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Why so many Chinese people do not want to get married nowadays?  Literature review  0 Introduction  Marriage is a complex social phenomenon which is influenced by many social Once a society’s overall concept of marriage changes, it may mean that the society itself has carried out some transformation China is a traditionally family-oriented country, but a recent study shows that more and more Chinese young people do not like to get married (Edlund, 2006) This change in attitude to marriage is caused by factors of many aspects of Chinese society, thus the researches on the issue of Chinese marriage contribute to a more clear understanding of Chinese A large number of studies on China’s society interpret Chinese young people’s unwillingness of getting married from three aspects: first is from the perspective of marriage and child rearing system; second is from the cost of marriage to explain; third is interpreted based on the concept of The purpose of this dissertation is to explore and analyze why Chinese people do not get married, and then it discusses the importance of these In this chapter, firstly, it reviews relevant literatures relate to the impact of China’s marriage and childbearing system on Chinese people’s And then the literatures relate to the impact of marriage cost on Chinese young people’s marriage will be Finally, it will review literatures about the impact of changes of the concept of marriage on Chinese people’s

86 评论


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