首页 > 学术发表知识库 > 毕业论文翻译英文文献吊车





第一个就是deepl Pro。这款翻译工具口碑非常不错,可能很多人已经用过这个了,这个也是我最近用的最频繁文献翻译工具了。它支持一键翻译整个文档,而且字体、图片格式都不会发生改变,并且没有那么种严重的“机翻”的味道,翻译的更加地道。你可以随便编辑翻译之后的文档。还有一点就是,它的数据很安全,当翻译完成之后,网站会立即删除所有文本文档记录,并且会对相应链接加密。







问题一:毕业论文外文翻译是什么意思?有什么要求? 外文翻译要求:(1)选定外文文献后先给指导老师看,得到老师的确认通过后方可翻译。(2)选择外文翻译时一定选择外国作者写的文章,可从学校中知网或者外文数据库下载。(3)外文翻译字数要求3000字以上,从外文互章起始处开始翻译,不允许从文章中间部分开始翻译,翻译必须结束于文章的一个大段落。 问题二:请问一下本科毕业论文里面的翻译是什么东东? 你好的! 那篇翻译是国外人写的论文之类的! 你仅仅需要找到一份相关的英文原文进行翻译即可! 找的原文不是类似的! 而是,只要相关就成! ==================论文写作方法=========================== 论文网上没有免费的,与其花人民币,还不如自己写,万一碰到人的,就不上算了。 写作论文的简单方法,首先大概确定自己的选题,然后在网上查找几份类似的文章,通读一遍,对这方面的内容有个大概的了解! 参照论文的格式,列出提纲,补充内容,实在不会,把这几份论文综合一下,从每篇论文上复制一部分,组成一篇新的文章! 然后把按自己的语叮把每一部分换下句式或词,经过换词不换意的办法处理后,网上就查不到了,祝你顺利完成论文! 问题三:毕业论文 译文 是什么意思 一般论文只需把摘要和题目翻译成英文即可,如果说译文的话,或许是要全文翻译的英文场照。你直接问下老师就好了 问题四:论文是什么意思 编辑本段简介 学术论文就是用来进行科学研究和描述科研成果的文章,简称为论文。它既是探讨问题进行科学研究的一种手段,又是描述科研成果进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等,总称为学术论文。 编辑本段论文格式 1、论文格式的论文题目:(下附署名)要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、论文格式的目录 目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录) 3、论文格式的内容提要: 是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。 4、论文格式的关键词或主题词 关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作计算机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。 主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题分析,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。(参见《汉语主题词表》和《世界汉语主题词表》)。 5、论文格式的论文正文: (1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。 〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容: a.提出问题-论点; b.分析问题-论据和论证; c.解决问题-论证方法与步骤; d.结论。 6、论文格式的参考文献 一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在研究和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。 中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期) 英文:作者--标题--出版物信息 所列参考文献的要求是: (1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。 (2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息 问题五:毕业论文说有雷同是什么意思 论文雷同是指有些段落和已经发表的重复,就是说你有些段落,是抄的,要改成自己的话,保持学术独创性。 第一步:初稿一般重复率会比较高(除非你是自己一字一句写的大神),可以采用万方、papertest去检测,然后逐句修改。这个系统是逐句检测的,也就是说你抄的任何一句话都会被检测出来。这种检测算法比较严格,从程序的角度分析这种算法比较简单。因而网上卖的都很便宜,我测的是3万字,感觉还是物美价廉的。(注意:1 这个库不包含你上一届研究生师兄的大论文,修改一定注意. 2 个人建议如果学校是用万方检测,就不要去检测维普之类的 先把论文电子版复制一份,保存一份。看检测结果,其中一份复制的备份论文,把检测出重复的部分能删了先删了,把不能删的,15字以内改一改,最好是加减字符,不要改顺序,改顺序没太大用,参考文献删掉一部分,不能删的话,先改下,英文文献可以15个字符换一个词。把修改过的上交,重新过系统检查。保存的原论文稍做改动上交纸质版。那个系统很麻烦的,很多没看过没应用过的文献都能给你加上,可见中国人抄袭的功夫,都是互相抄,但是为了保证论文的完整性和表述的准确性,不要随意改动,上交的纸质版,一定要斟酌,一般检查完就不会再过检测系统了,所以纸质版的不用担心。 第二步:经过修改后,重复率大幅下降了。这时你可以用知网查了,知网查重系统是逐段检测的,比较智能。检测后再做局部修改就基本上大功告成了,我最后在网上用知网查是4%,简单修改后,在学校查是1.5%。 注意:记住,最忌讳的是为了查重,把论文语句改得语句不通、毫无逻辑,这样是逃不过老师的,哈哈,大家加油! 关于知网相关抽查规定: 有规定的,可以进行第一次修改,修改之后通过就可以答辩,如果第二次不通过就算结业,在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。这个是在抄袭30%的基础上的。 如果抄袭50%以上的话,直接结业 在之后4个月内还要交论文或者设计的。1.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),包括与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例在30%至50%(含50%)之间的,需经本人修改。修改后经过再次检测合格后,方可参加学院答辩。再次检测后仍不合格的,按结业处理。须在3 个月后提交改写完成的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。2.被认定为抄袭的本科毕业设计(论文),且与他人已有论文、著作重复总字数比例超过50%的,直接按结业处理。须在4 个月后提交改写的毕业设计(论文),检测合格后再参加答辩。 知网系统计算标准详细说明: 1.看了一下这个系统的介绍,有个疑问,这套系统对于文字复制鉴别还是不错的,但对于其他方面的内容呢,比如数据,图表,能检出来吗?检不出来的话不还是没什么用吗? 学术不端的各种行为中,文字复制是最为普遍和严重的,目前本检测系统对文字复制的检测已经达到相当高的水平,对于图表、公式、数据的抄袭和篡改等行为的检测,目前正在研发当中,且取得了比较大的进展,欢迎各位继续关注本检测系统的进展并多提批评性及建设性意见和建议。 2.按照这个系统39%以下的都是显示黄色,那么是否意味着在可容忍的限度内呢?最近看到对上海大学某教师的国家社科基金课题被撤消的消息,原因是其发表的两篇论文有抄袭行为,分别占到25%和30%. 请明示超过多少算是警戒线? 百分比只是描述检测文献中重合文字所占的比例大小程度,并不是指该文献的抄袭严重程度。只能这么说,百分比越大,重合字数越多,存在抄袭的可能性越大。是否属于抄袭及抄袭的严重程度需由专家审查后决定。 3.如何防止学位论文学术不端行为检测......>> 问题六:毕业论文一二三稿指的是什么意思 实在抓不准的话,去找国涛期刊 通过撰写毕业论文,提高写作水平是干部队伍“四化”建设的需要。党中央要求,为了适应现代化建设的需要,领导班子成员应当逐步实现“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”。这个“四化”的要求,也包含了对干部写作能力和写作水平的要求。 提高大学生的写作水平是社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要。 问题七:毕业论文的abstrac是什么意思 abstract 摘要的意思。 论文要有中文摘要,也要有英文摘要(abstract) 问题八:毕业论文是什么意思?英文文献翻译,急需 毕业论文Graduation thesis 问题九:毕业论文中的外文翻译可以在什么网站找到?非常感谢! 学校的数据库,中国知网应该都有,根据专业也可以选择国外比较有名的数据库,推荐几个我用过的吧 ABI,ACM,ASTP,American Chemical Society ,Blackwell Science-Blackwell synergy EBSCO综合类,强烈推荐,Engineering Index 工科是离不开EI的,IEEE 电子类必备,HighWire Press,ISI学术权威 ,National Technical Information Service 个人比较喜欢的,推荐 问题十:毕业论文外文翻译是什么意思?有什么要求? 外文翻译要求:(1)选定外文文献后先给指导老师看,得到老师的确认通过后方可翻译。(2)选择外文翻译时一定选择外国作者写的文章,可从学校中知网或者外文数据库下载。(3)外文翻译字数要求3000字以上,从外文互章起始处开始翻译,不允许从文章中间部分开始翻译,翻译必须结束于文章的一个大段落。


01 DeepL


用DeepL 翻译文献时,一些学术性的单词和语句都能翻译得比较自然。就像文献中常见的代词,该翻译软件能够准确翻译对应前面所说的名词,所以它能更贴近原文的意思。

02 Google translate

Google translate是最常见的翻译软件之一。我推荐这款翻译软件主要原因是它能够快速翻译出使用者所需要的文章或语句,这能节省一些时间。它还提供各种同义词,只要点击某个单词,下面就会出现多个同义词,所以这比较方便使用者替换单词。

我也常用Google translate来翻译文献。但我发现用这款翻译软件翻译整篇文献时,翻译出来的意思会与原文有一些出入,尤其体现在某个句子中。可我将整篇文献分拆几个段落来翻译,可以看到翻译得更贴近原文的意思。因此,建议读者可以通过一个大段落来翻译以保障准确度。

03 Copy translator

Copy translator翻译软件相对来说可能比较少人用,该软件只能下载安装使用,不像其他翻译软件能在线使用。对于Copy translator,它的好用之处在于它可以自动识别学术文献,同时自动删掉一些无用的符号。还有,在该翻译软件翻译整个文献,它能够保持本身的排版,这就更加方便使用者。


桥式起重机是横架于车间、仓库和料场上空进行物料吊运的起重设备。由于它的两端坐落在高大的水泥柱或者金属支架上,形状似桥。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行,可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。它是使用范围最广、数量最多的一种起重机械。Bridge crane is horizontal plane in workshop, warehouse and yard over rigger materials of lifting equipment. Because of its ends located in tall cement posts or metal stents, shape like bridge. Bridge crane along the bridge on both sides laying in elevated the orbit of longitudinal operation, can make full use of the space below girder hoisting materials, does not suffer ground equipment obstacles. It is to use the widest range, the largest number of a kind of hoisting machinery. 桥式起重机是现代工业生产和起重运输中实现实现生产过程 机械化、自动化得重要工具和设备。 所以桥式起重机在室内外工矿企业、钢铁化工、铁路交通、港口码头以及物流周转等部门和场所均得到广泛的运用。Bridge crane is the modern industrial production and lifting transportation in realizing realize mechanization, automation production process to important tools and equipment. So bridge crane in interior industrial and mining enterprises, steel chemical industry, railway transportation, ports and logistics departments and establishments are widely used. 桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易梁桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机三种。 普通桥式起重机一般由起重小车、桥架运行机构、桥架金属结构组 成。起重小车又由起升机构、小车运行机构和小车架三部分组成。 起升机构包括电动机、制动器、减速器、卷筒和滑轮组。电动机通过减速器,带动卷筒转动,使钢丝绳绕上卷筒或从卷筒放下,以升降重物。小车架是支托和安装起升机构和小车运行机构等部件的机架,通常为焊接结构。 起重机运行机构的驱动方式可分为两大类:一类为集中驱动,即用一台电动机带动长传动轴驱动两边的主动车轮;另一类为分别驱动、即两边的主动车轮各用一台电动机驱动。中、小型桥式起重机较多采用制动器、减速器和电动机组合成一体的“三合一”驱动方式,大起重量的普通桥式起重机为便于安装和调整,驱动装置常采用万向联轴器。 起重机运行机构一般只用四个主动和从动车轮,如果起重量很大,常用增加车轮的办法来降低轮压。当车轮超过四个时,必须采用铰接均衡车架装置,使起重机的载荷均匀地分布在各车轮上。 桥架的金属结构由主梁和端梁组成,分为单主梁桥架和双梁桥架两类。单主梁桥架由单根主梁和位于跨度两边的端梁组成,双梁桥架由两根主梁和端梁组成。 主梁与端梁刚性连接,端梁两端装有车轮,用以支承桥架在高架上运行。主梁上焊有轨道,供起重小车运行。桥架主梁的结构类型较多比较典型的有箱形结构、四桁架结构和空腹桁架结构。 箱形结构又可分为正轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形双梁、偏轨箱形单主梁等几种。正轨箱形双梁是广泛采用的一种基本形式,主梁由上、下翼缘板和两侧的垂直腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在上翼缘板的中心线上,它的结构简单,制造方便,适于成批生产,但自重较大。 偏轨箱形双梁和偏轨箱形单主梁的截面都是由上、下翼缘板和不等厚的主副腹板组成,小车钢轨布置在主腹板上方,箱体内的短加劲板可以省去,其中偏轨箱形单主梁是由一根宽翼缘箱形主梁代替两根主梁,自重较小,但制造较复杂。 四桁架式结构由四片平面桁架组合成封闭型空间结构,在上水平桁架表面一般铺有走台板,自重轻,刚度大,但与其他结构相比,外形尺寸大,制造较复杂,疲劳强度较低,已较少生产。 空腹桁架结构类似偏轨箱形主梁,由四片钢板组成一封闭结构,除主腹板为实腹工字形梁外,其余三片钢板上按照设计要求切割成许多窗口,形成一个无斜杆的空腹桁架,在上、下水平桁架表面铺有走台板,起重机运行机构及电气设备装在桥架内部,自重较轻,整体刚度大,这在中国是较为广泛采用的一种型式。 普通桥式起重机主要采用电力驱动,一般是在司机室内操纵,也有远距离 桥式起重机控制的。起重量可达五百吨,跨度可达60米。 Bridge crane can be divided into ordinary bridge crane, simple girder crane and metallurgical special bridge crane 3 kinds. Ordinary bridge crane is general by lifting trolley and bridge operation organization, bridge metal structure group into. Lifting car again by lifting mechanism, trolley mechanism and the car frame of three parts. Lifting mechanism including motor, brakes, reducer, drum and pulleys. Driving speed reducer, electromotor through reel rotation of wire rope around the drum drum down, or from lifting weights with. Car frame is a torre and installation of hoisting mechanism and the car mechanism, etc. Parts of the frame, usually for welding structure. Crane operation organization drive mode can be divided into two kinds: one kind is concentrated drive, which is a motor driving long shaft drive on both sides of the active wheels, Another kind is respectively driven, namely on both sides of the active wheel each with a motor drives. Medium and small bridge crane is increasingly used brakes, reducer and electric generator synthetic one of three-in-one drive mode, a big weight of ordinary bridge crane for ease of installation and adjustment, device drivers often adopt universal shaft coupling. Crane operation organization generally in four active and driven wheels, if lifting weight is very big, commonly used to increase the wheel to reduce the pulley. When more than four wheels when, must use hinged equilibrium frame device to make the crane load evenly distributed in each wheel. Bridge of metal structure composed by main girder and girders, divided into the single girder frame and main double girder frame two kinds. Single main girder bridge girder and frame is located in single span on both sides of the girders composition, double girder frame girder by two root and girders composition. Girder and girders rigid connection, girders, supporting both ends with wheels in elevated bridge to run on. The main welding have orbit, for lifting car running. Bridge girder structure type more comparatively typical have box structure, four truss structure and open-web truss structure. Box structure can divide again on track box shuang liang, slant rail box shuang liang, slant rail box single girder to wait for a few kinds. Track box shuang liang is widespread adoption of a basic form the girder, consists of flange plate and bilateral vertical webs composition, car rail decorate in the center of the flange plate online, its simple structure, easy fabrication, suitable for mass production, but self-respect greatly. Partial rail box double beam and partial rail box single main section is by the upper and lower flange plate and the different thickness of the Lord vice webs composition, car rail decorate in the main webs, short circuits inside above stiffening plate can save, including partial rail box girder is composed of a single root box girder wide flange instead of two root girder, respect smaller, but manufacturing complex. Four truss structure featured by four plane truss by combined into closing in on the spatial structure, the level of general shop to have walked surface truss bedplate, light dead weight, stiffness big, but compared with other structure size, shape, manufacturing is relatively complex, fatigue strength low, has less production. Open-web truss structure similar to slant box girder by rail, four plates form a closed structure, in addition to the main webs for real abdomen i-section beam outside, the rest 3-piece plate according to the design demand cutting into many window, forming a without rods of open-web truss, in the upper and lower horizontal truss surface covered go bedplate, crane operation organization and electrical equipment installed in bridge internal, self-respect lighter, whole stiffness big in China is that more widespread adoption of a type. Ordinary bridge crane mainly adopts electric drive, it is to be in commonly driver indoor manipulation, also have long-distance bridge crane Control. Lifting weight can reach 500 tons, span of 60 meters. 简易梁桥式起重机又称梁式起重机,其结构组成与普通桥式起重机类似,起重量、跨度和工作速度均较小。桥架主梁是由工字钢或其他型钢和板钢组成的简单截面梁,用手拉葫芦或电动葫芦配上简易小车作为起重小车,小车一般在工字梁的下翼缘上运行。桥架可以沿高架上的轨道运行,也可沿悬吊在高架下面的轨道运行,这种起重机称为悬挂梁式起重机。 冶金专用桥式起重机在钢铁生产过程中可参与特定的工艺操作,其基本结构与普通桥式起重机相似,但在起重小车上还装有特殊的工作机构或装置。这种起重机的工作特点是使用频繁、条件恶劣,工作级别较高。主要有五种类型。payments and plate steel composed of simple beam, with the hand type hoists or electric hoist match on simple car as lifting car, the car is in commonly strander beam under operation on the flange. Bridge along on a high orbits, also can along the suspensory on elevated the following orbits, this kind of crane beam cranes called suspension. Metallurgy special bridge crane in steel production process can participate in particular process operation, its basic structure and ordinary bridge crane is similar, but in lifting cars also has a special working organs or device. This kind of crane characteristics of the work is used frequently, conditions and job level is higher. Basically has five types. 桥式起重机的安全检查为了保证桥式起重机的安全运行,在起重机运行期间需进行一些安全常规检查,检查项目及要点如下: (1) 起升高度限位器、行程限位开关及各联锁机构性能正 桥式起重机常,安全可靠。 (2) 各主要零部件符合安全要求:开口增大小于原尺寸的15%,扭转变形小于10%;板钩衬套磨损小于原尺寸的50%,板钩心轴磨损小于5%,无剥落、毛刺、焊补。吊钩挂架及滑轮无明显缺陷。钢丝绳表面钢丝磨损、腐蚀量小于钢丝直径的40%,断丝在一个捻距内小于总丝数的10%,无断头,无明显变细,无芯部脱出、死角扭拧、挤压变形、退火、烧损现象。钢丝绳端部连接及固定的卡子、压板、锲块连接完好,无松动,压板不少于2个,卡子数量不少于3个。卷筒无裂纹,连接、固定无松动;筒壁磨损小于原壁厚的20%;安全卷不少于2圈,卷筒与钢丝绳直径比例符合要求。平衡轮固定完好,钢丝绳应符合的要求。制动器无裂纹,无松动,无严重磨损,制动间隙两侧相等尺寸合适,有足够的制动力,制动带磨损小于原厚度的50%。 通过对桥式起重机的安全常规检查,对杜绝人身事故,减少设备事故,提高设备运转率,降低检修费用等均起到了显著作用。Bridge crane safety check to ensure the safe operation of the bridge cranes, in crane operation period to some general safety inspections and inspection items and points as follows: (1) the hoisting height peneumatied device, travel limit switches and all the interlock device performance is bridge crane Often, safe and reliable. (2) the main parts meet safety requirements: less than the original size increase openings less than 10%, 15% torsional deformation, Board hook bushing wear less than the original size, 50% of the board hook mandrels wear less than 5%, no spalling, burr, weld repairs. Hook rack and pulley without obvious flaw. Wire rope surface wire wear and corrosion is less than 40% of wire diameter, broken wires in a twined within less than the total silk from the number of 10%, no bufo, without obvious attenuate, without mandrel department of emergence, blind Angle twisting, extrusion, annealing, burning phenomenon. At the end of the wire rope connection and fixed clip next, clips, -200 block connect intact, without loosing, linking piece not less than 2, clip next amount not less than 3. S no crack, links, fixed without shake, A hollow wear less than 20% of the original wall thickness, Safety coil not less than 2 laps, drum and wire rope diameter ratio meets the requirement. Balance wheel fixed intact, the wire rope should comply with the requirements. Brake flawless, without loose, no serious wear and brake clearance sides equal size, have enough braking force, brake with less than 50% of the original thickness wear. Through the bridge crane safety routine inspection, to prevent accidents and reduce equipment accidents and improve equipment availability, reducing maintenance cost etc are plays a remarkable role.


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Commencement Design, Thesis Prepared for Commencement and Intership Report

人们常常混用钗车和铲车,但是英文又分得非常详细。在没有看到照片的情况下,不容易断定究竟你指的是哪一类。如果一定要作出区分,我的理解如下:叉车因该翻译成大家所建议的forklift或者fork truck。其特点是前面的插件是两个或三个爪子的叉子,可以水平地插入货箱的底部,然后提升,接着搬运到另一个地方,主要用在仓库里的货物搬运。钗车的照片:铲车的前面是一个货斗,把土货沙石产起来,运送到另一个地方。英文是shovel loader,好像还有front end loader。铲车的照片:而Shovel Truck是这个样子的:下面这个网站介绍了把叉车叉子插件换成货斗,使用了shovel loader这个词。我认为这就是你所说的“铲车”(shovel loader), 我想英文还有front end loader也属于此类车辆:

. Paper clip2 holding clamp/soft holding clamp(3) lateral4 flat clamps



毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.


He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.


Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


Your thesis wouldn't get across if you used too many technical terms in it.


He is writing his doctoral thesis in electrical engineering.




The numerical control technology is the collection computer technology, the automatic control technology, the test technology and the machine manufacture technology is a body comprehensive high technology and new technology, it the function, the reliability, the efficiency, the quality and the automaticity which equips the machinery and so on enhance to a new level. The numerical control engine bed breakdown diagnosis and the maintenance in the content, the method and the method has the very big difference with the traditional engine bed, has the numerical control engine bed breakdown diagnosis technology is the correct use numerical control engine bed foundation. The numerical control breakdown diagnosis is in the numerical control engine bed use the important constituent, also is at present restricts one of numerical control engine bed display function primary factors. Therefore, this article take the system narration numerical control engine bed structure and the principle as a foundation, expounded the numerical control technology elementary knowledge and the elementary theory are key points, take the prominent numerical control engine bed and the system breakdown diagnosis and the examination service as the key, tries hard founds the collection numerical control engine bed the elementary knowledge, the numerical control system the breakdown diagnosis theory and the numerical control engine bed and the system examination service is a body numerical control engine bed breakdown diagnosis technology new system. Key word: Numerical control technology breakdown diagnosis engine bed structure new system这是用一个比较权威的软件翻译的

金桥翻译The numerical control technology is the collection computertechnology, the automatic control technology, the test technology andthe machine manufacture technology is a body comprehensive high-tech,it the function, the reliability, the efficiency, the quality and theautomaticity which equips the machinery and so on enhance to a newlevel. The numerical control engine bed breakdown diagnosis and themaintenance in the content, the method and the method has the very bigdifference with the traditional engine bed, has the numerical controlengine bed breakdown diagnosis technology is the correct use numericalcontrol engine bed foundation. The numerical control breakdowndiagnosis is in the numerical control engine bed use the importantconstituent, also is at present restricts one of numerical controlengine bed display function primary factors. Therefore, this articletake the system narration numerical control engine bed structure andthe principle as a foundation, expounded the numerical controltechnology elementary knowledge and the elementary theory are a keypoint, take the prominent numerical control engine bed and its thesystem breakdown diagnosis and the examination service as the key,tries hard founds the collection numerical control engine bed theelementary knowledge, the numerical control system the breakdowndiagnosis theory and the numerical control engine bed and its thesystem examination service is a body numerical control engine bedbreakdown diagnosis technology new system.GOOGLE翻译NC technology combines computer technology, automatic control technology.testing technology and machinery manufacturing technologies into an integrated high-tech, machinery and equipment will function, reliability, efficiency.quality and the degree of automation to a new level.CNC machine tool in fault diagnosis and maintenance, machine tools and traditional methods are vastly different.CNC machine tools with the proper use of CNC machine fault diagnosis technology is the foundation.NC fault diagnosis is an important component of the use of CNC machine tool.CNC machine tools also restrain one of the major factors that play a role.Therefore, the system described in this paper, CNC machine tools and principles as the foundation,NC technology to clarify the basic knowledge and focus on basic theory,CNC machine tools to highlight and fault diagnosis and detection systems for critical repairs.trying to create a set of CNC machine tools and basic knowledge.CNC system theory and fault diagnosis system testing and maintenance of CNC Machine CNC machine fault diagnosis technology for the integrated new system.YAHOO翻译The numerical control technology is the collection computertechnology, the automatic control technology, the test technology andthe machine manufacture technology is a body comprehensive high-tech,it the function, the reliability, the efficiency, the quality and theautomaticity which equips the machinery and so on enhance to a newlevel. The numerical control engine bed breakdown diagnosis and themaintenance in the content, the method and the method has the very bigdifference with the traditional engine bed, has the numerical controlengine bed breakdown diagnosis technology is the correct use numericalcontrol engine bed foundation. The numerical control breakdowndiagnosis is in the numerical control engine bed use the importantconstituent, also is at present restricts one of numerical controlengine bed display function primary factors. Therefore, this articletake the system narration numerical control engine bed structure andthe principle as a foundation, expounded the numerical controltechnology elementary knowledge and the elementary theory are a keypoint, take the prominent numerical control engine bed and its thesystem breakdown diagnosis and the examination service as the key,tries hard founds the collection numerical control engine bed theelementary knowledge, the numerical control system the breakdowndiagnosis theory and the numerical control engine bed and its thesystem examination service is a body numerical control engine bedbreakdown diagnosis technology new system. 在百度上可以搜索翻译网站

CNC lathe by function can be further divided into economic type CNC lathes, CNC lathes and turning ordinary machining center (1) Economical CNC Lathe: The stepper motor and the microcontroller on the turning lathe to the system transformed into a simple form CNC lathe. Lower cost, automation and functionality than the poor, turning precision is not high, suitable for less demanding rotational parts turning. Economical CNC Lathe (2) General CNC lathes: turning requirements according to the structure of a specially designed, equipped with universal CNC lathe formed. CNC strong functions, automation and processing accuracy is relatively high, for general turning for rotational parts. This lathe can control two axes, namely x-axis and z axis. General CNC lathe (3) Turning Center: CNC lathes in general, based on an increase of C-axis and the power head, also with a more advanced machine tool library, can control the X, Z and C 3 axis, linkage control axis can be (X, Z), (X, C) or (Z, C). The addition of the C-axis and milling power head, CNC lathe processing function of this greatly enhanced, in addition to a general turning, but also can be radial and axial milling, surface milling, turning parts center line is not in the center hole and the diameter to the hole drilling and other processing. 2. Hydraulic chuck, hydraulic tailstock hydraulic chuck is CNC Turning when the workpiece important accessories, the average rotational parts can be used a hydraulic chuck; of the components were not gripping parts of cylindrical parts, you need to with special chuck; with bar must be used to direct processing of parts spring chuck. Size of the axial and radial size of the ratio of the larger parts, we need a rack installed in the hydraulic end of the living to support the top end of the parts in order to ensure the correct parts for processing. Tailstock has a hydraulic and programmable hydraulic tailstock Tailstock. 3. CNC turret lathe turret lathe can be equipped with two types: (1) special turret lathe manufacturers themselves by the development of the tool holder is used exclusively. This knife has the advantage of lower manufacturing costs, but the lack of versatility. (2) General turret according to certain universal standards (such as VDI, the German Engineers) and the production of the tool holder, CNC lathe CNC lathe according to manufacturer's 数控车床主要用来对旋转体零件进行车削、镗削、钻削、铰削、攻丝等工序的加工。一般能自动完成内外圆柱面、圆锥面、球面、圆柱螺纹、槽及端面等工序的切削加工。现代数控车床都具有X、Z两轴的联动功能、刀具位置和刀尖圆弧半径的补偿功能、以及加工固定循环功能。数控车床的结构1.数控车床简介数控车床的组成:数控系统、床身、主轴、进给系统、回转刀架、操作面板和辅助系统等。数控车床分为立式数控车床和卧式数控车床两种类型。立式数控车床用于回转直径较大的盘类零件车削加工。卧式数控车床用于轴向尺寸较长或小型盘类零件的车削加工。卧式数控车床按功能可进一步分为经济型数控车床、普通数控车床和车削加工中心(1)经济型数控车床:采用步进电动机和单片机对普通车床的车削进给系统进行改造后形成的简易型数控车床。成本较低,自动化程度和功能都比较差,车削加工精度也不高,适用于要求不高的回转类零件的车削加工。经济型数控车床(2)普通数控车床:根据车削加工要求在结构上进行专门设计,配备通用数控系统而形成的数控车床。数控系统功能强,自动化程度和加工精度也比较高,适用于一般回转类零件的车削加工。这种数控车床可同时控制两个坐标轴,即x轴和z轴。普通数控车床(3)车削加工中心:在普通数控车床的基础上,增加了C轴和动力头,更高级的机床还带有刀库,可控制X、Z和C三个坐标轴,联动控制轴可以是(X、Z)、(X、C)或(Z、C)。由于增加了C轴和铣削动力头,这种数控车床的加工功能大大增强,除可以进行一般车削外,还可以进行径向和轴向铣削、曲面铣削、中心线不在零件回转中心的孔和径向孔的钻削等加工。2.液压卡盘和液压尾架液压卡盘是数控车削加工时夹紧工件的重要附件,对一般回转类零件可采用普通液压卡盘;对零件被夹持部位不是圆柱形的零件,则需要采用专用卡盘;用棒料直接加工零件时需要采用弹簧卡盘。对轴向尺寸和径向尺寸的比值较大的零件,需要采用安装在液压尾架上的活顶尖对零件尾端进行支撑,才能保证对零件进行正确的加工。尾架有普通液压尾架和可编程液压尾架。3.数控车床的刀架数控车床可以配备两种刀架:(1)专用刀架 由车床生产厂商自己开发,所使用的刀柄也是专用的。这种刀架的优点是制造成本低,但缺乏通用性。(2)通用刀架 根据一定的通用标准(如VDI,德国工程师协会)而生产的刀架,数控车床生产厂商可以根据数控车床的功能要求进行选择配置。通用刀架4.铣削动力头数控车床刀架上安装铣削动力头后可以大大扩展数控车床的加工能力。如:利用铣削动力头进行轴向钻孔和铣削轴向槽。5.数控车床的刀具在数控车床或车削加工中心上车削零件时,应根据车床的刀架结构和可以安装刀具的数量,合理、科学地安排刀具在刀架上的位置,并注意避免刀具在静止和工作时,刀具与机床、刀具与工件以及刀具相互之间的干涉现象。数控车床上常用的刀具。

Abstract China's output of CNC machine tools continued rapid growth in the processing precision CNC machine tools, automation, productivity, labour intensity, and so on all aspects of general machine tools incomparable advantages, but the purchase of new CNC machine tools in particular the large cost of CNC machine tools Very high, often many users looking to deter and, in particular developing countries such as China's limited funds. Over the past few years upgrading of CNC machine experience tells us that the old machine on the implementation of NC transformation, not only for good performance, shorter cycle, and can save large amounts of funds. Was the transformation of the greater machine, the savings of more funds. This article discusses the transformation of ordinary lathe, and the steps needed to transform the main components. Focused on the machine CA6140 the transformation of the main drive system. In a nutshell, we implemented the old NC machine tool of transformation, our country's socialist construction will have a certain role in the promotion. Key words: CNC machine tools, NC transformation, spindle components


CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system of Abstract Now, CAN, high-performance and reliability has been recognized and was widely used in industrial automation, marine, medical equipment, industrial equipment, and so on. Field Bus is the development of automation technology One of the focuses of the area known as automated computer LAN. It is a distributed control system to achieve real-time between the nodes, reliable data communications providing strong technical support. CAN bus belonging to the scene of the areas, it is an effective support for real-time control of distributed control or serial communication network. Compared with many of the current RS-485 based on the R line Construction of the Distributed Control System, based on the CAN bus distributed control system has obvious advantages. In this paper, occupies a lot of relevant information based on the comprehensive use of various methods of the CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system in the application of theory and an analysis of development issues, and some of the problems raised his own views. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part of the main topics on the background and content of the subjects studied in the context of topics to write on the CAN bus status and significance in the research described in the content of the object of measurement requirements and complete the task of this paper. The second part, write data acquisition module design, from the SJA1000 CAN-based communications port design, acquisition, the electric car design; electric car design capacity of the collection node consists of three parts. The third part, mainly to write the electric vehicle monitoring network design, the first Fieldbus awakened comparison and choice, selected after the introduction of the CAN bus, the last of the SJA1000 CAN bus controller is introduced. The fourth part is really on the reliability of the system design for discussion, data from the calibration, the anti-jamming software and hardware design of the anti-jamming design in three areas to address the reliability of the system problems. Key words :Fieldbus; CAN bus; SJA1000; nodes;

查到10篇关于电动车的文献。我想能适合楼主的可能有个一篇两篇吧。如果楼主感兴趣,可以发邮件到,我发给你全文。[1]O'Keefe, M., K. Bennion, and N.R.E. Laboratory, Comparison of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power Electronics Cooling Options. 2008: National Renewable Energy Laboratory.[2]Shabashevich, A., et al., Consumer Ready Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Team-Fate, University of California, Davis. http://www. teamfate. net/technical/UCDavis_Spring2007_TechReport. pdf, 2007.[3]Rousseau, A., S. Pagerit, and D. Gao. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Control Strategy Parameter Optimization. 2007.[4]Syed, F., et al., Derivation and Experimental Validation of a Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 2006. 55(6): p. 1731.[5]Moreno, J., M. Ortúzar, and J. Dixon, Energy-Management System for a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Using Ultracapacitors and Neural Networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2006. 53(2).[6]Miller, J., Hybrid Electric Vehicle Propulsion System Architectures of the e-CVT Type. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2006. 21(3): p. 756-767.[7]Markel, T. and A. Simpson. Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System Design. 2006.[8]Wang, C., O. Stielau, and G. Covic, Design considerations for a contactless electric vehicle battery charger. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 2005. 52(5): p. 1308-1314.[9]Musardo, C., et al. A-ECMS: An Adaptive Algorithm for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Management. 2005: IEEE; 1998.[10]Faiz, J., et al., Sensorless direct torque control of induction motors used in electric vehicle. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on, 2003. 18(1): p. 1-10.


Computer aided design of an axial-field PM brushless DC motor for an electric vehicle, Concept of the “KAZ”, the Start of a New Generation in Car Design, Conceptual Design of Hybrid Electric Vehicle for Urban Use in China, Consumer Education - An Essential Element in the Acceptance of the Electric Vehicle, Control and Management Strategies for the Delphi High Power Lithium Battery, Control of a Continuously Operated Pole-Changing Induction Machine, Control of compact hybrid drive consisting of PM motor and planetary transmission CVT,Control of independent rear wheel drives for electric and hybrid vehicles using one neuro-fuzzy controller, Controller-induced parasitic torque ripples in a PM synchronous motor, Coordination of Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles, Coupled Electrochemical and Thermal Analysis of Electric-Vehicle Battery Modules, Current Activities of Standardisation in Japan, Current Status Report on U.S. Department of Energy Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage R&D Programs, Current-mode control for sensorless BDCM drive with intelligent commutation tuning, DaimlerChrysler EPIC Minivan Powered by Lithium-Ion Batteries, Design and analysis of a new multiphase polygonal-winding permanent-magnet brushless DC machine, Design and development of the 2001 Michigan Tech FutureTruck, a power-split hybrid electric vehicle, Design and development of the 2002 Comell University hybrid electric vehicle, Design and development of the 2002 Michigan Tech FutureTruck, a parallel hybrid electric vehicle, Design and development of the 2002 Penn State University parallel hybrid electric explorer, the Wattmuncher。翻译计算机辅助设计轴向场永磁无刷直流电动机的电动车,概念的“哈萨克斯坦” ,开始了新一代车设计,概念设计的混合动力电动车在城市中使用,消费者教育-一个基本要素接受电动车,控制和管理战略,德尔福高功率锂电池,控制不断操作变极异步电机,紧凑的控制组成的混合动力驱动永磁电机和行星传动无级变速器,控制独立后轮驱动的电动和混合动力车使用一个神经模糊控制器,控制器诱导寄生转矩脉动的永磁同步电机,协调收费站的电动车,加上电化学与热分析的电动汽车电池模块,当前的活动标准化在日本,目前状况的报告对美国能源部电力和混合动力电动汽车储能研发项目,电流模式控制传感器无刷直流电动机驱动器与智能折算调整,戴姆勒克莱斯勒史诗休旅本站由锂离子电池,设计与分析新的多相多边形绕组永磁无刷直流电机,设计和发展的2001年密歇根理工FutureTruck ,权力分割混合动力电动汽车,设计和发展的2002年康奈尔大学的混合动力电动汽车,设计和开发的技术在2002年密歇根州FutureTruck ,一个平行式混合动力电动汽车,设计和发展的2002年宾夕法尼亚州立大学并联式混合动力电动Explorer时, Wattmuncher

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