中风又叫脑卒中,是一种突然起病的脑血液循环障碍。ZhongFeng, also called stroke, is a sudden onset of cerebral blood circulation disorder.发病症状为突然昏倒,不省人事 ,伴有口眼歪斜,言语不利,半身不遂。The symptoms include sudden fainting, unconsciousness, skewed mouth and eyes, unfavorable speech, and hemiplegia.发病多由心情郁怒, 饮食不节,劳累过度,气 候变化,积损正衰所致。The disease is mostly caused by depression and anger, improper diet, overwork, climate change, accumulated loss and physical health asthenia.因本病发病速度快 ,病情进展迅速和大自然的风的特点很像, 喜欢动而不常静,所以前人以此类比,叫做中风。Because of the rapid onset of the disease, its rapid progress is very similar to the characteristics of the wind in the nature, which likes moving but is not always quiet, so our predecessors used this analogy to call it a stroke.近年来,中医在中风病的防护和治疗 ,预防护理调摄的观察总结以及给药途径和康复治疗等方面取得了长足进展。In recent years, Chinese medicine has made great progress in the prevention and treatment of stroke, its observation and summary of preventive care and adjustment, the route of administration and rehabilitation.
一.关于本专业毕业论文的选题 英语专业本科生毕业论文选题可以在三个大的方向中进行,即英语文学,语言学和翻译学。各个大方向中又可以选择小的方向,具体解释如下: 1.英语文学:选择英语文学的毕业论文选题可以从三个方向进行:国别文学研究、文学批评理论研究和比较文学研究。 在进行国别文学研究选题时,一般选取英国文学或美国文学中的某一经典作家(如海明威),某一经典作品(如《双城记》),某一写作手法(如象征手法的运用)或某一文学思潮(如浪漫主义运动)作深入研究。但在选择作家或作品时最好选择在文学史上作为经典的作家或作品。有个别流行作家或作品极富盛名,容易引起学生的兴趣,如《飘》或《荆棘鸟》,学生有强烈愿望选择它们作为研究对象。在不可避免上述情况时,应该尽可能地挖掘作品内在的深刻含义,不能流于肤浅的分析。 文学批评理论的选题一般不太适合英语专业本科生,因为该理论知识的学习在英语专业研究生阶段,本科生一般不具备文学批评理论的知识结构。这个方向的选题可以有关某一文学批评理论,一文学批评术语的阐释或某两种或以上的文学批评理论的比较。 比较文学研究就是将两个以上的作家或作品进行比较。这两个作品或作家可以是同一国别的(如“雪莱与拜伦的诗歌比较”),也可以是不同国别的(如《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》) 2.语言学:选择语言学的毕业论文选题可以在两个大的方向进行:普通语言学和应用语言学。 普通语言学的研究就是对于英语语言的任何一个方面的研究,如对一种词性、或一种时态、或拼写、语调等等方面的研究(如“一般现在时及其交际功能”)。 应用语言学包括教学法的研究和其它一些新兴的应用语言学分支的研究。师范专业或本身从事教师职业的学生选择教学法方向的较多。在这个方向选题,也要避免过大范围的选题,而应对一个具体问题进行研究,最重要的是要结合教学实践或实验。这个方向的好的选题有:“个性与英语教学”,“方言对英语学习的影响”等。 3.翻译学:翻译学的选题一般可以在两个方向上进行:翻译理论以及翻译活动。对翻译理论的研究就是探讨某一种翻译理论等等。相比之下,对翻译活动的研究更多一些,这些选题可以是对一种语言现象的翻译、或一种修辞格的翻译的研究(如“汉语成语的英译”)。应该注意的是,在对翻译活动作研究时,往往需要某种翻译理论支撑,总结规律,并对这一活动作出评价,要避免仅仅时例子的罗列。 二.英语专业毕业论文格式要求 学位论文包括前置、主体、附录等三个部分。 (一)前置 1.英文封面:由论文英文题目、解释、作者、指导老师姓名和职称、时间组成。 2.目录:由论文的中、英文摘要、篇、章、条、款以及参考书目、附录等序号、题名和页码组成,排在英文封面之后另页。 3.中、英文内容摘要:摘要是论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,宜以最简洁的语言介绍论文的概要、作者的突出论点、新见解或创造性成果以及实验方法、数据或结论,是一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用,中文摘要一般在200字左右 4关键词:关键词是用以表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语。为便于文献检索,学位论文应注明三至五个具有代表意义中、外文“关键词”,这些关键词就是论文的中心词,以显著的字符另起一行,分别排在中、外文摘要的左下方。各关键词之间用“分号”隔开。外文关键词应与中文关键词相对应。 (二)主体部分 主题部分包括引言(Introduction)、正文(Body)、结论(Conclusion)、参考文献(Bibliography)。主体部分必须由另页右页开始。 1.引言:主要说明研究工作的目的、涉及范围、相关领域的前人研究成果和知识空白、研究设想、研究方法等方面的概述、理论意义和实用价值等。 2.正文:论文的正文是核心部分,占主要篇幅。一般论文选题需要从几个方面来论述或论证。要求论据充分,论点明确。行文必须实事求是,客观真切,准确完备,合乎逻辑,层次分明,简练可读。正文部分要有分级标题,章、条、款、项的序号编码方法,采用阿拉伯数分级系列编号法,论文中的章、条、款、项依次排列,依次从1开始,连续编号,中间用“.”相隔,最末级编号之后不加点。示例: 1. 2.…… 2.1 2.2…… 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3.… 3.结论:学位论文的结论是最终的、总体的结论,它是对正文部分的论述的概述,也可以在结论或讨论中提出建议、研究设想、尚待解决的问题等。 4.参考文献:写作学位论文过程中,阅读或运用过某些文献所列出的书目清单,置于正文之后,另页开始。参考文献的著录按原文献语种为原则。 (1)文献目录应另页书写,外文文献排前,中文文献排后。外文文献书名须用斜体。 (2)文献目录一律按作者姓氏汉语拼音或外文字母顺序排列。 (3)每条文献必须顶格写,回行时空两字或五个英语字母。 (4)将各文献的类型代号(即文献英文名的首字母)注明在文献之后: 专著[M] 学位论文[D] 论文集〔C〕 报纸文章〔N〕 期刊文章〔J〕 报告[R] 专利 [P] 专著、论文集的析出文献[A] 其他未说明文件 〔Z〕 电子文献中光盘图书 [M/CD](MONOGRAPH ON CD) 网上期刊〔J/OL〕(serial online) 5.文内所引文献:要求附夹注,应在引文后加括号注明作者姓名(英文只注姓),出版年和引文页码。若为转引文献,则加quoted in 字样。 例:(王佐良,1982:38) (Newmark,8:26-33) 6.文献中列出的文献应该与正文中标注的文献一一对应。正文中没有出现的,不应出现在参考文献中。 (三)附录部分 附录包括所有与论文有关的补充材料,如图表或照片等。
摘要的结构, 一般分为三部分:
译者要特别注意专有名词的翻译, 如外国人名或已被公认的中国人名的拼写, 外国地名的拼写, 文章或书籍名称的翻译,专业术语的翻译等等。千万不要想当然地去翻译, 而应该通过咨询专业人士或查找资料找到这些词语正确的英文表述。英文摘要常常使用被动语态, 这样可以避免主观色彩太浓, 给人以强加的印象; 但是有时为了突出所表达的内容, 主动语态可以更加直接有力;时态通常使用一般现在时和一般过去时, 主语使用单数第三人称。
信息性摘要多用于科技杂志或科技期刊的文章, 综述论文的主要内容, 目的, 方法及主要结果与结论, 内容详尽, 文字简洁精确, 在有限的字数内向读者提供尽可能多的信息。信息性摘要的构成国际检索系统《EI》要求信息性摘要简洁明确。
1 摘要中只谈新信息
摘要中切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要, 也不可加进作者的主观见解、解释、评论。如论文摘要中有如下字句:“有关方面的研究有待于进一步展开”或“本文深入探讨了网络系统的情况, 对电网安全具有参考价值。”此类句子过于笼统, 加进了作者的主观见解。不符合摘要规定,避免摘要的首句简单的重复论文标题或将论文中的小标题加以罗列来代替摘要。
2 摘要语言力求简洁精确
摘要字数有限, 又要求完整性。因此, 文字一定要精练, 简明概括, 客观准确的反映论文信息, 无空泛、笼统、含混之词, 不追求华丽辞藻。 摘要不分段, 独立成文。摘要应用纯文叙述, 避免使用正文中的缩写句子, 图、表、化学结构式、表格或参考文献等。缩略语、略称、代号, 除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外, 在首次出现时必须加以说明。
怎么写SUMMARY摘要(summary)是一种对原始文献(或文章)的基本内容进行浓缩的语义连贯的短文.它以迅速掌握原文内容梗概为目的,不加主观评论和解释,但必须简明、确切地表述原文的重要内容.摘要写作(summary writing)是一种控制性的作文形式,它能使学生通过阅读原文,吸收原文的文章结构与语言方面的长处,写出内容一致、结构近似、语言简洁的短文.另外,对培养学生善于抓住文章重点的能力也有很大帮助,有利于他们在实际写作中避免面面俱到,事无巨细,一一罗列的不良倾向.这种写作既要准确理解原文,又要能综合概括;既能培养欣赏能力,又能训练书面表达能力.因此,用英文写摘要,对学习英语写作的学生来说,不失为一种切合实际的方法.下面谈谈怎么写好英文摘要.1)细读原文.首先要仔细阅读全篇作品,然后对作品进行整体分析,掌握原文总的意思和结构,明确全文的主题(the maintheme)和各段的段落大意(the main idea).2)弄清要求.搞清楚是写全文概要,还是写某一部分的概要,或者就某些问题写出要点.3)列出原文要点.分析原文的内容和结构,将内容分项扼要表述并注意在结构上的顺序.在此基础上选出与文章主题密切相关的部分.4)草拟写作提纲并写出初稿.将挑选出的要点作为框架草拟详细的提纲,以所列的提纲为依据写出摘要的初稿.在写作时要特别注意下面几点:(1)摘要应包括原文中的主要事实(main facts);略去不必要的细节(unnecessary details).(2)安排好篇幅的比例.摘要应同原文保持协调,即用较多的文字写重要内容,用较少的文字写次要内容.(3)注意段落的连贯和句子的衔接.要用适当的转折词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地写出一些互不相干的句子.(4)尽可能用自己的话来写,但不排斥用原文的某些词句.(5)计算词数,看是否符合规定的词数要求. 如何写一篇文章的摘要?– 下文是对《英语写作手册》相关章节的翻译摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述.它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题.写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文. 第一步:阅读 A.认真阅读给定的原文材料.如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍.阅读次数越多,你对原文的理解就越深刻. B.给摘要起一个标题.用那些能概括文章主题思想的单词、短语或短句子作为标题.也可以采用文中的主题句作为标题.主题句往往出现在文章的开头或结尾.一个好标题有助于确定文章的中心思想. C.现在,就该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了.对重要部分的主要观点进行概括. D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西. 第二步:动手写作 A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长.因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字.摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字. B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成.不要引用原文的句子. C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序.这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实. D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意. E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧: 1) 删除细节.只保留主要观点. 2) 选择一至两个例子.原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子. 3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子.如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可. 4) 避免重复.在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明.但是这在摘要中是不能使用的.应该删除那些突出强调的重述句. 5) 压缩长的句子.如下列两例: “His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.” “He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.” 可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.” 6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句.请看下面的例子: “Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past. Today, better wages, holidays with pay, new hotels on these mountains, and better train and bus services, have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.” 可以概括为:”Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, once visited by only a few people, are today accessible to many, thanks to better wages, paid holidays, new hotels and better transportation services.” 7) 使用概括性的名词代替具体的词,比如: “She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winter vocation.” 可以概括为:”She brought home a lot of books to read during the vocation.” 8) 使用最短的连接词.比如,可以使用but, then, thus, yet, though,不能使用at the same time, in the first place, because of these, on the other hand等较长的连接词.通常,使用分号就能够达成使用连接词的效果. 9) 文章中的第一人称说的话通常在摘要中转换成第三人称,从而把大段的对白简化,比如: Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly: You use much too much salt on your food, Paul — it’s not good for you!” Paul put down his knife and frowned:”Why on earth not! If you didn’t have salt on your food it would taste awful… like eating cardboard or sand… just imagine bread without salt in it, or potatoes or pasta cooked without salt!” Kate was patient. She didn’t want to quarrel with Paul. She wanted to persuade him. She said firmly:”But too much salt is bad for you. It cause high blood pressure and latter on, heart-attacks. It also disguises the taste of food, the real tastes which are much more subtle than salt, and which we have lost the sensitivity to appreciate any more.” 可以用第三人称概括为: Kate suggested to Paul that he should eat less salt. She thought that eating too much salt would do hard to Paul’s health and that it could reduce the real tastes of food. But Paul disagreed. He said that food without salt would be tasteless. 第三步:修改成文 草稿拟好以后,对它进行修改.首先,与原文比较看是否把所有重要的观点都概括了,摘要中的观点是否与原文中的完全一致.其次,如果摘要中出现了不必要的词汇、短语或长句子,删除它们.第三,检查拼写、语法和标点符号的错误.最后,保持语言简单明了. 经过上述步骤和方法,一篇摘要就可以完成了.
In the knowledge economy era, knowledge becomes the most important factor of production; technology, patents, creative and other software products has become an important product form. Knowledge become the dominant consumer consumption; knowledge as factors of production and distribution. Possession of the degree of knowledge as the main basis for the allocation, with the knowledge, creative workers become the main employment; high-tech industry will become the pillar industry of the era of knowledge economy; innovation is the soul of the knowledge economy. Knowledge-based economy era is bound to have an enormous impact on international trade.The structure of international trade, the impact of commodity: In the knowledge economy era, the invisible trade will be the main content of international trade. Knowledge-based economy era, will make the world trade liberalization was accelerated. Integration of domestic and foreign markets, no longer be divided into domestic and foreign trade, market competition has become a global competition. The rapid development of regional blocs is a manifestation of the trend of trade liberalization.Key words knowledge-based economy; international trade; impact; countermeasures
Title:On the crime of polluting the environment Abstract: with the development of China's economy and the improvement of productivity, environmental pollution is becoming increasingly serious, the judicial practice of the crime of major environmental pollution accident before the difficult to play a role in the "criminal law amendment (eight)" after the introduction of the crime of major environmental pollution accident has made great changes, but there is still insufficient. How to make the crime of the new pollution environment better play a role in the judicial practice is one of the key issues of environmental governance at present.The first chapter is an overview of the crime of polluting the environment, mainly about the concept and characteristics of this crime; the second chapter is the key elements of the crime of polluting the environment of the paper, mainly from the object of the crime, the objective aspect and subjective aspect, the objective aspect of crime, crime analysis results and the type of crime, the subjective aspect of the imputation principle of the key discussion; the third chapter is the identification of environmental pollution crime, mainly discusses the definition of the crime of crime and non crime, illegal disposal, the difference between causation and other crimes, and then discusses the legal punishment of the crime; the fourth chapter is about the suggestions, mainly is to refine the charges and increase the types of penalties.Key words: criminal law; criminal law amendment eight; environmental pollution
The book sticks to the West江惠东Dam Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Graduation Project version. Because of conditions, as a reference book compiled from large amounts of data, data used in monitoring non-author). Report on the use of the general pattern of the EIA report, based on general, regional overview of engineering analysis environment, the status quo of environmental quality monitoring and evaluation, environmental impact prediction and evaluation of pollutant control measures, site selection analysis of a reasonable, clean production and the total control analysis, public participation, environmental impact of economic profit and loss analysis, environmental management and monitoring and analysis, conclusions and recommendations prepared by the order of the preparation 。Listed by the EIA is based on the use of, in principle, the evaluation factors, work such as grading and evaluation criteria, introduced hydraulic engineering related to natural, social and ecological overview of the project carried out a detailed analysis. The state of the environment through the project's monitoring and evaluation, found that apart from the part of river basin water environment over some indicators, the work environment in the vicinity of the targets to achieve the basic requirements of relevant standards; through the forecast engineering environment, although some factors do not meet standards However, some measures taken to meet the basic requirements - this book lists some of the pollutants prevention and control measures.According to do the work of the spirit of the EIA, the book also had total control of cleaner production and analysis, public participation in the work of the projects carried out environmental impact analysis of economic profit and loss. Finally, the EIA and gives a summary of recommendations and concluded: "This project meets the overall river basin planning, site selection and reasonable efficiency is obvious that environmental damage is limited. So from the point of view of environmental protection, water conservancy江惠东West branch Project construction is feasible. "是否可以解决您的问题?
Abstract: the financial crisis originated in the subprime mortgage crisis and the subprime mortgage crisis. It is to point to an occurrence in the United States, because of the subprime mortgage lenders bankruptcy, investment funds being closed down, the stock market caused by violent shake the financial storm. The global financial market liquidity shortage mainly crisis. The United States "the subprime crisis" is from the spring 2006 start gradually appear. Start in August 2007 swept across the United States, the European Union and Japan and other major world financial market. Because of the subprime crisis caused a series of bad loans, and make the commercial Banks and investment Banks and the system of fund assets face a write-downs, stock bonds and derivatives market prices, and because the fair value accounting and influence its shareholders and investors, produce a chain reaction, a financial crisis.Key words: the financial crisis; Fair value; Historical cost
Speech recognition is the task of converting speech into text.
This essay is to analyse how the era influences corporate cultures, and to give suggestions on the building of corporate cultures.
Our text achieved the possibility above.
英 ['æbstrækt] 美 ['æbstrækt]
adj. 抽象的;理论的;抽象派的
n. 摘要;抽象派艺术作品
v. 把…抽象出;提取;抽取;转移(注意力等);做…的摘要;<婉>偷
例句:The whole text of the abstract shall contain not more than 300 Chinese characters.
短语:abstract concept 抽象概念
英 ['kɒŋkriːt] 美 ['kɑːŋkriːt]
adj. 具体的;实质性的;混凝土的
n. 水泥;混凝土;具体物
v. 凝结;结合
例句:He had nothing concrete to fasten it upon.
短语:concrete object 实在的东西
Abstract: What this article focuses on is the method of calculation of the determinant. It Introduces several methods and gives some typical examples,at the same time, the article also illustrates the requirements necessary listed after each method. As a result, it makes it possible that we can choose the computing method as soon as we observe the determinant, which can simplify the calculation.
Margaret is a beautiful girl, a poor country, came to Paris after the noble son was eager to make her become a famous "socialite." Her dress will always carry a bunch of camellias, known as "La Traviata." By chance, she met Armand, Armand her sincere and considerate, so Margaret was deeply moved and accepted his love. They returned to the countryside to live a quiet life, however, because of the identity of the original Margaret turmoil again, the beautiful La Traviata with a better vision of love and happiness, left the earth.
你看一下吧、应该对的。玛格丽特是一个贫苦的乡下美丽姑娘,来到巴黎后遭到贵族公子争相追逐,使她成为有名的“交际花”。她随身的装扮总少不了一束茶花,人称“茶花女”。一个偶然的机会,她结识了阿芒,阿芒真诚地体贴她,令玛格丽特深受感动并接受了他的爱情。他们回到乡间居住,然而平静的生活却因玛格丽特原来的身份而再起波澜,美丽的茶花女带着对美好爱情与幸福的憧憬,离开了人间。Margaret is a poor country beautiful girl, came to Paris after being noble childe scramble to chase and make her famous "social butterfly". She dressed up with you always includes a bunch of camellia, called "la traviate." By chance, she met, o mans, considerate, she sincerely mans to Margaret deeply touched and accepted his love. Return to the country they live, however quiet life but by Margaret original identity and speech: it, beautiful perceive with the beautiful love and happiness, longing for the left the earth.