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国土面积为7,682,00 平方公里 世界第6 国民:人口: 2118万人(2008年1月) 领导者 陆克文 位置是大洋洲,地形:西部和中部有崎岖的多石地带、浩瀚的沙漠和葱郁的平顶山峦,东部有连绵的高原,在靠海处是狭窄的海滩缓坡,缓斜向西,渐成平原。气候:大陆北部地区是湿润的热带气候,东部中央地区和西部沿海有温暖而不太炎热的气候,而大陆南海岸和塔斯曼尼亚州则较凉爽。河湖:墨累河和达令河是澳大利亚最长的两条河流。矿产:矿产资源至少有70余种。其中,铅、镍、银、钽、铀、锌的已探明经济储量居世界首位。动植物:袋鼠 考拉。人口:2118万人(2008年1月)民族: 英国及其他欧洲国家移民后裔2%,亚洲人3%,土著人5%,其他2%。宗教:25%的国民没有宗教信仰,圣公会教徒占21%,罗马天主教教徒占27%,其他基督教教派占21%,其他宗教信仰者占6%。政治:澳大利亚现在有大小政党几十个,主要政党是工党和自由党。经济:澳大利亚是一个后起的发达资本主义国家。文化:从主流文化角度而言,澳大利亚属西方文化;它的生活方式与西欧和北美相似。
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Australia is a unique and diverse country in every way - in culture, population, climate, geography, and 澳大利亚是一个独特和多样化的国家以各种方式-在文化,人口,气候,地理,历史等。Culture文化Australian culture is as broad and varied as the country's 澳洲文化,是为广泛和多种多样的,因为该国的景观。 Australia is multicultural and multiracial and this is reflected in the country's food, lifestyle and cultural practices and 澳大利亚是多元文化和多种族的,这反映在该国的粮食,生活方式和文化习俗和经验。Australia has an important heritage from its indigenous people, which plays a defining role in the cultural 澳大利亚有一项重要的遗产,从土著人,其中起着决定性的作用,在文化景观。This diversity of influences creates a cultural environment in Australia that is lively, energised, innovative, and outward 这种多样性的影响,创造了一种文化环境,在澳大利亚是活泼,活力,创新,并向外看。Population人口As of July 2007, Australia's population is roughly 0 million 截至2007年7月,澳大利亚的人口,大约是0万人。 The most populous states are New South Wales and Victoria, with their respective capitals, Sydney and Melbourne, the largest cities in A人口最多的国家是新南威尔士州和维多利亚州,在各自的首都,悉尼和墨尔本,全国最大的城市在澳大利亚。Australia's population is concentrated along the coastal region of Australia from Adelaide to Cairns, with a small concentration around Perth, Western A澳大利亚的人口集中在滨海地区,从澳大利亚阿德莱德以凯恩斯,与小集中的西部城市珀斯澳大利亚。 The centre of Australia is sparsely 该中心的澳大利亚人烟稀少。Climate气候The majority of Australia experiences temperate weather for most of the 大多数澳大利亚的经验温带天气一年中的大部分时间。The northern states of Australia are typically warm all the time, with the southern states experiencing cool winters but rarely sub-zero 北部各州的澳大利亚通常是温暖的所有时间,与南部各州,在经历了冬季凉爽,但很少分零温度。Snow falls on the higher mountains during the winter months, enabling skiing in southern New South Wales and Victorian ski resorts, as well as the smaller resorts in Australia's island state, T大雪适逢较高的山区冬季期间内,使滑雪在南部的新南威尔士州和维多利亚州滑雪胜地,以及较小的度假村在澳大利亚的岛州,塔斯马尼亚州。Geography地理学Australia is an island continent and the world's oldest and sixth largest country (7,682,300 sq km)澳大利亚是一个海岛,大陆和世界上最古老和第六大国( 23万平方公里) 。Lying between the Indian and Pacific oceans, the country is approximately 4,000 km from east to west and 3,200 km from north to south, with a coastline 36,735 km 躺在之间的印度洋和太平洋,该国大约有4000公里由东到西,与3200公里范围北到南,与海岸线36735公里长。Canberra is Australia's capital 坎培拉是澳洲的首都。 With a population of approximately 320,000 and situated in the Australian Capital Territory, Canberra is roughly half way between the two largest cities Melbourne and S随着人口约32万,位于澳大利亚首都地区堪培拉大约一半路程之间的两个最大城市墨尔本和悉尼。Australia has 17 listed World Heritage 澳大利亚有17个列入世界遗产。 Australia is also famous for its landmark buildings including the Sydney Opera House, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge; its ancient geology, as well as for its high 澳大利亚也正在以其地标建筑物,包括悉尼歌剧院,悉尼海港大桥,它的古地质学,以及其高的国家。History历史Australia's first inhabitants, the Aboriginal people, are believed to have migrated from some unknown point in Asia to Australia between 50,000 and 60,000 years 澳大利亚的最早的居民,原住民,相信已移居从一些未知点在亚洲至澳大利亚之间的50000至60000年前。While Captain James Cook is credited with Australia's European discovery in 1770, a Portuguese possibly first sighted the country, while the Dutch are known to have explored the coastal regions in the 而船长詹姆斯库克则贷记与澳大利亚的欧洲发现,在1770年,葡萄牙可能是第一次有远见的国家,而荷兰是众所周知的摸索沿岸地区在1640年代。The first European settlement of Australia was in January 1788, when the First Fleet sailed into Botany Bay under the command of Captain Arthur P欧洲第一个解决澳大利亚是在1788年1月,当第一舰队驶入植物学湾的指挥下,队长亚瑟菲利普。 Originally established as a penal colony, by the 1830s the number of free settlers was 原本确定为一项刑法殖民地,由1830年的数量免费定居者正在增加。 Transportation of convicts to the eastern colonies was abolished in 1852 and to the western colonies in 运送犯人到东部殖民地被取消,在1852年和西方殖民地,在1868年。Legal system法律制度Australia follows a Westminster system of government and law inherited from the British who originally colonised the 澳大利亚沿袭了西敏寺的政府制度和法律继承自英国原本殖民地的国家。There are two main political parties and a number of minor parties, which make up the Commonwealth 有两个主要政党和一些小党派的要求,这弥补了英联邦议会。 Each state and territory also has its own 每个国家和地区也有自己的政府。

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时尚杂志 ELLE VOGUE 这些杂志都在世界各国发行,有不同语言的版本~~!!!!!价格都是市价:20-25人民币

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