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这篇短文是说岳阳楼的,看看有没有帮助吧。  Yueyang Tower  Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake, it is listed as three famous towers in the south of Yangtze River, together with Yellow Crane Tower at Wuhan, Hubei province and Tengwang Tower at Nanchang, Jiangxi   Yueyang Tower was originally built for soldiers to rest on and watch In the Three kingdoms Period, Lusu, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here and then rebuilt it as a tower to review his   In the forth year (716 AC) of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, General Zhangshuo was dispatched to defend at yuezhou and he rebuilt it into a Tower named South Tower, and then Yueyang T In the forth year (1044 AC) of Qingli of Song Dynasty, Teng Zijing was stationed at Baling Jun, the ancient name of Yueyang In the second year, he had the Yueyang Tower repaired and had poems by previous poets inscribed on the walls of the T Fan Zhongyan, a great artist and poet, was invited to write the well-known poem about Yueyang Tower, in his essay which entitled《 A Panegyric of the Yueyang Tower》, the two sentences Fan writes :“ Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness” have for thousands of years been a well-quoted dictum and made the tower even better known then   The architectural style of Yueyang Tower is quite The main tower is 35 meters high with 4 columns, 3 stories, flying eave, helmet roof and wood construction, the helmet-roof of such a large dimension is a rarity among the ancient architectures in C  Entering the tower, you"ll pass the famous couplet: "Dongting is the water of the world, Yueyang is the tower of the " Moving on, there is a platform (Dianjiang tai) that once functioned as the training ground for the navy of Three-Kingdom period general L To its south is the Huaifu Pavilion in memory of Dufu (712-770AD), who was the famous poet during the Tang dynasty and wrote the famous poem <> and later died in the Stepping out of the Xiaoxiang Door, the Saint Plum Pavilion (Xianmei ting) and the Three Drunkards Pavilion (Sanzui ting) can be seen standing on two In the garden to the north of the tower is the tomb of Xiaoqiao, the wife of Zhouyu, another famous Three-Kingdom   这里还有一篇  As a Chinese culture lover, Yueyang Tower is quite famous for an essayist’s essay more than 1000 years ago and the high-ranking goal pursuit of this This essayist was a degraded official from capital just for the failure of his nationwide political His hearted-broken words and his incomparable and farsighted goal as well as his appeal on how to be a welcome official all gave us the impressive This essay lets us remember this historic man and this His name was Fan Zhongyan, a famous reformist, poet, essayist and the cultural Thanks to his former reform, Wang Anshi Reform made a great success in some way in Song D  Yueyang Tower (岳阳楼) is an ancient Chinese tower in Yueyang, Hunan Province, on the shore of Lake D Alongside the Pavilion of Prince Teng and Yellow Crane Tower, it is one of the Three Great Towers of J The history of Yueyang Tower dates from the Three Kingdoms Period, when Lu Su, commander in chief of the forces of Wu, was sent to the area to fortify it and train the fleet To ease the inspection and command of ships he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River, from which the whole of Lake Dongting was This inspection tower, then called the Ba Ling Tower after the nearby city of Ba Ling, was the first incarnation of Yueyang TLike the other two great towers of Jiangnan, Yueyang Tower is famous partly due to its literary associations, namely the piece Yueyang Lou Ji (岳阳楼记), loosely translated as Memorial to Yueyang Tower, written by renowned Song poet Fan Zhongyan at the invitation of his friend Teng Zijing (滕子京), who in 1044 became local governor and rebuilt the tower, and subsequent play Yueyang Tower by one of the most renown Chinese dramatists Ma Zhiyuan in the Yuan Dynasty   作为中华文化的爱好者,岳阳楼,是相当一个散文家的文章超过1000年以前和本学者高层追求的目标而闻名。这是来自资本散文家退化官员只是为自己的全国性的政治改革的失败。他的善良,断词和他的无与伦比的和有远见的目标,也是他的上诉如何成为一个受欢迎的官员都使我们印象深刻的记忆。本文让我们记住这个历史性的男子,并此塔。他的名字叫范仲淹,著名改革派,诗人,散文家和文化吊具。由于他的前任改革,王安石改革取得了一些宋代时期的方式取得巨大成功。  岳阳楼(岳阳楼)是一种古老的岳阳,湖南中塔对洞庭湖滨。伴随着王子腾和黄鹤楼阁,它是江南三大高塔之一。岳阳楼的历史可以追溯到三国时期,当卢苏伟,在吴的部队总司令,被派往该地区,以巩固它和训练舰队那里。为了减轻船舶的检查及命令他建造了一个战略位置附近的洞庭湖加入长江,从其中洞庭湖全是可见的塔。这次检查塔,当时称为后仈哩嗯附近城市的仈喱嗯塔,是第一个转世的岳阳楼。像其他两个江南大塔,岳阳楼,是著名的部分原因是其文学协会,即一块岳阳娄机(岳阳楼记),松散翻译为纪念以岳阳楼,由著名的宋代诗人范仲淹写在邀请他的朋友滕子京(滕子京),谁在1044成为当地省长和重建的塔,和随后的发挥岳阳楼的一个最知名的元代戏剧家马致远的时代中。
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