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Dear all,There will be a english writting contest, we hereby sincerely invite you to come and join this The topic of this contest is "whether animals shall be proteced as well as human beings?" Students who interested are all You should write an article about this topic no less than 500 words printed on an A4 paper and send it to the student Union Office by 5:00 PM of this F The address of the Office is We are looking forward of your work!The Committee of the English writting contestOn behalf of the Student Union
194 评论


164 评论


Table of Contents Graphic A graphic must be included with each manuscript for the Table of Contents (TOC) This graphic should capture the reader’s attention and, in conjunction with the manuscript title, should give the reader a quick visual impression of the essence of the paper without providing specific The TOC graphic should be in the form of a structure, graph, drawing, SEM/TEM photograph, or reaction Color is acceptable and will be free of charge upon approval of the E The author must submit a graphic in the actual size to be used for the TOC that will fit in an area 375 high and 5 wide (6 cm × 9 cm) Larger images will be reduced to fit within those Type size of labels, formulas, or numbers within the graphic must be Tables or spectra are not Provide the TOC graphic titled for “table of contents only” upon submission of the paper as the last page of the 就是让你写一个东西,对你的文章做一个简单的介绍,能引人眼球,一般配一副图片。这个东西一般出现在当期论文集的前面(目录)。包含题目 作者 页码 衣服图片 以及文章的简介。

99 评论


搞?letter?Please inform with letter? OO

339 评论


Papers of the copyright holder (the authors) agreed to the above-mentioned paper (N:) by "XXXX" published papers and some of the copyright transfer to the "XXXX" in the publishing sector, in its Instruction is the foundation agreement and the submission receipt on the problem now recognized Thesis of the paper is original guarantee and does not involve leakage If any infringement or leakage problems, bear all the responsibility of the Authors do not guarantee that the papers and papers in the vast majority of duplicate submission of data and content published for the first If the magazine authors found that the papers one paper or the content of the data and a lot of duplicate publication, the editorial authors the right to make up the loss caused thereby to the T Ensure that the paper's authors authorship In case of authorship controversy, all the responsibilities borne by the Authors of their own voluntary compilation of the papers right (some or all of the paper), translation rights, print and electronic versions of the reproduction right, the right of network communication and distribution rights assigned to the Authors shall not permit others to use in any form, but the paper the author works in the subsequent reference (or translated) in the paper part of the content or to compile in non-class collection of essays in the Papers by "XXXX" Editorial Board of the magazine immediately after the adoption of Final Appeal on Notification If the authors of the paper is received rejection notice in the paper receipt of the notice of confirmation of the transfer automatically If authors did not receive within 3 months of the papers deal with the magazine comments, can be dealt with separately in the paper, the purchase confirmation is automatically The paper in the "XXXX" on (whatever form) was first published, the magazine published in the journal to a one-time payment of royalties (including royalties and copyright royalties papers), and giving Yang K Confirmation of the transfer of the date of Other matters due for the event of dispute, both parties will settle; if the negotiation fails, then in accordance with the "PRC Copyright Law" and relevant laws and Promised confirmation of the transfer of the transfer of matter has been decided by all of the consent agreement, and specify one of the authors as Copyright owner (of the designated representative) Signature: Single bit of public chapter: Date Signature: Date

306 评论


  • 论文征稿通知英文

    Dear all,There will be a english writting contest, we hereby sincerely invite yo

    曾涛~家居建材 4人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 论文征稿通知英语

    链接:-T4CH-RTcy76wfhLgdHfA 提取码:d90130天论文写作发表进阶训练营。完结版,里面包含辅导课、直播课、音频课、视频课、PDF文档。课程

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  • 杂志征稿通知范文

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