据学术堂了解,目前,英文科技论文已经成为国际学术交流的重要载体。对国人而言,尽管此类论文具有一定的写作难度,但在撰写过程中仍有普遍规律可遵循。1.做好论文写作前的准备工作俗语道“磨刀不误砍柴工”,英文科技论文写作也是如此,在写作之前要做好充分的准备工作,最重要的是内容的准备。就科技论文来说,就是要做好实验设计与数据分析,并从中精简出对论文写作有用的数据,再将其制作成相应的图表,并辅以正确的分析、比较和利用。写作时一定要注意,使用数据制作的图表应与论文主题衔接匹配,只有这样,才能让论文更有说服力。在正式写作之前,应对自己所写领域的研究成果有较为充分的了解和掌握。譬如了解专业领域内的专业词汇,既可借助现代化网络方便快捷地查阅相关文献,也可从专业书籍和期刊中寻找。如果在写作前能够了解和知悉自己拟投期刊的风格,就能够较大概率地保证论文顺利通过。同时,还要针对不同的受众群体选择不同的写作素材和写作方法。除了做好以上准备工作,还要注意选择合适的期刊投稿。选择期刊时虽然看重影响因子,但也不能把这当成发表论文的决定因素和唯一指标。不同专业领域期刊的影响因子是不同的,并且大多数时候都没有可比性。一般来说,相对专业的期刊,影响因子比较小,但这不意味着该期刊不重要。在投稿过程中,可尝试着从较低级别的期刊投起,然后再慢慢过渡到等级较高的期刊。此外,较高影响因子期刊的编辑或审稿人会提出比较好的审稿意见或建议,这对于论文的撰写和改进大有裨益,作者也会受益良多。2.英文科技论文写作内容和注意事项2.1 介绍(Introduction)介绍(Introduction)是英文科技论文写作的第一部分。在写作该部分时,应当注意将写作的背景及写作目的陈述清楚。除此之外,还需介绍相关的研究方法、创新之处等,从而呈现出论文的新颖和独到之处。具体来说,论文介绍部分主要包括四方面内容:背景知识、未知的亟待解决的问题、研究的重要目的和研究方法。背景知识主要介绍该专业领域已有的研究成果。既然已有成果在前,为显示自己论文的独特性,就需将写作该论文的目的和意图陈述清楚。这方面内容切忌写得太过宽泛,应根据目标读者的身份有的放矢。紧接着,由背景知识中已知的领域引入到未知领域,这也是科技论文要重点介绍的部分。在此基础上,作者还需提出自己的研究内容,这点尤为重要,因为它可以从侧面体现文章的质量与水准,因此在写作过程中务必重点对待。最后,简单陈述论文所使用的主要研究方法。2.2 方法(Methods)这部分的目的在于向读者讲解论文用了哪些方法,解决了哪些问题。不同领域研究方法林林总总,众多期刊要求也各不相同。写作该部分时,都要求陈述几个方面的内容:首先是实验材料,能证明该实验有很好的操作性、重复度和复制性。其次是具体说明采用的实验方法等。与论文其他部分比较,这部分相对来说比较容易撰写。在撰写时应尽量向读者展现较多的细节,这样能对更多读者和相关科研人员有所帮助,提高文章的可读性,提升文章的下载量和引用率,增加文章的权威性和显示度。另外,由于该部分涉及内容多且繁杂,需要作者在写作时做到内容精准、条理明晰。方法部分的内容,可以体现科技论文的严谨性、数据的可靠性以及统计的准确性。论文所述方法可重复性越高,说明该部分的写作越成功。2.3 结果(Results)在写作结果方面的相关内容时,作者应该铭记,结果是体现研究的结论,结论就要简明扼要一目了然,不能洋洋洒洒长篇累牍,不要再重复赘述前面已出现过的内容,比如方法、意义等,这样既节省篇幅又清新明了。除此之外,作者还要注意,每一个结果的展现形式都应跟前边的方法论述保持一致,不能张冠李戴前后矛盾,所以这部分一定要认真检查,慎重对待,这也能从侧面反映论文写作是否严谨。在化学科技论文的结果展示中,会经常应用到图表,因为图表直观形象,内容高度凝练,方便读者阅读、分析和比较。另外,一定要根据投稿期刊的要求来设计图表,要保证图表数据与前文描述结果相符。在应用英文写作该部分内容时,要尽量使用主动语态,也可以适量地应用第二人称。2.4 讨论(Discussion)讨论部分内容的主要目的是说清楚本研究的重要意义。在讨论部分,作者要对论文的研究结果做简单总结,并阐明自己的研究结果相较该领域其他研究结果的优势和亮点,说明还有哪些不够完善的地方。在讨论部分,尽量使用语言文字简单阐述研究的结论及重要意义,避免使用过多的数据。当与该领域的其他研究对比时,不要遗漏最新的具有较高创新性的研究,比如热点和前沿,力求做到“新而全”。讨论部分最为重要的是总结和概括,不能一味地陈述,不要过分夸大和拔高自身研究的创新性,要实事求是,尽量保证客观公正。讨论中,除了简单论述研究结论及重要意义外,还需要阐述研究的不足之处及该领域研究的展望。从不足之处可以体现研究者自身研究的局限性,研究者能够主动提出来,可以给审稿人较好的印象,审稿人或许还可以给出一些积极中肯的修改意见;展望则是对于该领域研究未来的预期,该部分写作也要尽量与实际相符。
When my father was young,he practiced Chinese calligraphy every day and enjoyed Peking Opera with my grandfather on weekends.Now as his daughter,I type in English when communicating with my friends and enjoy surfing on the Internet during holidays.When I enjoy the pleasure and convenience that new technologies have brought me,some people cry out that as technology develops traditional cultures must be lost.Is it true that we cannot have both?Different as my lifestyle is from that of my father,I still believe that the development of technology won't lead to the loss of tradition.On the contrary,it will facilitate the development of traditional cultures. Some people draw the conclusion that technology leads to the loss of tradition because they find nowadays many people,especially the young,take interest in new things like the Internet,thus make less contact with traditional cultures. However,decreased popularity isn't equal to loss.With the development of technology,we have more choices of arts and entertainments.In other words,many new forms of culture are coming into existence,which provide people with more choices rather than threaten the existence of the traditional ones.In actuality,if we look at the tradition itself,we can find that great achievements have been made in many fields with the development of technology.New operas are on show; new researches about history are going on; new facts about historical cities have been found; all of which can prove that technology can stay peacefully with traditions. In fact,technology works far beyond that. The development of technology boosts that of the tradition. On one hand,new technologies make the research for traditional cultures possible as well as provide advanced techniques of reserving historic masterpieces.Take calligraphy as an example,new ways of illumination,which is the fruit of Hi-tech,can prevent the color of scripts from fading.On the other hand,the rapidly developing media such as the Internet and communication satellite provide traditional cultures with a stage to face the whole world.As we can see,after the short piece of ad of Shanghai Expo.,more people will know the beautiful melody of "Jasmine." In addition,if we look back to history,we can find out that it was always in the era when economy developed greatly that cultures prospered the most. No doubt that the development of technology can guarantee that of economy,which eventually influences the prosperity of culture. As we all see,the development of technology brings us richness,making the research and development of cultures affordable brings us more leisure time,making our desire to enjoy ntertainments possible.After all,as the great philosopher Marx aid,"economy determine
想要写一篇优秀的英文科研论文,就要先知道什么是优秀的论文什么不是。 编辑不喜欢看到的文章类型: (1)逻辑混乱的文章 (2)用语不当夸大其词或表述有误 (3)语法和其他错误百出
通常而言一篇科研论文包含以下部分: Title Abstract Introduction Results Discussion Materials and Methods Acknowledgements
标题是编辑或者阅读者首先看到的,因此取一个好标题至关重要。 我们要用最少的单词概括出文章的主题,对标题有以下三点要求: 1.简洁,完整,易懂 2.避免出现化学式或特殊符号 3.通常采取以下三种形式:短语式、句子式和主副式,比如: 短语式: Cyro-EM structure of human DNA-PK holoenzyme A vital sugar code for ricin toxicity 句子式: Suppression of MAPK11 or HIPK3 reduces mutant Huntingtin level in Huntington's disease models Intermittent fasting promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEGF-mediated alternative activation of macrophage 主副式: Class I histone deacetylases are major histone decrotonylases: evidecnce for critical and broad function of histone crotonylation in transcription
Abstract的目的是为了帮助读者快速了解文章的内容。 有以下几个要求: 1.独立性和完整性 可以单独存在并能够传达全文核心思想 2.简洁、准确、逻辑性强 因为Abstract有字数限制,我们必须用短短几句话说明全文的核心思想,因此每一个单词和句子都要仔细斟酌 3.形式符合期刊的规范 以发表在Cell Research 的‘5-Hydroxymethylcytosine signatures in cell-free DNA provide information about tumor types and stages’为例:
Green:课题背景 高亮:结果(可以简单提实验方法) 红线:总结(可以适当展望提升)
1.介绍本文研究领域的发展状况(mini-review) 介绍内容一定是与本文主线最相关的研究背景。重要的点一定要涉及到。细节处可以在文中提及时再介绍。 2.通过讨论本研究领域为解决的问题(包括自己之前发表论文未解决的问题),自然过渡到介绍你的实验目的和重要性。 3.在结尾简单介绍本研究所做的内容和结论。 注意: 一定要在有限的篇幅内全面介绍已知科学背景,但是不要过度铺开,只要围绕文章主线着重介绍相关的背景即可。
讨论是相对难写的部分,讨论不是对结果简单的罗列,而是对结果进行更为深入的讨论: 你的研究解决了领域中哪些问题和疑惑 你的研究提出了哪些新的可能 以后应该怎样去进一步研究等 一般,还可以在结尾处再总结一下自己的研究成果
1976年,William Zinsser在《On Writing Well》提出优秀写作的三原则:
被动态包括:宾语+谓语+主语,或宾语+谓语 eg: Upon the chemical treatment, the activation of XX signaling pathway could be observed. 可以修改为: We could observe the activation of XX signaling pathway upon the chemical treatment.
General dysfunction of the immune system has been suggested in both mouse and human studies. 可以修改为: Both mouse and human studies suggested that XX (disease) cause general dysfunction of the immune system.
1.不需要介绍性短语。例如:as it is published; as it is known
2.去掉没有意义的词。例如: important
3.啰嗦的词简化,把精力花在主要的句子上 a majority of ->most a number of ->many all four of the ->the four due to the fact that ->because give rise to ->cause
4.重复意义的词或句子用一个 limit condition, output performance
5.剪掉一些副词:very, really, quite
6.用肯定语气 not harmful ->safe does not have ->lacks not correct ->wrong be not the result of A but B ->reflect B rather than A
7.不要常用there is/are There are many ways in which we can handle this case. ->We can handle this case in many ways.
The data suggest there is an association between temperature and crop diseases. ->The data suggest an association between temperature and crop diseases.
It is likely that there exists functional redundancy among XX proteins. ->It is likely that functional redundancy among XX proteins exists.
8.用标点符号来改变句式,精简语言 分号(semicolon): 连接两个独立的从句。 圆括号(parenthesis): 加入解释或一些想法,即使没有这部分句子也应该是独立的。 冒号(Colon): 分隔能力弱于分号,比破折号要正式。用于列举,引用,举例,第二个从句是第一个从句的延伸。 破折号(dash): 表示强调,解释或定义。留给重要的用处。
在英文写作中我们常犯的问题: 1.科学用语的准确性 2.时态错误(描述实验过程结果时用过去式,总结实验结果时用现在时) 3.单复数错误 4.'a','an','the'的使用错误 5.比较不对等: The root length of XX mutant is shorter than wild type rice. The root length of XXmutant is shorter than that of wild type rice. 6.用词或句式单一 7.语序问题 8.句子过长 9.使用口语化用词
A Flow Shop with Compatibility Constraints in a Steelmaking Plant* Abstract We present a scheduling methodology for applications where the generation of schedules is constrained by antagonistic and vague knowledge. Besides temporal and capacity constraints, compatibility constraints between consecutive jobs are managed. We model the vague constraints and uncertain data by fuzzy set theory. The importance of single jobs and the difficulty to schedule them is defined on the different constraints and is used to control the generation of schedules. A preliminary schedule is generated by considering the important jobs and those that are difficult to schedule first. Easy or not so important jobs are scheduled later. Finally, the achieved schedule is “repaired” until a schedule is found that achieves a given level of satisfaction. Since the goodness of solutions is rated by fuzzy sets, robust schedules achieve better evaluations than weak schedules. However, if no robust solution is found constraints will be relaxed. This methodology is appropriate for applications in process engineering where uncertain knowledge is dominant. We explain the methodology with a case study from a steelmaking plant for high-grade steel 补充: Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red. First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is China's Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games. Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red. It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people. Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics. Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can't deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled" The Green Olympic Action Plan", between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. By then, the city's green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper. Certainly, all of this is no easy task. But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green goals. For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens. Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes. As the saying goes, United, we stand, and a green Beijing will be achieved. When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique Olympics." New Beijing, Great Olympics"; will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green. 追问: 用中文写清楚 这篇英文文章研究的是什么问题?这个问题是怎么研究的?发现了什么?这些发现意 味着什么? 谢谢 回答: 第一篇与电有关求采纳
第一篇Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in human beings.Research scientists at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.第二篇Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old.Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in human beings.Research scientists at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.第三篇The authors develop and test a multiclassifier-based near-real-time face detection system based on the premise that a three-part strategy is necessary for designing real-time face detection systems that provide high detection rates. The critical factors for real-time face detection are based on a framework of multiple classification functions: (1) a skin classification function is used as the preliminary stage in order to prune the search, localize the computation, and therefore improve performance time; (2) subsequently, three coarse-to-fine statistical model based classifiers are used to scan the windows and discard most non-face windows; and (3) finally, faces and non-faces are verified from images. The bagging ensemble algorithm (bootstrap aggregating) is also applied to improve the performance of detection rates. 第四篇Want a glance of the future of health care? Take a look at the way the various networks of people about patient care are being connected to one another, and how this new connectivity is being exploited to deliver medicine to the patient —no matter where he or she may be. Online doctors offering advice based on normal symptoms(症状) are the most obvious example. Increasingly, however, remote diagnosis(远程诊断) will be based on real physiological data(生理数据) from the actual patient. A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using personal data assistance plus a mobile phone, it is perfectly practical to send a patient’s important signs over the telephone. With this kind of equipment, the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past. Other medical technology groups are working on applying telemedicine to rural(countryside) care. And at least one team wants to use telemedicine as a tool for disaster need—especially after earthquakes. On the whole, the trend is towards providing global access to medical data and experts’ opinions. But there is one problem. Bandwidth(宽带) is the limiting factor for sending complex(复杂的) medical pictures around the world — CT photos being one of the biggest bandwidth users. Communication satellites may be able to deal with the short-term needs during disasters such as earthquakes or wars. But medicine is looking towards both the second-generation Internet and third-generation mobile phones for the future of remote medical service. Doctors have met to discuss computer-based tools for medical diagnosis, training and telemedicine. With the falling price of broadband communications, the new technologies should start a new time when telemedicine and the sharing of medical information, experts’ opinions and diagnosis are common.(这片有点长) 第五篇High-Tech Expo will be quietly into the footsteps of our campus, the annual "scientific and technological Month" activities started! We look forward to the most interesting is the High-Tech Expo will be it! Day after day passed, and finally to Saturdays! It is with emotion sitting in their seats, Hao teacher "order", we will quickly pick up the experimental equipment in high spirits to start the experiment. "We have to do is this group of 'interesting siphon' welcome to visit!" I cried loudly, Sun Xuhui only curiosity left over, we looked suspicious, I did not miss a good opportunity for each, said: " , Take a look at our test! "You do not want to see the glass reversed, changing the water will be able to go to it? "I like the" bombard "like to introduce a non-stop," Oh, look carefully! First of all, the pipe filled with water, followed after a glass of water, access to water 1 cup on the table, the empty 2 cup lightly boosting, and low point, "Bai Baishou I let Yan Kai-day 2 cups hold air at the same time Fanlianniejin the end of the tube, I gently hose and hold the other end, went on to say: "I have to do a good job of this process, and then look! Now, we were put on both ends of the glass are No. 1 and No. 2 empty cup, there have been wonderful scene, 1 cup of water flow on a 2 cup. Gradually, you will find that 1 cup of the air, on the contrary, the 2 cups filled with 1 cup of water. You want to know why? "Sun Xuhui see Huale Yan, Siyousiwu nodded, as if a child's desire for knowledge, taking advantage of this time, I had to step up the" attack ":" The principle is to siphon hose in the liquid, and the two ends are Niejin So Guanzi have a negative pressure, and then put them into two cups, to promote access to the water hose, which is siphon! "I nod after presentation, Sun Xuhui nodded, satisfied to leave our team. High-Tech Expo will, "visit" the group more and more people, this could be really popular science projects ah! High-Tech Expo will be the end, I think wistfully: Qin minds, our life is full of interesting, original, primary and secondary school students which we can hold our own, "Cobo" Yes!
The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions. Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before. Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel. Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable. However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce. Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent. 可以自己删减 在提供一篇翻译的: 现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s progress. Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect. We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed. [参考译文] 现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑.人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树.另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话.但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行.若干年前,人们不得不查找大量资料来搜集需要的信息,最后人累得疲惫不堪,还浪费了大量时间.现在,如果使用网络,一切就都是小菜一碟了.只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应. 我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷. 21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet, computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better. First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more efficiently. Also, internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use a mouse and click on the website to do research. The internet leads us to a place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life much easier and better. The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone. But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenience to the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of sending letters. It is very fast and useful way to communicate. In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep improving in future. 高分范文 As is vividly depicted by the picture above, a traveler happily starts his journey by high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Wuhan. In the year of 2009, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation, reducing travelling time from 12 hours to 3 hours, bringing much convenience to the transportation between the two cities①. No wonder the caption in the picture says “with the Wu-Guang high-speed railway, cities far away is just like a place nearby”. Science and technology are the primary productive forces② and have been playing a key role in the national economy development. On the one hand, progress in science and technology has promoted economic and social progress greatly. Take the high-speed railway as an example. Firstly, the railway becomes a new engine③ of booming of regional economic. Secondly, the railway helps to attract a lot of tourists, so that tourism in these cities flourishes. Last but not the least, the load of the existing transportation network can be released to a great extent. On the other hand, with the development of science and technology, such as the operation of high-speed transportation, video phone, webcam meeting, the world has become smaller and smaller. It has long been a tradition for Chinese government to attach great importance to the advances④ in science and technology. Science and technology has successfully shaped an entirely new image of China on global stage via the two grand world events, 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It is strongly advised that young people should devote themselves into the study of science and technology for “better city, better life”. 佳作妙译 如上图所示,一位旅客从广州踏上了去往武汉的高速铁路.2009年,武广高铁正式建成通车,将两地之间的行程从12小时缩短到3小时,极大地方便了两地的交通.难怪这幅漫画上写道“有了武广高铁,每个城市都在家门口”. 科技是第一生产力,在国民经济发展中扮演着重要角色.一方面,科技的进步促进了经济社会的快速进步.高速铁路就是鲜活的例子.首先这条铁路成为地区经济发展新的引擎.其次铁路吸引了大量游客,这些城市的旅游业随之繁荣起来.再次这条铁路很大程度上缓解了现有线路的运输压力.另一方面,随着科技的发展,高速铁路,视频电话,视频会议等应用会越来越多,世界将变得越来越小. 中国政府一直很重视科技的发展,通过2008北京奥运会和2010上海世博两件盛事,科技成功地重塑了中国在世界舞台上的国际形象.因此青少年要怀着“城市,让生活更美好”的信念,积极投身到对科技文化知识的学习上.
PrefaceThe ARPANET – the Department of Defense network that is the ancestor of today’s Internet—was built in the late sixties using a proprietary protocol suite. This first protocol proved to have shortcomings for linking with other networks, which led to the development of Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP/IP used 32-bit address numbers. These soon proved to be unwieldy for most users, even when expressed in the less daunting formant of four 8-bit decimal numbers, delimited by periods. The obvious solution was a scheme for addressing computers by name. After all, people relate much better to names and find it much easier to remember the computer in the corner as “Frodo,” rather than “”The First Generation: Hot TablesThe desire to refer to machines by name instead of number led to the first IP address management scheme: the host table. The host table is a file that contains all the IP address in use on a network, along with their names. The host table provides a mapping from a host’s name to its IP address, as well as reverse mapping: Given a host’s IP address, the user can look up its name. For a host table to be most user useful, it must contain the names of all the hosts with which a given host might want to communicate. For the ARPANET, that mean that the host table had to contain the names and IP address of every host on the network. Such a file was maintained by the Network Information Center (NIC), the central organization responsible for managing the ARPANET. The file was called HOSTS.TXT and was similar in format to the/etc/hosts file on UNIX. Network administrators all over the network e-mailed host table changed to the NIC every time they added or deleted a host or changed a host’s IP address. The NIC made the changes to its master host table, which it made available via File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Administrators periodically downloaded the latest version of the host table to stay current.
My favorite scientist
We know there are many scientists working or worked at the various fields, for example, Einstein, Newton, Dalton,and so on. But my favorite scientist is Alexander Gray Ham Baer who invented telephone in 1876. With invention of the telephone, people who live in eastern and western hemisphere seem nearer and nearer to live. So I think the most usuful invention should be telephone. Now I have already been a middle school student, and I have my cell phone with me every day. I admire Baer because of his useful invention. I know we can invent something useful for the world in the future if we study hard now.
My favorite scientistWe know there are many scientists working or worked at the various fields, for example, Einstein, Newton, Dalton,and so on. But my favorite scientist is Alexander Gray Ham Baer who invented telephone in 1876. With invention of the telephone, people who live in eastern and western hemisphere seem nearer and nearer to live. So I think the most usuful invention should be telephone. Now I have already been a middle school student, and I have my cell phone with me every day. I admire Baer because of his useful invention. I know we can invent something useful for the world in the future if we study hard now....
The development of science and technology makes our life more fortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions. Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telemunication shortens the distance beeen people and makes munication much easier. Inter is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective munication device now, is being very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before. Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey *** ooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other plas is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel. Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases bee treatable. However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Inter, though widely used in modern munication, is easy to be destroyed by puter virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources bee scarce. Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.可以自己删减 在提供一篇翻译的:现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being' s progress. Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is o hour's ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend' s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using inter is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could bee tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Inter, all bees a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect. We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed. [参考译文] 现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。
21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the inter, puter, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better. First, the development of puter changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of plex calculation on hand because they did not have puter, and more obvious, they did not have the sofare for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a puter can solve in just a minute. Since the development of puter, people are able to use some kind of sofare to pute lots of plex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer bees the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more efficiently. Also, inter is another useful tool for us today. The ...
The development of science and technology makes our life more fortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions. Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telemunication shortens the distance beeen people and makes munication much easier. Inter is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective munication device now, is being very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before. Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey *** ooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other plas is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel. Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases bee treatable. However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Inter, though widely used in modern munication, is easy to be destroyed by puter virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources bee scarce. Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.可以自己删减 在提供一篇翻译的:现代科技使生活更加便捷(Modern Technology Makes Life More Convenient) Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being' s progress. Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is o hour's ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend' s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using inter is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could bee tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Inter, all bees a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain what you expect. We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed. [参考译文] 现代科技使生活更加便捷 现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑。
21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the inter, puter, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and better. First, the development of puter changes our life. Decades ago, people needed to do lots of plex calculation on hand because they did not have puter, and more obvious, they did not have the sofare for calculation. As the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a puter can solve in just a minute. Since the development of puter, people are able to use some kind of sofare to pute lots of plex functions and mathematical calculation. Computer bees the most helpful equipment for the sciencists because they can use their time more efficiently. Also, inter is another useful tool for us today. T...
1)Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey *** ooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other plas is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel. 2)However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Inter, though widely used in modern munication, is easy to be destroyed by puter virus. Outer space exploration has produced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources bee scarce
The new century is approaching. It can be expected that there will be a breakthrough in life sceience and space science in the 21st century. First, scientists will conquer incurable diseases through the transformation of genes. With the same technology they can breed new species of animals and even human life in the laboratory. Most important of all, they can decelerate aging and prolong life. Besides, permanent stations will be set up in the moon or other plas or stars so that scientists can make a thorough study of the moon and other plas or star. Most probably life will be found in other stars in universe or the plas or stars suitable for the human existence will be discovered. However, the scientific development will also bring about some social problems. How should we regard from an ethical perspective the one who is bred through the gene technology in the laboratory. How can the police identify the criminal from a group of people with the same DNA? It is quite natural that we will meet problems in the scientific and social development. Therefore, we should be prepared to meet new challenges. 汇众动漫学院 //sjza.gamfe/
Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. The life we are living now is more civilized than that of our forefathers. The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket has opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of man's landing on the moon has now e true. Science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. We may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper can't be built.Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.Notes:in turn: 转而;反过来bring about: 导致;引起owe to:把…归功于…e true: 实现socialist construction :社会主义建设contribute to: 为 … 作贡献
Everything has o sides,so the modern technology also has its advantages and disadvantages.First of all,it makes our life more convenient.For example ,buses save up us a lot of time.Besides,it provides us more safe food just like "green food".What's more,it makes us learn much more about our humanbeings and the earth.However,it brings the pollution for us ,too.It also makes some of us be lazy because life is too fortable.Above all,we should make full use of the technology and do our best to help the earth and people.ps:小生拙作,很久没动笔,看看吧~~
Although technology have many advantages and disadvantages,the main reason things are invented is to make a task easier to perform.Technology makes tasks easier,quicker,more efficient,and better.On the other hand,technology can make people lazier,products are made more cheaply (which can be good for panies but bad for consumers),and technology can have adverse effects on a person's health and safety.
例文The modern technology has greatly altered the mode ofmunication among people. With the help of the Inter, people can easily contact each other anytime anywhere. However, the side effect is that many people have bee over-dependent on the Inter and neglected face-to-face munication.As far as I'm concerned, electronic munication cannot fully replace the direct contact among people. Although it seems to bring everyone together, it actually estranges people and decreases the effectiveness of munication. A typical example is that, traditionally, people working in the same office simply walk to others and talk. Today, however, co-workers tend to send e-mails or instant messages through the Inter even when they are sitting next to each other. As words can never convey the full message, it usually takes much more time and rounds of conversation than face-to-face munication, in which people can discuss more directly with less loss of information.To conclude, the Inter enables more effective munication in some situations, but over-dependence on it actually pulls people apart.
The invention of the mobile phones and puters all due to the technology so that we can make phones and seach the Inter.What's more,thanks to the technology, the cars bee more advanced so that we can drive faster and more fortable.There is no doubt that our life just be surrounded by technology.It really give us a lot of convienient.But on the other side,techonogy also bring some problems.For example,because of the puter,more and more people get addicted to it which as a result that they are not work hard enough.In additin,the puters also have radiation that is not good to our health.What's worse,many countries use the technology to invite the weapon which is do harm to the world peace.At last ,in my opinion,we can't deny the advantage of the technology,but people should use it in a good way and responsiblily in order to make our society more bueatiful.
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Agriculture Technologies 900 Million Farmers in ChinaThe history of reform and opening up has witnessed three calls for the development of rural markets. 900 million farmers constitute the world's largest group of consumers and have created the biggest business opportunity in China.In the face of the dual competitive pressure posed to China by the hi-tech advantage of the developed countries and the price advantage resulted from the currency devaluation in surrounding countries, China has clearly indicated: From the long-term point of view, while actively exploring international markets, it is essential to actively develop the domestic market, particularly the rural market. This is a strategic choice in conformity with China's national conditions.The rural market is the most dynamic, practical pivotal point in expanding domestic demands and boosting economic growth. Inadequate effective demand has become the greatest hindrance to China's current economic development. In the series of macro-control measures to be adopted in the second half of this year, exploring the rural market is regarded as "a rope for capturing the tiger". Experts' estimation indicates: Every 100 billion yuan worth of final consumption realized in rural areas will generate 235.6 billion yuan worth of consumption demand for the entire national economy.It is also a brand-new starting-point in the readjustment of economic structure and the readjustment of product mix. Today, the buyer's market has penetrated to every corner of China's economy. Of the 900-odd important industrial products, the utilization rate of over half of the production capacity is less than 50 percent, structural readjustment is thus imminent.In the effort to successfully open up the rural market, industrial enterprises must produce commodities geared to rural demands; and commercial enterprises must skillfully build smooth and swift marketing channels.There are many difficulties confronting the effort to explore rural markets. Reasons for this are many. For example, some local governments have inadequate understanding of the importance and urgency of exploring rural markets, fear difficulty and lack confidence in accomplishing this task; quite a number of industrial and commercial enterprises still harbor the concept of "valuing cities while belittling the countryside", this is manifested in the fact that the product mix is incompatible with the rural market demand, the variety of commodities on sale is single and farmers find it inconvenient to buy.In fact, the rural market has enormous potential and there are many favorable conditions for developing the rural market. So long as industrial and commercial enterprises really attach importance to the rural market, carefully study farmers' demands, exert great efforts to do a good job in the work of exploring the rural market well, they can definitely achieve the anticipated results.Industrial enterprises stress production of commodities geared to market needs, while commercial enterprises emphasize smooth and fast marketing channels.Efforts should be made to develop new sales methods, such as chain-store, agency and distribution center and to establish various forms of sales networks wherein industry and commerce, commerce and commerce, town and country, state-owned commerce and individually-run and privately-run commerce join hands. Chinese business people will have ample scope for their abilities in rural markets.The key to success in exploring rural markets lies in increasing farmers' income. It is necessary to open up the rural consumer goods market to allow farmers to buy things; and it is also necessary to first open up the rural agricultural produce market, so that farmers' purses will be bulgingFarmers' income is stepping into the period of a new round of growth at reduced rate.Slow increase in farmers' income is the greatest factor thwarting efforts to explore rural markets. When farmers' purses are not so bulging, increase in actual consumption demand will be slow. To increase farmers' income is, in essence, to enhance the rural economy's adaptability to the socialist market economy. In the opinions of authoritative persons, it is essential to get hold of two links: one is "what to grow". Farmers have to grow farm crops easy to yield added value.To do so, it is necessary to readjust and optimize the agricultural structure, develop high-efficiency and high-value-added characteristic agriculture. Second is "how to sell the produce". To increase farmers' income, it is essential to solve the problem concerning ties between the farmer and the market, farmers should be enabled to smoothly enter the big, ever-changing market. This requires development of industrial management of agriculture, and cultivation of a wholesale market system, intermediary service system and information service system.Cultivating a wholesale trading market system by making use of the advantages of tradition, regional location, resources and industry is an important aspect in invigorating the flow of agricultural produce and industrial products. This has been proved by the experience of many localities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------China May Hold Future of Food TechnologyBy Dennis AverySenior fellow and Director, Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute Is it possible the First World will give China a virtual monopoly in agricultural biotechnology, destined to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century? Have the United States and Europe thrown away billions of dollars in agriculture-related biotech earnings and hundreds of thousands of clean, high-tech research and support jobs? The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars doing basic research in genetically modified crops and animals to make foods that are better-tasting, more nutritious and kinder to the environment. Will China now step in and charge the United States and Europe steep royalties for the right to grow the new organisms that result from this research? Those are all strong possibilities, in the wake of the environmental group Greenpeace's stunningly swift and successful campaign to ban genetically modified foods and crops. First World investors were afraid to be caught in another controversy like tobacco, or another set of baseless class-action lawsuits like the controversy over silicone breast implants. They've bailed out on agricultural biotechnology long before governments dared act. To duck the controversy, Monsanto's orphaned agricultural biotech unit will be dumped into a hostile stock market along with its multibillion-dollar laboratories and patents. Ditto for the big agricultural biotech units of Europe's Novartis and Zeneca. Look for layoffs from all three. And don't expect the laid-off scientists to land jobs at public research institutions. The publicly funded research labs will be even more gun-shy of agricultural biotechnology now than the private sector. The erstwhile scientists will have to lay aside their doctorates and start new careers. A lucky few may find jobs in human medical biotech, which the environmental movement has not attacked yet. This has nothing to do with risks to people or the environment. Despite media hype, no real dangers related to biotech foods have ever been documented. But Greenpeace seems to want a smaller, poorer human population, so they're willing to frighten the world back into the scientific Dark Ages. The one thing certain is genetic engineering in food production will not disappear. When the astronomer Galileo published his proofs in 1632 that the Earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church put him under house arrest. The church had declared the Earth the center of the universe. But people could never look at the sun in quite the same way again. They had new knowledge. The First World may be so comfortable it can afford to pass up biotech foods. But the Third World is still struggling to provide adequate diets for its growing population. For the developing world, the choices are stark. The can either use biotechnology to raise yields, grow more low-yield crops by clearing tropical forests or import food from the West. Given those choices, biotech foods look awfully attractive. Most Third World countries are too small or poor to advance agricultural biotechnology on their own. Countries like Brazil and Argentina could assemble the scientific resources but they're afraid of losing their export sales to nervous European and Japanese consumers. India might like to develop high-yielding biotech crops to ease its cropland shortage, but its own prickly activists are still arguing over hybrid seeds. They're likely to hamstring Indian biotech into the near foreseeable future. China is the one country in the world with the scientific power to carry biotechnology forward in agriculture, the urgent need for massive amounts of additional food and feed and no need to allow unfounded food scares to be published in its newspapers. China already has over 1 million farmers growing genetically modified cotton, corn and soybeans because of lower costs. Anyone who doubts China's ability to carry forward good science is ignoring the country's fabulous history and its recent ballistic missile tests. "Golden rice" by itself may be enough to secure genetically engineered foods' reputation among Chinese consumers. Asian women are at high risk of birth complications because of iron deficiency due to the phytate in the rice they eat. Golden rice counteracts the phytate and provides ample dietary iron. It also contains plenty of Vitamin A, also lacking in many rice-culture diets. The International Rice Research Institute is already breeding golden rice genes into popular rice varieties for the people of Asia and Africa. Is Greenpeace callous enough to try to frighten poor rice-culture consumers away from golden rice and back to childhood blindness? Using biotechnology, China should be able to produce highly attractive foods, such as healthier fats for cooking, allergy-free nuts, more tender steaks and, at last, a tasty off-season tomato. Every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body could be engineered into our foods, saving consumers billions of dollars in food supplements. When First World consumers find out about such goodies, China can export them or charge farmers in other countries a fee to grow them. The biotech crops will also feature sharply higher yields, especially on marginal farmlands where drought and acid soils currently limit production. Greenpeace should cheer this, since it will directly help save Asian tropical forests. First World farmers will lose a significant part of their export potential, of course, if Third World farmers can produce higher yields and more desirable specialty foods through biotechnology. At the moment, that seems to be the price they pay for farming in a rich, overfed country.
农业技术包括良种繁育、施用肥料、病虫害防治、栽培和养殖技术,我为大家整理的农业科技论文写作范文,希望你们喜欢。 农业科技论文写作范文篇一 我国发展农业科技的战略对策 摘要:改革开放以来,我国农业经过一个蓬勃发展的阶段,面对目前的国内外形势,急切需要新的突破。 关键词:农业科技;战略 一、发展农业科技的十项战略 (一)加大农业科技体制改革力度,建立符合社会主义市场经济规律的农业科技体制 这就是既要积极推进改革,又充分考虑农业科技地域性、周期性、公益性的特点。一是优化专业结构,使产前、产中、产后三个环节的科技力量配置科学合理,当前的重点是加强产前、产后的科技力量;二是优化布局,逐步改变农业科研机构按行政区划设置的格局,建立以生态类型区为基础的新型科研组织体系;三是扩大开放,更多的吸收国外有益的经验加强国际合作,吸引更多的高水平人才,引进资金和先进的设备、设施。 (二)切实加强农业科技推广和科技服务体系的建设 充分发挥市场经济作用,促进农业科技推广队伍多元化,推广形式的多样化,运行机制市场化。 (三)围绕推进农村经济产业化,抓好科技成果转化工作 针对农业产业化对技术的需求,筛选一批先进适用的农业技术,适当引进进行组装配套,在全国范围内大面积推广,并通过科技攻关计划、国家重大成果推广计划、星火计划,大力推进农村的科技进步,积极引导东部乡镇企业上水平、上规模、出效益。 (四)切实提高农业科技研究与开发能力 一是突出应用研究,努力解决严重制约农业持续发展的关键性、战略性技术难题;二是抓好基础研究与基础性工作,为农业科技发展奠定良好基础。特别要抓好基因工程、光合作用机理、杂交优势机理和生物固氮等方面的工作;三是要加速农业高新技术产业化。 (五)建立一个宏大、高质量的农业科技创新体系,大幅度地提高农民的科学文化素质 我国的人口多,主要农产品人均占有量还很低,农业发展对科技的需求大。这一国情决定了我国必须拥有一支宏大的、高素质的农业科技体系。 (六)加速农业科技体制改革,建立新型农业科技创新体系 新的农业科技创新体系应由研究开发、技术服务、科技管理和科技企业等部分组成。针对农业科技多头管理、重复和分散的现状,建立协调高效的农业科技管理体系;对农业科技机构进行分类重组,建立一批具有国际先进水平的农业科技机构。 (七)抓紧建立和完善农业信息体系 通过信息体系的完善,使科研单位更迅速方便地了解农业生产实践对科技的需要,使生产经营单位更容易地了解和得到农业技术信息,促进科研面向生产、促进科技成果的转化应用。 (八)抓紧建立农业标准体系 尽快制定包括国家标准、行业标准和地方标准在内的农业质量标准体系。 (九)建立农业科技示范基地,作为科研成果转化和农科教结合的突破口 从我国的国情出发,按照实现农业区域布局合理化的要求,在中央政府统一规划和指导下,依靠地方政府和社会力量,建立一批功能比较完善的农业科技示范基地。 (十)增加科教兴农的投入 要通过多种途径,增加各级政府、全社会对农业科技的投入,特别要增加各级财政科技投入,中央和地方每年都要在基建拨款中安排一定数量的专项资金用于重点科研基地和重大科技工程的建设。 二、突出科教改革 (一)战略重点和布局 在科技项目发展上,不断总结成就,寻找差距,有针对性、有重点地对重要农业适用技术和高新技术进行攻关。近期重点:农业科技工作,紧紧围绕农业新阶段对科技的需求,在原有增产类技术的基础上,特别强调有关发展优质、高产、高效农业,增加农民收入,保护生态环境,参与国际竞争等方面对技术的需求。中远期战略重点:1、充分利用生物的遗传潜力。培育高产、优质、抗逆性好的动植物新品种,重视资源与环境问题。2、保持和提高土壤肥力。3、保护和有效利用水资源。因地制宜地加强灌溉农业、节水农业、雨养农业和旱地农业的基础理论研究和关键的配套技术研究。4、关注食物安全、国人营养和健康。5、提高科学种植与养殖水平。提高农业生产各个环节的科学化、规范化、标准化,由粗放经营向集约经营转化,增加投入,加强农业基础设施建设,提高防御自然灾害能力,提高动植物综合生产力。6、改进农产品加工、储运技术,大力发展农产品保鲜、加工、储运、包装、销售和综合利用等技术,为农业产业化经营提供技术保证,尤其要重视发展饲料工业和食品工业。7、关注转基因动物和植物的研制和生产,使我国农业紧跟世界高科技先进水平。此外,工厂化农业、设施农业、生态农业和旅游农业等也都是农业高新技术产业化的发展方向。8、针对我国农业生产的管理水平的实际,利用信息社会即将到来的有利时机,把农业生产中的“软件”部分,特别是管理水平提升到应有的高度。 (二)在科技的使用上进行革命性变革,重视发挥科技的综合作用,借助综合国力,深层次地改变农业生产的重大机制问题 1、由传统的粮食开发机制转向大食物开发机制。由于我国食物资源的丰富多样和人口众多,通过科技的作用,使尚未被用作人类食物的资源成为人的食品以及创造出新的食品种类,其革命性变革的巨大作用将是不可估量的。 2、由传统的种植业二元结构机制转向三元结构机制。使“粮食作物――经济作物”的结构转为“粮食作物――饲料作物――经济作物”的结构。这是挖掘饲料潜力,增加我国优质饲料的重要途径。 3、由传统的耕地资源开发机制转向整个国土资源开发机制。我国广大的丘陵山区、草地、海陆水面和滩涂都可发展各具特点的农业产业,特别是通过高新技术的运用,可以开发出人类未曾有过的农业产业,前途不可限量。 4、由传统的农产品简单加工机制转向多次增值的现代化农产品制造业机制。使农产品在农村多层次地利用,形成巨型的现代化产业。 (作者单位:鸡西市园林管理处) 农业科技论文写作范文篇二 增加农业科技的有效供给 摘要:农业科技创新能力差是导致我国农业发展缓慢的关键因素。要增加农业科技的有效供给,就要大幅度增加财政对农业科技的支出,加大政策支持,构建多渠道投入体系,调动社会力量增加农业科技投入;提高研究生教育质量和农村教育质量;深化农业科技体制改革,加快调整农业科技结构,提供适销对路的农业科技产品。 关键词:农业科技投入; 农业科技人才;农业科研体制 作者简介:周志太(1956-),男,淮北煤炭师范学院经济与管理学院教授,硕士生导师。 中图分类号:F323.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3309(2008)12-0037-04 一、我国农业科技存在的问题 农业科技创新能力差是导致我国农业发展缓慢的关键因素。据资料显示,国家技术发明奖中已连续7年没有农业一等奖,国家科技进步一等奖中农业每年也只有1至2项。我国农业科技创新和储备能力在国内日趋不足,其原因如下: (一)农业科技投入严重不足 我国农业科技的政府财政投入不足。我国目前的农业投资强度不到0.5%,远远低于世界农业平均投资强度1.5%,而比起发达国家普遍达到的2%-4%,我国农业科技投资强度更显得微乎其微。 我国农业科技资金主要来自于政府财政支出,其它农业科技投入不足。一是企业和农户的农业科技投入不足;二是外资对农业科技的投入不足。 (二)农业科技创新人才不足 科技以人为本。但是,由于农业科研环境差、待遇低,使得农业科技人才流失严重。 目前,我国许多涉农高校的教学方式仍停留在传统模式上,以理论教学为主,缺乏创新教育,教学内容“过期”;缺乏与国外著名涉农高校的联系、交流与合作。 (三)农业科技资金的使用效率不高 这是由于我国农业科技创新体制不完善造成的,其中有4点表现较为严重: “重物轻人”,重成果而轻发现、培养、稳定和吸引优秀科技人才。农业科研机构缺乏以绩效考核为核心的测评机制,从而很难把握每个科技人员的真实水平,经常出现一些有能力、创新意识强的优秀科技人才被埋没的情况。 农业科研管理条块分割严重,各自为政,缺乏统一指挥,导致科研力量分散,科研项目重复,经费严重浪费,难以集中有限力量办大事。 农业科技成果转化率较低。究其原因:一是科研与实际相脱节,科研机构与推广部门、生产部门相脱离。我国许多农业科研人员的科研项目只停留在实验室,依靠理论进行研究,而与市场和实际缺乏联系,信息闭塞,常常造成科研项目脱离实际需要,使得科研成果使用价值有限。二是在科研项目申报过程中,往往由于一些人为因素而使得某些缺乏可行性的科研项目“过关”,这使一些科研成果成为“次品”。三是科技推广队伍不健全,农业科技推广队伍总体数量不足,质量不高,推广能力低。 此外,我国农民的科技需求不足,农民收入不高,农民的农业科技投资不足。我国农民整体文化素质较低,农村中“文盲”和“半文盲”的农民还不少,尤其是有文化的青年农民进城打工,老农民种地,而老农民中,文盲、半文盲比重大。因此,接受新知识、新事物的能力有限,这就影响了农业科技成果转化的速度。 二、大幅度增加农业科技投入 (一)提高对农业科技创新意义的认识 加快农业科技创新是应对激烈的国际竞争的需要。世界经济迅猛发展和经济全球化程度的日益加深,促使农业科技创新成为世界各国提高其综合国力的重要手段。在激烈的国际竞争中,美国、德国等发达国家,印度、巴西等发展中国家,近年来都制定长期农业科技发展战略,改革农业科技创新体制,加大对农业科技的投入力度。 加快农业科技创新是我国农业走可持续发展道路的重要保障。新农村建设的本质要求我国农业必须走可持续发展的道路。而当前,制约我国新农村建设可持续性的因素很多,如水土流失不断加剧、环境污染日益严重、生态破坏愈演愈烈等。只有靠农业科技的不断创新,才能从根本上解决我国农业发展基本问题,使农业发展与人口、资源、环境、社会、经济协调起来,走可持续发展之路。 加快农业科技创新是我国农村经济走产业化道路的重要依托。从传统农业到现代农业的重大飞跃,要求我国农业必须走以市场经济为中心的农业产业化道路。农业产业化道路要求我们尽快提高农业劳动生产率,转变农业增长方式,调整农业产业结构,这些都需要农业科技来提供强有力的保障和支撑。同时,随着农业产业化的加速发展,农产品的商品化、市场化使得竞争日益激烈。而农产品要想具有市场竞争力就必须提高质量,这只能依靠农业科技创新。 (二)加大政府财政对农业科技的支出 由于农业科技具有长期性、公共性和外部性,需要政府作为农业科技创新的投资主体,政府必须加大财政支出。 充分发挥政府在国民经济中的宏观调控作用,加大对落后产业――农业的财政支持。科技是第一生产力,必须大幅度增加财政对农业科技的支出。 大力调整农业投资结构。适当减少一些具有竞争性的农业财政投资项目,如农业综合开发方面的一些生产性投入,相应地加大对农业科技创新的投资力度。 尽快解决我国农业科技投资强度低的不利局面,不断提高农业科技投入占农业总产值的比重,争取到2015年把科技投资强度提高到1.5%的世界平均水平,到2020年把科技投资强度提高到2%的水平,以提高农业科研装备水平,提高农业科技人员的收入水平,进而提高农业科技对新农村建设和现代农业的支撑能力。 建立农业科技投入稳定增长机制,使农业科技投入的增长速度始终保持高于经常性财政收入的增长速度,并可以用相关的法律形式加以确定。 (三)构建多渠道科技投入体系 政府财政对农业科技的支出是我国农业科技创新资金的主要来源,但不是唯一的来源。我国农业科技创新所需资金多,单靠政府财政投入是远远不够的,必须寻求更多、更广的投资途径。要建立以政府投资为主,社会各界广泛参与的多渠道的科技投入体系。 通过财政补贴、税收优惠、信贷倾斜、政府奖励等政策,调动企业投身农业科技研究的积极性。从事农业科技研究开发的企业,可得到利率低、额度充足的银行贷款;农业科技研究成果丰硕的企业,可得到政府提供的补贴和奖励。从事农业科技研究开发的企业可凭借其科技成果,享受一定比例的税收减免待遇。凡是“效益优、力量强”和发展潜力较大的企业,可得到政府的相关扶持。 尽快建立起农业科技创新风险投资机制,吸引社会各界向市场前景广、经济效益好的农业科技领域进行投资,从而筹集农业科技资金。 重视引进外资和人才,加强农业科技研究机构与国外农业科研机构的合作与交流,通过对一些重大科技项目的共同研究与开发,解决科研资金和人才不足的问题。 鼓励农业科研机构以自己的科研成果通过股份制或利用信贷资金等形式和方式,兴办科技企业,促进科技成果产业化,走自我发展之路。 三、加强农业科技人才队伍建设 科技竞争实际是人才竞争。我国农业科技创新必须依靠一批高素质的科技人才来推动,这就需要加紧农业科技人才队伍建设。主要途径有: (一)加强农业高等教育 高等教育应尽快实现从学历教育到创新教育、素质教育的转变,实现从数量扩张向质量提高的转变。 提高农业科技研究生教育的质量,培养更多、更优秀的农业科技人才。通过互派学者、合作研究、举办双边研讨、联建实验室和举办国际学术会议等形式与其他国家的研究所、大学、公司等进行积极有效的国际合作与交流。 培养创新人才。(1)密切关注农业科技的最新走势,教学内容和教学方法也要“与时俱进”。通过农业专家、农业教授和学生的互动,把握农业科技发展的现状和发展方向,重点建设现代农业发展需要的知识内容、课程和学科。大量引进反映国内外农业科技发展的书籍报刊,建立有关知识的电子阅览室,给师生提供一个便捷的信息平台。(2)加强高校与农业科技创新企业之间的联系,走“产、学、研”相结合的道路。西北农大与企业以股份制形式于1994年4月成立的亚洲第一所葡萄酒学院是产、学、研结合的一个成功案例。学院通过建立稳固的校外产学研综合生产实训基地,让学生能够进行系统的实岗实练,查漏补缺,按缺补学,培养应用型科技人才。 (二)发展农村教育,提高农民的科技文化水平 农民是农业科技成果转化的需求者和终端主体,是农业科技产业链中重要的组成部分。提高农民科技文化素质,加快农民科技人才队伍建设,有利于农业科技成果的快速转化。 大幅度增加对农村教育的投入。针对农村教育严重落后的状况,应加大对农村教育的投入,逐步提高农村教师的待遇,从而逐渐提高农村教师质量,提高农村教育质量。 通过发展网络、电视广播讲座,创办农村科技知识学习培训基地,建立农村科技咨询服务站等形式,加大对农业科技知识的推广、普及力度,提高农民的科技文化水平。 按照“实际、实用、实效”的原则,紧密围绕当地特色产业,根据农业劳动者与非农业劳动者、外出劳动力与外来劳动力、普通从业者与经营管理者的不同需求,合理安排培训内容,以灵活多样的形式开展农民技术培训,根据培训内容和对象的需要,选择最有效的培训方式,将集中培训与单独指导、课堂传授与实地讲解、有偿培训与无偿培训结合起来。 重点选拔出一批有发展潜力的农民到大学深造,让他们发挥科技带头人的作用,从而实现“一小批”科技能人带动“一大批”农民的效果。 四、深化农业科技体制改革 增加农业科技的有效供给,不仅要增加农业科技的投入,还要加快科技体制改革,提高农业科技投入资金的效益。 (一)加快科技体制改革,充分调动科技人员积极性 以人为本,尊重人才。充分尊重和保护知识产权,严惩侵犯知识产权的行为。 农研管理体制创新。全国一盘棋,按照有利于资源优化配置、人才培养与使用、突出特色、发挥优势的原则,通过“并、转、建、撤”的整合、改革、改造和改建,解决国有科技力量分散、课题重复、农业科技资源浪费的问题,逐步建立以重点农研机构和涉农大学为主体、科技力量集中、机构精干、结构优化、布局合理、功能互补、竞争合作、与生产者联系紧密、社会各界参与、共同发展、效益优化的农业科技体系。 不断满足科技人员的课题经费要求,给科研人员创造一个良好的工作条件和环境,使他们能够一心一意、心情舒畅地搞科研。 建立公平竞争、奖惩分明的制度。对有突出贡献的科技人员给予高额奖励,调动科研人员的积极性。对效率低、考评不合格的科研人员给予惩处,如降低待遇、调离或解聘等。 鼓励农业科技人才走出去,到田间地头去创新、创业。这样,他们才能选准课题,抓住和解决突出问题,提高经济效益和社会效益。鼓励科技参股,鼓励以科技项目、科技专利为主建立农业科技型企业,让农业科学家先富起来。 (二)加快农业科技结构调整,提供适销对路的农业科技产品 以优质高产作物新品种选育及其产业化为重点,加快开发良种扩繁技术,建立完善良种检测标准和技术体系,推动区域化、标准化、规模化良种繁育体系建设,加快新品种推广应用,提供符合市场需要、丰富多样的高产、优质和高效的良种。 以农产品加工技术为重点,大力提高农业后续经济效益。把农产品加工业,特别是食品工业作为新时期农村经济的增长点,通过星火计划、 中小企业科技基金、国家重点新产品试制计划等工作,重点支持农产品加工技术与设备的研究与开发,通过综合利用,多层次转化增值,降低农业生产成本,从而提高农产品的市场竞争力。 以绿色、无公害农产品的开发与研究为重点,提高农产品与食品的安全性。 (三)加快农业科技成果转化速度 农业科技成果转化的过程是一个系统工程,必须依靠各部门及科研人员、推广人员之间的相互配合,共同努力来完成。 努力提高科研成果质量。加快培养农业优秀科技人才,引进先进农业科研设施,保证软件和硬件的配套,并使之有机结合,产生合力。 建立广泛有效的信息网络渠道,把握农业科技发展最新动态,了解对农业科技的最新需求。随“需”应变,使科研始终与市场需求紧密联系,“适销对路”。 加强项目的评审,保证项目评审公开、公平、公正,确保优先选拔成熟、可行性强、紧密联系现实的科研项目立项,保证科研成果的先进性、实用性和经济性。 加快农业科技推广队伍建设。依靠一批素质高、能力强的农业科技推广人才,加快农业科技成果的转化。保证农业科技推广队伍数量和质量的统一。由农业部牵头,科技部门、高校、研究单位配合,组织科技下乡、科技流动站、科技特派员,利用互联网实现农业科技与农村试验田的“互联”和无缝对接,推动农业科技成果更快更好的传播、转化。通过利益导向、科学准确考评考核,不断提高推广人员的专业知识水平和业务能力。通过财政支持、政策支持和科技创新,增加农民收入,提高农民对科技产品的购买力。 (责任编辑:吴之铭) 参考文献: [1] 黄天柱.我国农业科技推广体系创新研究[D].陕西:西北农林科技大学,2007. [2] 商五一.新时期农业科技投入战略研究[D].北京:中国农业科学院,2006. 看了“农业科技论文写作范文”的人还看: 1. 农业科技论文范文 2. 大学科技论文范文参考 3. 大学科技论文范文 4. 科技小论文范文 5. 大学科技小论文范文
Agriculture Technologies 900 Million Farmers in ChinaThe history of reform and opening up has witnessed three calls for the development of rural markets. 900 million farmers constitute the world's largest group of consumers and have created the biggest business opportunity in China.In the face of the dual competitive pressure posed to China by the hi-tech advantage of the developed countries and the price advantage resulted from the currency devaluation in surrounding countries, China has clearly indicated: From the long-term point of view, while actively exploring international markets, it is essential to actively develop the domestic market, particularly the rural market. This is a strategic choice in conformity with China's national conditions.The rural market is the most dynamic, practical pivotal point in expanding domestic demands and boosting economic growth. Inadequate effective demand has become the greatest hindrance to China's current economic development. In the series of macro-control measures to be adopted in the second half of this year, exploring the rural market is regarded as "a rope for capturing the tiger". Experts' estimation indicates: Every 100 billion yuan worth of final consumption realized in rural areas will generate 235.6 billion yuan worth of consumption demand for the entire national economy.It is also a brand-new starting-point in the readjustment of economic structure and the readjustment of product mix. Today, the buyer's market has penetrated to every corner of China's economy. Of the 900-odd important industrial products, the utilization rate of over half of the production capacity is less than 50 percent, structural readjustment is thus imminent.In the effort to successfully open up the rural market, industrial enterprises must produce commodities geared to rural demands; and commercial enterprises must skillfully build smooth and swift marketing channels.There are many difficulties confronting the effort to explore rural markets. Reasons for this are many. For example, some local governments have inadequate understanding of the importance and urgency of exploring rural markets, fear difficulty and lack confidence in accomplishing this task; quite a number of industrial and commercial enterprises still harbor the concept of "valuing cities while belittling the countryside", this is manifested in the fact that the product mix is incompatible with the rural market demand, the variety of commodities on sale is single and farmers find it inconvenient to buy.In fact, the rural market has enormous potential and there are many favorable conditions for developing the rural market. So long as industrial and commercial enterprises really attach importance to the rural market, carefully study farmers' demands, exert great efforts to do a good job in the work of exploring the rural market well, they can definitely achieve the anticipated results.Industrial enterprises stress production of commodities geared to market needs, while commercial enterprises emphasize smooth and fast marketing channels.Efforts should be made to develop new sales methods, such as chain-store, agency and distribution center and to establish various forms of sales networks wherein industry and commerce, commerce and commerce, town and country, state-owned commerce and individually-run and privately-run commerce join hands. Chinese business people will have ample scope for their abilities in rural markets.The key to success in exploring rural markets lies in increasing farmers' income. It is necessary to open up the rural consumer goods market to allow farmers to buy things; and it is also necessary to first open up the rural agricultural produce market, so that farmers' purses will be bulgingFarmers' income is stepping into the period of a new round of growth at reduced rate.Slow increase in farmers' income is the greatest factor thwarting efforts to explore rural markets. When farmers' purses are not so bulging, increase in actual consumption demand will be slow. To increase farmers' income is, in essence, to enhance the rural economy's adaptability to the socialist market economy. In the opinions of authoritative persons, it is essential to get hold of two links: one is "what to grow". Farmers have to grow farm crops easy to yield added value.To do so, it is necessary to readjust and optimize the agricultural structure, develop high-efficiency and high-value-added characteristic agriculture. Second is "how to sell the produce". To increase farmers' income, it is essential to solve the problem concerning ties between the farmer and the market, farmers should be enabled to smoothly enter the big, ever-changing market. This requires development of industrial management of agriculture, and cultivation of a wholesale market system, intermediary service system and information service system.Cultivating a wholesale trading market system by making use of the advantages of tradition, regional location, resources and industry is an important aspect in invigorating the flow of agricultural produce and industrial products. This has been proved by the experience of many localities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------China May Hold Future of Food TechnologyBy Dennis AverySenior fellow and Director, Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute Is it possible the First World will give China a virtual monopoly in agricultural biotechnology, destined to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century? Have the United States and Europe thrown away billions of dollars in agriculture-related biotech earnings and hundreds of thousands of clean, high-tech research and support jobs? The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars doing basic research in genetically modified crops and animals to make foods that are better-tasting, more nutritious and kinder to the environment. Will China now step in and charge the United States and Europe steep royalties for the right to grow the new organisms that result from this research? Those are all strong possibilities, in the wake of the environmental group Greenpeace's stunningly swift and successful campaign to ban genetically modified foods and crops. First World investors were afraid to be caught in another controversy like tobacco, or another set of baseless class-action lawsuits like the controversy over silicone breast implants. They've bailed out on agricultural biotechnology long before governments dared act. To duck the controversy, Monsanto's orphaned agricultural biotech unit will be dumped into a hostile stock market along with its multibillion-dollar laboratories and patents. Ditto for the big agricultural biotech units of Europe's Novartis and Zeneca. Look for layoffs from all three. And don't expect the laid-off scientists to land jobs at public research institutions. The publicly funded research labs will be even more gun-shy of agricultural biotechnology now than the private sector. The erstwhile scientists will have to lay aside their doctorates and start new careers. A lucky few may find jobs in human medical biotech, which the environmental movement has not attacked yet. This has nothing to do with risks to people or the environment. Despite media hype, no real dangers related to biotech foods have ever been documented. But Greenpeace seems to want a smaller, poorer human population, so they're willing to frighten the world back into the scientific Dark Ages. The one thing certain is genetic engineering in food production will not disappear. When the astronomer Galileo published his proofs in 1632 that the Earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church put him under house arrest. The church had declared the Earth the center of the universe. But people could never look at the sun in quite the same way again. They had new knowledge. The First World may be so comfortable it can afford to pass up biotech foods. But the Third World is still struggling to provide adequate diets for its growing population. For the developing world, the choices are stark. The can either use biotechnology to raise yields, grow more low-yield crops by clearing tropical forests or import food from the West. Given those choices, biotech foods look awfully attractive. Most Third World countries are too small or poor to advance agricultural biotechnology on their own. Countries like Brazil and Argentina could assemble the scientific resources but they're afraid of losing their export sales to nervous European and Japanese consumers. India might like to develop high-yielding biotech crops to ease its cropland shortage, but its own prickly activists are still arguing over hybrid seeds. They're likely to hamstring Indian biotech into the near foreseeable future. China is the one country in the world with the scientific power to carry biotechnology forward in agriculture, the urgent need for massive amounts of additional food and feed and no need to allow unfounded food scares to be published in its newspapers. China already has over 1 million farmers growing genetically modified cotton, corn and soybeans because of lower costs. Anyone who doubts China's ability to carry forward good science is ignoring the country's fabulous history and its recent ballistic missile tests. "Golden rice" by itself may be enough to secure genetically engineered foods' reputation among Chinese consumers. Asian women are at high risk of birth complications because of iron deficiency due to the phytate in the rice they eat. Golden rice counteracts the phytate and provides ample dietary iron. It also contains plenty of Vitamin A, also lacking in many rice-culture diets. The International Rice Research Institute is already breeding golden rice genes into popular rice varieties for the people of Asia and Africa. Is Greenpeace callous enough to try to frighten poor rice-culture consumers away from golden rice and back to childhood blindness? Using biotechnology, China should be able to produce highly attractive foods, such as healthier fats for cooking, allergy-free nuts, more tender steaks and, at last, a tasty off-season tomato. Every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body could be engineered into our foods, saving consumers billions of dollars in food supplements. When First World consumers find out about such goodies, China can export them or charge farmers in other countries a fee to grow them. The biotech crops will also feature sharply higher yields, especially on marginal farmlands where drought and acid soils currently limit production. Greenpeace should cheer this, since it will directly help save Asian tropical forests. First World farmers will lose a significant part of their export potential, of course, if Third World farmers can produce higher yields and more desirable specialty foods through biotechnology. At the moment, that seems to be the price they pay for farming in a rich, overfed country.
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树干为什么是圆的 在观察大自然的过程中我偶然发现,树干的形态都近似圆的——空圆锥状。树干为什么是圆锥状的?圆锥状树干有哪些好处?为了探索这些问题,我进行了更深入的观察、分析研究。 在辅导老师的帮助下,我查阅了有关资料,了解到植物的茎有支持植物体、运输水分和其他养分的作用。树木的茎主要由维管束构成。茎的支持作用主要由木质部木纤维承担,虽然木本植物的茎会逐年加粗,但是在一定时间范围内,茎的木纤维数量是一定的,也就是树木茎的横截面面积一定。接着,我们围绕树干横截面面积一定,假设树干横截面长成不同形状,设计试验,探索树干呈圆锥状的原因和优点。 经过实验,我们发现: (1)横截面积和长度一定时,三棱柱状物体纵向支持力最大,横向承受力最小;圆柱状物体纵向支持力不如三棱柱状物体,但横向承受力最大; (2)等质量不同形状的树干,矮个圆锥体形树干承受风力最大; (3)风是一种自然现象,影响着树木横截面的形状和树木生长的高矮。近似圆锥状的树干,重心低,加上庞大根系和大地连在一起,重心降得更低,稳度更大; (4)树干横截面呈圆形,可以减少损伤,具有更强的机械强度,能经受住风的袭击。同时,受风力的影响,树干各处的弯曲程度相似,不管风力来自哪个方向,树干承受的阻力大小相似,树干不易受到破坏。 以上的实验反映了自然规律、自然界给我们启示: (1)横截面呈三角形的柱状物体,具有最大纵向支持力,其形态可用于建筑方面,例如角钢等; (2)横截面是圆形的圆状物体,具有最大的横向承受力,类似形态的建筑材料随处可见,如电视塔、电线杆等。 在我的观察、试验和分析过程中,逐渐解释、揭示了树干呈圆锥状的奥秘,增长了知识,把学到的知识联系实际加以应用,既巩固了学到的知识,又提高了学习的兴趣,还初步学会了科学观察和分析方法