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Well ,wish you everything goes well ! Take care ! Yours XXX
87 评论


225 评论


Best wishes to you and holp you have a good Love you,mom and

131 评论


Thank you for reading my I am orry to say we have to stop Looking forward to your Thanks Best regards to you!(或My best wishes for you) Yours sincerely ***

219 评论


英语信件的结尾主要有以下几类:1、Best 2、My Best3、My best to you4、All Best 5、All the best6、Best Wishes扩展资料Don't include 不要包含引言。 Avoid over sized corporate Sometimes we have no choice about this, because our companies insist we include these things, but if they are too big, they draw the eye away from the 避免过大的公司标识。有时候我们别无选择,因为公司坚持让我们使用这些东西,但是如果标识太大了,它会分散注意力。

132 评论


英文邮件结尾的时候大家可以写:yours、best wishes、take care 等等,而英文邮件写法讲究颇多,结尾的问候语在不同场合也应使用不同的字眼。  英语邮件写起来不够流利,或者压根是小白?这里可以分享一家英语外教试听课程,纯欧美外教教学,免费试听地址:【】  他们家老师是一对一教学的,根据学员的具体情况来定制课程,针对强,效果看的见,价格方面很实惠,才是4388半年,平均一节课才是4元,性价比高。  还有其他什么学习问题,可以百度搜“阿卡索vivi老师”为您分析解答。  想要更多的英语学习资源,可以百度搜“阿卡索官网论坛”免费下载。

203 评论


结束语1、 Good luck!2、 Best wishes!3、 Take care of yourself, will you?4、 Send my love to your…5、 Please write to me when you have 6、 Please write 7、 Let’s keep in 8、 I am looking forward to your next letter 9、 Please write back (请速回信。)10、 Please give my love to your family(请代我问候的全家。)11、 Take good care of yourself and write often(多保重,常来信。)12、 I’m afraid I have to stop now, but I will write (恐怕我得搁笔了,不过我会再来信的。)13、 I hope to hear from you (我希望不久收到你的信。)14、 I look forward to our next (我期待下次相会。)15、 Your kind and early reply will be (你的快速回信令人欣赏。)16、 Won’t you let us hear from you promptly!(我们会很快收到你的来信的!)17、 May god bless you and your family! With every good wish for your (愿上帝保佑你及你的家人。祝你幸福。)18、 Looking forward to seeing (盼望能见到你。)19、 I shall be looking forward to hearing your first (我盼望听到你的初次印象。)20、 I do hope you will be able to live here some time this summer (我的确希望你能在今年暑假在这里住一段时间。)21、 Best (敬意。)22、 Good luck to you!(祝您好运!)23、 We are all looking for your next visit to C(我们都盼您下次来访中国。)24、 Please write to me directly when you receive this (收到信后请立即写信给我。)25、 Wish (wishing) you every success in your future career!(祝你成功!)26、 All my best wishes for the future!(祝你一切顺利!)27、 Hoping that you’ll get well (祝您早日康复。)28、 Wish you the best of health and success!(祝您身体健康,工作顺利。)29、 Say hello to your parent for (请代我向您父母问好。)30、 Expecting to hear from you as soon as (盼早日回信。)31、 Thank you for an early (请尽早答复,不胜感激。)32、 With the season’s (谨致节日的敬意。)33、 Meanwhile, we wish you good health and every success in your (祝身体健康,工作顺利!)34、 I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Y(祝您圣诞愉快,新年快乐!)35、 Write as often as you can, for I am looking forward to reading your every (望你多多来信,我殷切地等待你的每一封信。)36、 I’m sending you a little gift as a taken of appreciation for your kindness to me, which I hope you will (寄上小小礼物一件,作为纪念品,以感谢你对我的关怀,请笑纳。)37、 All my best wishes for the future!(祝您一切顺利!)

284 评论


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