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Whatever happened to the real Rainman, the quiet genius, Kim Peek, whose extraordinary life story inspired the character played by Dustin H Since the Oscar-winning movie Rainman became a worldwide hit, the once-reclusive Kim Peek has wowed and thrilled over a half million people, demonstrating his phenomenal brain power in a unique roadshow that travels around the USA Now for the first time Kim Peek’s remarkable personal story has been the subject of a full-length documentary made by the award-winning producers behind the sensational worldwide hit The Boy with the Incredible Brain / Brainman, Focus Productions of Bristol UK This film has just been nominated for the Royal Television Society (RTS) national awards to be announced in London on M It has already won Best Documentary and Best Editing at the Bristol RTS The Real Rainman will be transmitted for the first time on Monday 27th February at 00pm on Five, and repeated three days later at 00pm on Thursday 2nd MFor this new “wonderful and moving film” cameras have followed Kim as he toured around America meeting scientists who tried to uncover the secret of Kim ‘s remarkable When movie star Dustin Hoffman won the Oscar for his performance in Rainman he said to Kim Peek in front of millions of viewers “Kim, I may be the star, but you are the heavens”But the true story of Kim is more amazing than any When Kim was born he was so brain-damaged that doctors told his father to put him into an institution and even suggested he have a Unwilling to turn their back on their disabled son Kim’s parents decided to bring him up But unknown to his parents, whilst they were away at work, Kim read every book, every Readers Digest, encyclopedia and telephone directory in their Everything Kim read from the age of 3, he retained, nothing was forgotten, he was able to read two pages of a book at once, one with each eye, and he was also able to read upside down and mirror image writing with equal He also learnt to do maths and calendar calculating at breathtaking Kim also knows every zip code in America --- and not only the codes themselves but thousands of details about the zip code But all of this talent remained largely hidden --- his parents did not realize that he had a mind and memory better than a whole stadium full of encyclopaedias --- because they had been told from a young age that he was mentally Kim’s extraordinary mental abilities were only truly appreciated after TV and film screenwriter Barry Morrow interviewed Kim for a film he was “I don’t think anybody could spend five minutes with Kim and not come away with a slightly altered view of themselves, the world and our potential as human beings” says Barry who was so astounded by Kim’s genius that it gave him the idea for the movie R Ever since the movie was a major worldwide hit, Kim has been traveling around the USA speaking to people to explain what it is like to be have a mind and memory like R Nowadays, Kim still may not be able to dress himself or brush his own teeth but he has an IQ of 184 and stuns people wherever he goes with his Kim goes on road shows around America, visiting schools, rotary clubs and universities to demonstrate as his father Fran Peek puts it: “ that its OK to be handicapped” Audiences cannot believe his speed of mental processing and his seemingly endless “He can recite cast lists and lines of dialogue from any of the scores of books, movies and plays he’s read or seen, including Shakespeare ----but he cant explain what they He has a perpetual calendar in his head to identify any day or date in history or the future --- but he cant figure out how to sharpen his ”School children on the roadshows are asked to come prepared with a list of questions which they have researched on any subject --- so that Kim can demonstrate his knowledge --- of just about everything from history to sport, music to maths, literature to One woman asked him what coincided with her husband’s birthdate of Feb 20th Kim began reciting Adolf Hitler’s Reichstag Ask him what year Tchaikovsky finished the Nutcracker He’ll not only tell you 1892 but sing several parts for In the film Kim meets four bedazzled teams of scientists who try to unravel his remarkable brain power, they include the world’s leading neuroscientist Professor V S Ramachandran of the University of San Diego, who makes a profound discovery through Kim about the nature of savant But Kim is no ordinary subject for investigation, he makes the scientists both laugh and cry, confounding them with his unique take on Finally, Kim travels to England, the first time he has ever left the USA and faces his stiffest test: the students of the Oxford Union Debating Society, where virtually every President and Prime Minister has But, as always, Kim not only amazes his erudite audience but charms the socks off them as The film is not just a portrait of the “world’s greatest savant” it is also a moving account of a unique human relationship between Kim and his dedicated father, the equally remarkable Fran P Produced by Focus Productions Bristol UK whose film on maths genius and savant Daniel Tammet, entitled Brainman/ The Boy with Incredible Brain has won two Royal Television Society Awards and been sold to over 30 countries all over the The Real Rainman is a co production for Five, Discovery Science and The History Channel and is distributed worldwide by Channel 4 I
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是在哪里的意思,比如where is the cat?小猫在哪里

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如果Madoff的镜像神经元系统出现临床完整,镜像神经元是发展的关键同情,什么使他鼓起冷漠毁掉这么多的朋友和同事?最明显的候选人将一些错误的情感中心和同情的电路,使我们每个人都觉得别人的痛苦和磨难。 一般情况下,似乎有两个明显不同的,尽管重叠,类型的同情:智力同情,或知道某人的感觉和情感同情,或遇到同样的感觉的其他人。例如,人寿保险推销员和他的妻子可以参加葬礼,她的同事。推销员可能理解送葬的悲伤,但看到他们的哭泣并不影响他的情绪,相反,他可能觉得有点晕眩的葬礼将是容易马克对一些长期的保险政策。他的妻子,另一方面,可能成为压倒真正悲痛。 即使是神经基板的情感同情并不整齐有组织的,他们有什么不同,因此情绪正在经历。如果你看到一个女人的危险,并为她感到担心,您的杏仁体-一个边缘系统结构的关键经历恐惧和颤抖-将点燃的功能磁共振成像。如果您看到四分卫乔Thiesmann的腿被打破周一晚间足球,前中期扣带皮层和前岛-两个区域这个过程疼痛知觉-将进入超载。 但是,我们真的需要有类似的经验之前同情他人?这是基本论点的基本理论,镜子神经系统,提供的能力,阅读的想法和感受他人的,是必不可少的同情。 在研究2009年1月,法国神经学家尼古拉齐格希望看到一个人是否可以同情一个陌生的情绪状态。他研究了一组病人的疼痛先天性麻木不仁-一种罕见的条件目前在出生时有关遗传变化的感觉神经。这类病人从来没有感觉到身体疼痛的感觉和不知道的痛苦感觉。希望看到这些患者将如何应对看到其他人的痛苦,毫无疑问,这些照片显示,一个人让她的手指陷入园艺剪刀和视频剪辑的Theismann的腿被打破。

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