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I like to remember the I like remembering the 我认为都可以但是第一个,更恰当一些

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根据发音来记你如果会,cake,你就会bake,wake,make,rake,sake,fake,lake, 单词可分节来记最好是三个字母一节(有人做过实验,说是记数字或是字母,三个一节比较有效,我记电话号码就是三个三个记得单词也一样:won der ful(wonderful) 掌握词性,就是它们的形容词,变副词,变名词等 attention-- attentive-- attentively direction--direct--directly 把学过的单词口头或是笔头上造个句字这样你印象会很深刻的 及时复习学过的单词如果你等过了一两个星期再回来看,可能记得的单词所剩无几最好是记词组:look at, look after, look forward to, look 最后,就是多用:多听,多说,多看,多写,多联想那样单词就自然嵌在你脑里

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1、 你选这个专业的原因 Please tell me the reason why you choose this 我之所以选择这个专业,我因为这个专业的名字太cool了,金融工程(financial engineering),既有金融,又有工程,两者的结合一定是很棒的东西 Because I think the major name is so Financial engineering comprises finance and The integration of those two things will produce a great 2 遇到的困难 please tell me the difficulty you will 金融工程这个专业最难的就是数学了。金融工程专业是一门利用数理方法分析经济问题的学科,因此包含了大量复杂的树立问题,这些方法是最核心的内容同时也是最困难的。我常常在数学的计算上遇到困难 Mathematics is the biggist problem for learning financial Financial engineering uses mathematics method to deal economics So it includes many complex mathematics Those methods are the core content and ,meantime, most I always meet problem at Mathematics 3 这个专业又什么吸引你的地方 Could you tell me other thing of this major which attract you? 除了很cool的名字外,金融工程最吸引我的地方就是它能运用工程技术的方法设计。开发和实施新型的金融产品,创造性的解决金融问题。是一门很有吸引力的科目。 Besides the cool name, using engereering technology attract me Developing and implement of new financial product and solving finacial problem activity are very 4 你最喜欢的课程是什么 What courses do you like most? 我许多课程我都非常喜欢,比如money and banking,investments,international finance等,但我最喜欢的还是数学,因为数学是这门学科的核心,学不好数学就等于学不好金融工程。 I like many courses such as money and banking,investments,international finance and so And I like mathmatics Beacouse it is the core of this If I can not learn mathematics well, I can not learn financial engineering well 5、 6、为什么喜欢和不喜欢骑? Do you like riding bicycle? 我喜欢骑自行车,除了因为骑自行车是一种比较好的休闲运动方式外,自行车还是一种环保的交通工具,它不会对空气造成污染。 I like riding bike , not only because it is a casual activity, but also it will not pollute the 7、 中国骑自行车的人多吗? Is there maye people who ride bicycle in china? 以前非常多。但随着汽车越来越多,在马路上骑自行车也越来越危险,因而现在骑自行车的人比过去少了许多。不过,由于最近广州禁止驾驶摩托车,骑自行车的人又慢慢多起来了。 Many people But now , with the more and more autos, riding bicyycle is mor and more So The number of people who ride bicycle lessed But , because of the forbition of motorcycle, the number of people who ride bike will more and 8、自行车的好处和坏处是什么? What is the advantage and disadvantage of riding bike? 自行车的好处在于它的环保和省钱。但坏处也是显而易见的,就是自行车行驶速度慢,去地方要耗费大量时间。 The advantage is environmental protection and Obviously, the disadvantage is the slow 9、学校重视课外 活动吗? Does the school emphasize after school activies? 学校虽然经常强调要以学业为重,但还是比较重视我们的户外活动的。学校会经常举办各种体育比赛,用以丰富我们的课余生活。 Although the schoole emphasize the studing, it pay attantion to school The school often hold many kinds of sports competitions to enrich our after school life 10、喜欢户外活动还是户内活动,为什么? Do you like indoor activies or outdoor activies? 我更喜欢户内活动。因为我喜欢在运动的同时能呼吸到大自然的清新空气,这样更健康,更有益。 I like outdoor Because I can breahte fresh air when I do the It is more healthy and more 11、 一般做什么户外活动? What kind of outdoor activites do you usually do? 户外活动我最喜欢就是打网球。这是我最大的爱好,也是我最擅长的运动,无论有多忙,我都会抽空和朋友打上几盘网球,这能使我从紧张的学习中得到暂时的解脱。 I like plying This is the biggist I am good at it very Whatever how busy I am, I will make time to play tennis with my It can make me free from the intense studing 12、一星期花多少时间在这上面?为什么? How much time do you spend on it? Why? 这要视情况而定,如果空闲时间比较多,我会多打几次,如果时间紧,那么一个星期也就只能打一两个小时而已。 It on If I am free, I will play If I am busy, I will spend not more than one or tow hours each week on 13、喜欢电影吗? Do you like movies? 是的,我非常喜欢看电影,经常去电影院看。 Sure, I like movies very I always go to 14、喜欢什么类型的电影,为什么。 What kind of muvie do you like? 我比较喜欢看科幻体裁的电影,例如星球大战。这类题材的电影一般都是大制作,场面震撼,内容精彩。另外,像蜘蛛侠这样的由漫画改编的电影我也非常喜欢看。 I enjoy fictions such That kind of movie are big The scene shocks people, the content is Other wise, I like some movie, eg " the spide man", which come from comics very 15、多久去一次电影院? How often do you go to the movie? 这个很难说,一般来说,有比较精彩的,有符合我口味的电影上映,我就会去看。如果要说多久去一次的,一般来说一个月去一次吧,因为广州的电影票非常贵,80块一张。 It is hard to Usually, I will go to the movie as long as there is a wonderful movie which meet my If I must tell you a time, usually, I will go to the cinema once a month, because the movie ticket in Guangzhou are very expensive, 80 yuan 16、认为看电影在电影院好还是在家好?为什么? Do you like to see film at home or in the cinema? 当然是在电影院好啦,在电影院看电影说带来的视听震撼不是在家看电影说可以比拟的。当然也不是全部电影都在电影院看好,有些体裁的电影,如文艺片,我认为在家看和在电影院看没什么区别。 It certainly is in the Cenima can give you a shockness which you can not get at But ,some life style film is no difference for me to see in the cinema or at 17 会几种语言? How many language can you speak? 让我数数……,1……4,我会四种,普通话,粤语,客家话和英语,哦,还有日语也稍微懂一点。 Let me , four, I can speak four lanugages, mandarin, contongues, Hakka and EEand I can speak a little J 18 为什么学英语? Why you study English? 学会英语非常游泳。首先可以与外国人交流,比如我要去外国留学,学会英语是必须的。其次是可以看懂外国文献,这对我的专业学习非常有帮助。 Learning English is Firstm I can communicate with the If I go abroad, the ability of speak English is Second, I can read foreign It is important to my specialty 19、 怎样学习英语? How to study English well? 我认为,要学好英语,最关键的是要有浓厚的兴趣。但光有兴趣还不够,还学要懂得学习的方法。如果具备了这两点,我相信必定能学习好英 I think interest is the key to learn English Certainly interest is not enough, I must know the studying If I possess those two, I am sure I can learn English great ァΑぁАā�━

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