅游地理》,庞规荃,旅游教育出版社,1997年版;《中国旅游地理》,李娟文等,东北财经大学出版社,1999年版;《中国旅游地理》,林宛如,东北财经大学出版社,1997年版;《中国旅游地理》,戴松年等,测绘出版社,1993年版。《现代旅游英语》,曾蕾编,中山大学出版社,1998年版;《旅游英语口语教程》,丁树德、李旭编著,天津大学出版社,1996年10月版;《商务旅游英语》,北京大学出版社,1999年9月版,理查兹•沙雷特编著。
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Affects of Accuracy in Translation to Toursm Promotion
英汉大词典 旅游书籍 (英文版)