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《科学究竟是什么》(AF查尔默斯)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:_xrSjGACwb48PsbxMEsVEQ 提取码:li4g书名:科学究竟是什么作者:AF查尔默斯译者:鲁旭东豆瓣评分:6出版社:商务印书馆出版年份:2007-11页数:312内容简介:《科学究竟是什么(第3版)》是英国著名学者A.F.查尔默斯论述当代科学哲学的代表作。提起查尔默斯,相信许多读者对他的名字并不陌生。1982年,他这部著作第一版的中文版首次在我国出版,是当时国内最早全面而系统地介绍20世纪西方科学哲学各流派的重要著作,它对科学哲学在学术复兴后的中国的传播、对我国科学哲学人才的培养以及学术研究的开展,都起到过重要的作用,有不少人正是读着《科学究竟是什么(第3版)》走人科学哲学的殿堂的。《科学究竟是什么(第3版)》是国际上较流行的一部优秀的科学哲学教科书。作者在书中介绍了 20世纪最有影响的科学哲学大家,如波普尔、库恩、拉卡托斯和费耶阿本德等人的主要学术思想,还介绍了20世纪最后20年科学哲学的最新发展。作者简介:Chalmers was elected a fellow of the Academy of Humanities in His primary research interest is the philosophy of science and he is author of the best-selling textbook What Is This Thing Called Science? which has been translated into many He has been a visiting scholar at the Flinders University Philosophy Department since For the 2007 fall semester he was a visiting professor at the University of PChalmers is an associate professor at the History and Philosophy of Science department of the University of SBooks:Science and Its Fabrication, Open University Press and University of Minnesota Press, 1990, 142+ (Translated into French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese and C)What Is This Thing Called Science?, 3rd revised edition, University of Queensland Press, Hackett, (Originally published 1976; second edition: )The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone – How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms, Springer, 2009, 288+
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    《科学究竟是什么》(AF查尔默斯)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:_xrSjGACwb48PsbxMEsVEQ 提取码:li4g书名:科学究竟是什么作

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