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首页 > 论文问答 > 编辑信息的英文

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您好,很高兴为您解答:你好!我想购买你的几款陶瓷挂盘,想问一下,几个瓷盘一起购买,是否运费会有新的计算方式?Hello! I would like to buy several types of ceramic hanging dishes from May I know whether there will be a new freight calculation method for buying several dishes together? 若是我收到商品,发现在运输的过程中,瓷器破损了,我应该如何处理?是拒绝签售包裹,还是先签收下来之后再联系你解决此问题?If I find the porcelains is damaged during transportation when I receive them, what shall I do? To refuse to sign for the parcels or sign firstly and then contact you to solve the problems?如果同一包裹中只有其中的一部分商品破损,其他的完好无损,那么我是否需要整个包裹拒收,还是可以部分签收?拒收破损的那一部分?If only partial goods are damaged while others are perfect in one package, shall I refuse the whole parcel or just sign for the good ones?谢谢!Thanks!-------------------------------★倾心解答★愿您满意★★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★-------------------------------
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288 评论


I am interested in buying some of your ceramic decorative If I buy a few plates together in one go, is there a change in the freight charges? If the ceramics were broken on arrival, how should I handle this situation? Should I refuse to accept the goods or should I accept it and then contact you to solve the issue?In the event that only part of the ceramics are broken, should I reject the whole batch or accept the good ones and reject the broken ones?By the way, how is the state of preservation of these plates? How is the quality? Are there any blemishes? Looking forward to your reply; thank you!

296 评论


“编辑”的英文是edit,如果是工作者的话,英文是editor。edit[英][ˈedɪt][美][ˈɛdɪt]剪辑(影片,录音); 编辑; 校订; 主编; 编辑; 第三人称单数:edits过去分词:edited现在进行时:editing过去式:edited例句:Do we have the time to shoot and edit? 我们还有时间拍摄编辑吗?editor释义:1、编辑;主笔;主编;编者。2、校订者,审校者,校刊者。3、社论撰写人。4、剪辑者,剪辑员,剪接师。5、影片剪辑装置; 影片剪辑机。6、编辑器。7、记者。8、编辑程序。例句:The editor hacked the story to 编辑把那篇小说改得面目全非。

283 评论


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