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首页 > 论文问答 > 论文中各种图表英语怎么说

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chart: information in the form of a table, diagram, 可以看出chart强调的主要是图表中的【信息】。diagram1: a graphic design that explains rather than represents;especially: a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts)2: a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes可以看出diagram强调的是一个用来解释某件事情或者在数学或科学上用来表示某物的图像。graph1: the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (as a function)2: a diagram (as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) thatrepresents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of one or more other variables3: a collection of vertices and edges that join pairs of verticesgraph则表示很多点连接起来的图像,是用来表示、代表一个变量随另一个变量的变化。figurea : the graphic representation of a form especially of a person or geometric entityfigure的意思特别多,和图像有联系的主要是以上的释义,which说明figure主要是用图像来表示一个表格。
80 评论


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figure 1 图一form 1 表一

253 评论


(图形)图1-2 : Figure 1 - 2:(列表)表1-2:Table: 1- 2:

119 评论


Figure 1,the forecast of vehicle population in BTable 1,the forecast of the total travel of Beijing population (six rings)Table 2,the number of tables of the various modes of transport vehicles a day travel Table 3,the forecast of the population of Beijing car borne travel

289 评论


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    read the magazine读书、看报、看杂志都用 read祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!(*^__^*)

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    英语里面magazine 是那种彩色页,钉成一本的periodical 是报纸那种纸,做成的一本,一般都有连载

    玉帝偶吧 5人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 论文中各种图表英语怎么说

    chart: information in the form of a table, diagram, 可以看出chart强调的主要是图表中的【信息】。diag

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